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Partner deleted all search history

80 replies

lalalalala123456 · 14/01/2020 21:51

He deleted all search history , or attempted to On his phone , but he forgot to delete that he has searched for a specific porn model who is very specific in a particular industry . He searches her every day ..

I know people will say I should trust him. But he has done this before around 2 years ago and he got caught , now he is doing it again . What would your initial thoughts or reactions be ladies / men?

The only reason this has been brought up and why I checked was because he quickly put his phone away last night and he hasn’t done that since he last got caught.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

103 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
vampirethriller · 15/01/2020 07:49

Plenty of porn actresses are also escorts. So yes you can find and book them.

LawnsLT · 15/01/2020 08:09

Obsession with a porn star - wrong but not a LTB
Trying to contact and meet said person - LTB

However i do think you added the “trying to meet her” part to justify the thread.

However you shouldn’t have to do that, you warned him last time not to search for her again and his done it....Get some help in RL but I think you are done with him!

dontgobaconmyheart · 15/01/2020 08:25

I don't think YABU OP- he sounds pathetic and is clesely obsessed with her/finds her extremely attractive. That in itself surely means the relationship should be over? Why is he trying to contact her Confused - not normal and it's hardly because he thinks they could have some really productive chats about the weather is it.

If you're having to check someones search history (and finding bad news when you do regardless) it is surely time to go you don't trust him, he's dishonest (and bloody weird). Feel sorry for this other poor woman who is being stalked online by your creep of a DP as well....

Soontobe60 · 15/01/2020 18:41

When I delete my search history, all of it gets deleted, not just bits of it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

outherealone · 17/01/2020 10:08

@Soontobe60 there’s loads of bits saved in weird places in google without you realising . I learned the hard way when setting up shared accounts with my children. It’s crazy how much is saved by stealth if you don’t really drill down into the settings. And on different gadgets too. You might delete it all on laptop but it’s still accessible on the phone etc.

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