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Disgusting but need advice

103 replies

LesleyA · 12/04/2021 21:18

Sorry this isn’t even an interesting disgusting. Bought a house all very neat, clean and in excellent condition. Except the toilets. They look like no 2s have stained the bottom of the loo. Cleaning with loo cleaner and a loo brush does help despite me wanting to get sick but not much and it just gets dirty again. Enamel must have come off and now it sticks and stains. Any advice?

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StillMedusa · 12/04/2021 21:52

Empty the bowl.. just use a loo brush and jab vigorously til the water is gone.. harpic the hell out of it , leave for a while then scrub. Hard water here and it starts to scale up every couple of days.

If all else fails.. new loos!

AcornAutumn · 12/04/2021 21:52


Just adding my voice to the chorus of "garlic"

Great stuff.

Confused the heck out of me for a sec there
CheshireCats · 12/04/2021 21:53

It's limescale. This stuff is brilliant.

Disgusting but need advice
FangsForTheMemory · 12/04/2021 21:53

Garlic will also keep off the vampires. Win-win.

Standrewsschool · 12/04/2021 21:54

This is good stuff.

Disgusting but need advice
looloodeloo · 12/04/2021 21:56

When I moved into my rented house both toilets were like this and black, I literally tried everything and nothing worked, I looked closer and noticed it was a massive build up of limescale so used a flathead screwdriver and scraped it all away and they're good as new now! But obviously you need to be very careful of doing this!

1678bfj7 · 12/04/2021 21:56

Limescale. We're in a really hard water area and stains can form in a week whilst we're away on holiday.

Astonish tablets are quite good. Put two in overnight. Don't flush until morning.

Then get as much water out as possible and scrub. Black Harpic is good.

You've got to keep on top of it with Harpic though, or it'll be back before you know it.

3AndStopping · 12/04/2021 22:00

Echoing what most PPs have said.

I had this really badly in one of our toilets, I emptied the water out of the bowl (literally with a disposable cup and gloves.) poured an entire bottle of black harpic down & left it all day (12+ hours.) Then scrubbed for 5 minutes with a toilet brush, flushed, good as new Smile

Advic3Pl3as3 · 12/04/2021 22:00

I put two calgon tablets in mine and leave overnight. Then scrub in the morning. Job done.

Bunnyfuller · 12/04/2021 22:03

Whole bottle of cheap full fat coke overnight. No scrubbing

Ideasplease322 · 12/04/2021 22:04

I think you need to drain the toilet, clean it and reapply the enamel.

ScrummyDiva2 · 12/04/2021 22:04

Harpic! And the easiest way to empty the toilet bowl of water, is just to put a toilet brush down it as far as you can and 'pump' away ( move brush backwards and forwards). Water will disappear!!!

duffmcstockings · 12/04/2021 22:05

Did I imagine it or did someone put garlic in their vagina to get rid of thrush? If it worked for that it might sort out your grubby loo.

SchrodingersImmigrant · 12/04/2021 22:06


FFS HARPIC, not garlic!

I just wondered that it's toilet not a vampire😂

On a serious nore, I've never used harpic and now i wonder if I am missing something
bloodyhell19 · 12/04/2021 22:07

Harpic tablets. I live in a hard water area & have a similar issue, these work perfectly.

BlackCatShadow · 12/04/2021 22:08

Instead of a screwdriver, you can try a pumice stone.
Apparently they won't scratch the toilet (according to Aggy and Kim anyway).

duffmcstockings · 12/04/2021 22:10

Ps. It's not that disgusting. It's just a bit of limescale. Half the world would love to toilet like yours.

Therewereroses · 12/04/2021 22:12

I'd buy a new toilet bowl too. By the time you've tried every product known to man, you'll have spent the price of a new toilet.

Hallyup5 · 12/04/2021 22:16

Definitely black bottle Harpic. Squirt it, leave ten minutes and it'll come off so easily.

Pineapplemonkey · 12/04/2021 22:16


Whole bottle of cheap full fat coke overnight. No scrubbing

Exactly what I was going to say. Big 2l bottle of cheap full fat coke, leave it over night and your loo will be sparkling in the morning. I had the same issue when I bought a house once. Easy cheap fix and better than the harpic I think (although I use that regularly to keep limescale at bay)
IdblowJonSnow · 12/04/2021 22:17

I am actually gullible enough to have popped a nice bulb of garlic in, had the pp not come back and corrected!!

ValerieMorghulis · 12/04/2021 22:18


Harpic tablets. And then, sorry it's grim, but I had to smash the last lot off the bottom of the bowl with the handle of an old loo brush. It had formed a layer, like the top of a creme brulée.

This is what I had to do also. I used lots of bleach beforehand so it didn’t feel too grim. I hate being in a hard water area thoug

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Lineofconcepcion · 12/04/2021 22:18

Empty the bowl of water using a plunger and add a litre of white vinegar. Leave for a few hours. Repeat until the scale is removed.

Jessicalanga · 12/04/2021 22:19

Have you tried bleach

AteAllTheBourbons · 12/04/2021 22:21

Harpic Power Plus Active Tablets left overnight did the trick for me.

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