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Partner deleted all search history

80 replies

lalalalala123456 · 14/01/2020 21:51

He deleted all search history , or attempted to On his phone , but he forgot to delete that he has searched for a specific porn model who is very specific in a particular industry . He searches her every day ..

I know people will say I should trust him. But he has done this before around 2 years ago and he got caught , now he is doing it again . What would your initial thoughts or reactions be ladies / men?

The only reason this has been brought up and why I checked was because he quickly put his phone away last night and he hasn’t done that since he last got caught.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

103 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Cantdoleft · 14/01/2020 22:12

Has he never heard of private browsing? No way would I be in a relationship where someone checked my search history and quizzed me on it

NextdoorNeighbourIsATwat · 14/01/2020 22:13

Sounds like a big problem OP. Think you need to start thinking about how to separate. Sorry.


heartsonacake · 14/01/2020 22:16

YABU, controlling and invading his privacy, which you have absolutely no right to do.

So what if he was watching porn or looking up a porn model? He’s not doing anything wrong; he’s not cheating.

It’s absolutely none of your business, and I would leave any partner who ever thought they had a right to invade my privacy in such an abhorrent way. There are no excuses for such behaviour.

Fallsballs · 14/01/2020 22:17

Is he stalking the porn woman (of unspecified porn) ?

Amatteroftime · 14/01/2020 22:18

If he is just watching porn yabu

If he is obsessed with one model and trying to hire her an an escort or something then yanbu

CakeandCustard28 · 14/01/2020 22:20

YABU, very controlling behaviour checking his history OP. I couldn’t be in a relationship like that.

BlackBlueBell · 14/01/2020 22:21

What was it that he did in the past? Why is he trying to meet her?

JasonPollack · 14/01/2020 22:23

I think there's a difference between watching porn and this level of obsession? What specific scene are we talking about? Is she instagram/escort accessible?

overnightangel · 14/01/2020 22:24

Lots of porn ‘stars’ are just escorts who appear in porn videos so it’s highly likely unless it’s someone mega famous, that they do escorting so not at all beyond the realms of possibility they’re contactable

Tombliwho · 14/01/2020 22:26

Surely the relationship is dead if you're
reducing yourself checking phones? What's the point?

outherealone · 14/01/2020 22:30

Poor op, people are being deliberately mean and goady. Repost this on the relationship board and be clear re the contact attempts in your title/first post

NotStayingIn · 14/01/2020 22:30

Ok so that was quite the drip feed. But now that you’ve said that I do agree with you. Trying to contact the porn star is completely unacceptable and really disrespectful to you.

Although to be honest I think my overriding reaction would be embarrassment. It’s so cringe. Like trying to contact a celebrity. I am pretty sure the porn star will have zero interest in any contact from your bloke.

EngagedAgain · 14/01/2020 22:30

I second what Jason said. There's a difference between a bit of porn watching and what he's doing.

Morgan12 · 14/01/2020 22:31

You should get this thread title changed.

I'd be furious. So if he manages to get her email or phone number I'd imagine he would try and meet her. To cheat on you.

Have you confronted him?

NotStayingIn · 14/01/2020 22:31

(Unless she’s also an escort)

BrickTop999 · 14/01/2020 22:32

I remember the porn thread last week ! Woman was torn apart for liking porn, exploiting women, involved in trafficking women. Honestly the pearl clutchers were out that night !

Looking at normal type porn isnt a biggie in my mind and Im very liberal ..... but Id be proper pissed off if my partner was actively trying to meet and engage with one particular porn star. That is unacceptable. Porn stars do meet and do do private work. I have known men and women in the industry.

I think you need to decide if this relationship has a future, as I doubt he’ll change

LagunaBubbles · 14/01/2020 22:36

You never mentioned him trying to contact her in your initial post. Why on earth are you with him?

lalalalala123456 · 14/01/2020 22:39

Ok so I’m done with life . Thanks guys

OP posts:
Plumbus · 14/01/2020 22:42

If he's searching for her every day and actually trying to make inroads to contact/meet up with her, that's definitely overstepping the mark. Presumably he's not wanting to meet up with her to discuss the Megan and Harry situation.

Newbie1999 · 14/01/2020 22:42

Watching porn, or searching a particular porn star, wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

Googling ways to get in touch with her/meet her... not sure if I’d be angry or laugh in his face!

AnyFucker · 14/01/2020 22:43

You should be done with him

DonKeyshot · 14/01/2020 22:47

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Why on earth would you trust him when he's got form for this behaviour?

Get rid of this devious tosser and you'll regain your peace of mind, OP.


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Waitingforadulthood · 14/01/2020 22:47

Op, I hate porn and would find it a deal breaker should my partner use it. Worse still actively trying to find ways and means to contact the alternative object of obsession. Urgh.

However the level of exaggerated performance in "I'm done with life" and the drip feeding here from you is somewhat reflective of a drama llama, no?

FiddlesticksAkimbo · 14/01/2020 22:49


RitaMills · 14/01/2020 22:49

Not normal at all that he is trying to get her personal contact details and meet her... I’d be concerned it’s turning into stalker territory. That goes beyond adding on SM, watching and looking at pictures of said porn model/actress.

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