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Disgusting but need advice

103 replies

LesleyA · 12/04/2021 21:18

Sorry this isn’t even an interesting disgusting. Bought a house all very neat, clean and in excellent condition. Except the toilets. They look like no 2s have stained the bottom of the loo. Cleaning with loo cleaner and a loo brush does help despite me wanting to get sick but not much and it just gets dirty again. Enamel must have come off and now it sticks and stains. Any advice?

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gamerchick · 12/04/2021 22:21

It's limescale. Use the brush to push as much as the water under the Ubend as you can and then use a heavy duty remover. Leave it on over night, scrub in the morning. Rinse and repeat.

Denture tablets are good also as a paste.

DogInATent · 12/04/2021 22:22

Limescale and iron-rich water (gives the rusty-shit colour). It's also very matt finish, which makes it look like the enamel is damaged.

Anything acidic will dissolve the limescale, and faster when the water is hotter. Big pan of very hot water into the pan, then lots of the cheap concentrated vinegar from Amazon that comes in the 5l plastic cans. Leave overnight, repeat in the morning. You should see the acid get to work and cause the limescale to fizz within a few minutes.

You can't scrub off heavy limescale easily - you'll likely damage the pan, acid plus time is the best way.

Before the vinegar treatment, be sure to flush a couple of times to remove residual toilet cleaner. Otherwise you'll be back in a couple of weeks telling us about your recovery from chemical burns to your lungs. There's already been at least one very suspect suggestion of mixing cleaning products (mixing bleach with limescale remover or bleach with toilet cleaner can create a gas with the potential to kill you).

mrwalkensir · 12/04/2021 22:26

when we got a proper water softener, we suddenly got brown water stains above the water on the loo if you see what I mean. They are permanent. So probably enamel damage. Suspect nothing apart from a new loo will do anything

AnniesAmazingEyebrows · 12/04/2021 22:28

The Team TOMM Facebook page has people using 2ps to clean limescale. Not something I've tried myself but if the photos are real it's worth a try.

Isawthathaggis · 12/04/2021 22:29

Where do you live OP?

All the advice on limescale is brilliant, but if you live in a peaty area, not much use.

If it’s peat water you have Best Buy a new toilet.
On the bright side you’ll never have to by fabric conditioner so that will off-set it a bit. Grin

Isawthathaggis · 12/04/2021 22:31

*buy ffs

Ohdoleavemealone · 12/04/2021 22:32

We get this with our toilets. You need to empty some of the water out the toilet and add ALOT of white vinegar. Leave it for 36 hours (we have more than 1 loo, if you don't it will have to be overnight and do frequently). The limescale should then flake off and the brown stuff disappear.

Gobbeldegook · 12/04/2021 22:44

White vinegar and baking soda

CallMeCleo · 12/04/2021 22:49

Buy a new toilet. They are not expensive.

macaronip1e · 12/04/2021 22:49

Citric acid. Throw a box of it down the loo, leave overnight and flush! I tried harpic on our old, stained toilet and it did nothing. Acid did the job though.

ConstantlyChanging · 12/04/2021 22:50

Second the garlic. Also recommend a little fried onion.

OppsUpsSide · 12/04/2021 22:52

Pumice stone and elbow grease

OppsUpsSide · 12/04/2021 22:52

Garlic and fried onion 🤣 add a bit of mince, splash of red wine...

lpchill · 12/04/2021 22:53

Nothing worked for me apart from a Pumice stone!

OldEnoughToBeYourMum · 12/04/2021 22:53

Whole bottle of cheap full fat coke overnight. No scrubbing

We did this when a friend moved into their flat with the same in 3 toilets and it works!

Londonmummy66 · 12/04/2021 22:54

I remember Sarah Beenie once using caustic soda on a really awful loo and it working.

sadeyedladyofthelowlandsea · 12/04/2021 22:58

Harpic tablets overnight to clear the worst of it, then black bottle harpic to get rid of/keep on top of it. Hard water area here too, so like PP, if we go away for even a week, we come back to a toilet that looks like something out of The Young Ones. If I leave it for a few days, I always have to say to people 'it's not us, it's hard water!'

supercatlady · 12/04/2021 23:01

I plunge with my loo brush to get the water level low then generously pour the black bottle toilet cleaner (the 10x one) and leave for a good few hours.
Then use the loo brush to clean it - takes very little effort.

noego · 12/04/2021 23:03

Coca cola

womaninatightspot · 12/04/2021 23:08

Harpic black bottle here too use it overnight. Also tablets that go in the cistern to keep on top of it.

NoseOfJericho · 12/04/2021 23:25

Coca Cola is meant to clean stained bogs.

Or Spirits of Salts, I know that works.

finished31 · 12/04/2021 23:26

First pour bleach and then harpic on top, leave for few hours and it will be spotless.

Be careful with the fumes though.


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Quit4me · 12/04/2021 23:29


Spirit of salts is what you need leave overnight and it will be spotless in the morning.

This is what we used. Sprit of salts. It’s very very powerful stuff- bought it from a hardware store. Got the toilet really clean again. All limescale and stains gone
SeaTurtles92 · 12/04/2021 23:29

Harpic power tablets are really good.
Or just buy a very cheap bottle of cola, pour it in and leave over night.

SeaTurtles92 · 12/04/2021 23:31


First pour bleach and then harpic on top, leave for few hours and it will be spotless.

Be careful with the fumes though.

Noooo never mix chemicals! Do one at a time.
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