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To celebrate Yaniv losing Yaniv's case?

121 replies

ChristaMSieland · 23/10/2019 08:22


The court found that Yaniv "engaged in improper conduct, filed complaints for improper purposes" and that Yaniv's testimony was "disingenuous and self-serving" as well as "evasive and argumentative and contradicted herself while giving evidence".

OP posts:
Contraceptionismyfriend · 23/10/2019 09:46

I've just been on Twitter. And I can't find any of the usual Trans lobbyists condemning this or making any sort of comment at all.
Surely they should be condemning this disgusting individual for what he does to their 'brand'

I really hope that this begins a wave of women speaking up against this idea that men can demand anything they want of women.

MidniteScribbler · 23/10/2019 09:48

Wow, that judgement must be a real kick in the balls.

MarianaMoatedGrange · 23/10/2019 09:49

Woohoo! finally!

NearlyGranny · 23/10/2019 09:49

Kicking down, I think we could call it. Targeting the most vulnerable. I'm glad justice has prevailed.

I can only think Yaniv made a conscious decision to seek these practitioners out to court controversy because there are business that are expert in waxing scrota, whoever they might be attached to. Why not just go to one of those in the first place?

Of course there is no boundary to be breached or public houha to be raised by doing something so ordinary.

StandingOvulation · 23/10/2019 09:51


Slightly as an aside - I had a glance down JV's twitter feed and found this Hmm

To celebrate Yaniv losing Yaniv's case?
AryaStarkWolf · 23/10/2019 09:51

If Yaniv had one those cases, I really think that would be the beginning of the end for women in society

NamechangeWhatFor · 23/10/2019 09:52

I hope those women are celebrating too.
Thank goodness that he didn't win!

Hullygully · 23/10/2019 09:52

So there needed to be a legal determinant that a woman cannot be compelled to handle male genitalia.

Utterly fucking ridiculous.

Contraceptionismyfriend · 23/10/2019 09:54

@Hullygully there are also a lot who believe that if a woman who is lesbian doesn't have sex with a trans woman with a penis because he has a penis that she is transfobic and the worst thing on the planet.

MonnaLIza · 23/10/2019 09:57

For those annoyed by McKinnon's victory there is a petition here that you may want to sign and share:

Hullygully · 23/10/2019 09:57

Oh I know contraception, I know. I peak transed a very long time ago.

CherieBabySpliffUp · 23/10/2019 10:03

Is this the court case where the transwoman had their mother testify in court too?

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 23/10/2019 10:03

I hope that they now contemplate their life and attitudes.

Sit down with their mum (who seems a bit too ‘supportive’ iykwim) and have a long chat about their life, how they see themselves and others, how they should look at how their behaviour causes harm to themselves and others.

Maybe get a job or do some non sexual-politics volunteering and get out of themselves. Also reassess their ‘friends’ in real life and on social media. See who is their real friend and who is their saboteur (also their mum maybe?). Do these people genuinely have their best interest at heart.

CormacMcLaggen · 23/10/2019 10:03

there are also a lot who believe that if a woman who is lesbian doesn't have sex with a trans woman with a penis because he has a penis that she is transfobic and the worst thing on the planet.


BuzzShitbagBobbly · 23/10/2019 10:04

I've just been on Twitter. And I can't find any of the usual Trans lobbyists condemning this or making any sort of comment at all.

Nor the usual suspects on MN telling us all what horrific transphobes we are and how this person is a poor misunderstood woman. Where are you all? Please do come along and give us the other side of the story that everyone else missed...

ExhaustedGrinch · 23/10/2019 10:09

I imagine Yaniv is feeling quite butt hurt right now ... but that may just be the tampons.

BuzzShitbagBobbly · 23/10/2019 10:12

This thread is an interesting exercise in how many women are unaware of the issues currently ongoing.

For all of you shocked and disgusted, THIS is the stuff FWR has been campaigning about for years now, and why the trans activists/certain MNers are so desperate to shut the board down. Your opinions here also make you exactly as "transphobic" as women on FWR are said to be (i.e. not in the least).

We have been harassed, assaulted, threatened, doxxed and more for trying to expose this misogynistic, sexist and homophobic agenda to a wider audience. Wait till you hear what they want to do to children too...

ApplesinmyPocket · 23/10/2019 10:14

While telling this story to a supportive male friend of how Yaniv failed to get Yaniv's womanly scrotum waxed, I inadvertently punned that the judge 'really tore a strip off [Yaniv]' .

tellmewhenthespaceshiplandscoz · 23/10/2019 10:18

OP thanks for posting in AIBU and Buzz I agree wholeheartedly.

Monna thanks for the link, signed.

tellmewhenthespaceshiplandscoz · 23/10/2019 10:19

And jeez that period Twatter post - what woman ever felt the need to SM her monthly cramps? What a knob.

SchadenfiendeUnmortified · 23/10/2019 10:26

there are also a lot who believe that if a woman who is lesbian doesn't have sex with a trans woman with a penis because he has a penis that she is transfobic and the worst thing on the planet.

Indeed, Contraception - I got myself banned from twitter for a comment - someone claimed that there were lesbians that "loved dick", and I replied something along the lines of "Yes - and there's a special name for them. STRAIGHT" . Apparently this was offensive and transphobic.

There is HUGE pressure put on young lesbians to have sex with TWs who are not surgically altered.

I'm always struck how these strident self-IDing individuals are never just women trapped in a man's body - they are lesbians trapped in a man's body. And because they are "Wimminz" Halloween Hmm they need unfettered access to women's spaces. Quelle suprise!

And it's about time that the powers-that-be were made to understand that SEX and GENDER are two different things, and stopped allowing men (SEX) into women's spaces because they identify as the opposite GENDER.

SchadenfiendeUnmortified · 23/10/2019 10:30

We have been harassed, assaulted, threatened, doxxed and more for trying to expose this misogynistic, sexist and homophobic agenda to a wider audience. Wait till you hear what they want to do to children too...

As Blobby says - children are extremely vulnerable. Yaniv tweeted about being on a trip and there were a lot of very young girls (about 12/13) "What if one of them ask me how to insert a tampon? Should I offer to help her?" sort of thing.

HE is really, really vile and dangerous - and his mother is unnspeakable. Do we ever hear anything about Mr Yaniv senior? Is he still alive? Does he just keep away from his batshit wife and son?


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QuimReaper · 23/10/2019 10:30

The judgement has elided a position on whether or not a woman offering services from her home should be allowed to operate a single sex policy for religious or safety reasons, however.

This is my concern too. It's a brilliant result, but the issue is not quite thrown out yet.

Mummyoflittledragon · 23/10/2019 10:37

I imagine Yaniv is feeling quite butt hurt right now ... but that may just be the tampons. Grin Grin
I also looked at “her” twitter feed and also saw the ridiculous uterus post. As if anyone believes this person is intersex ffs. Or disabled for that matter.

QuimReaper · 23/10/2019 10:41

Yaniv has been really going hard with the period Tweets. Almost every recent Tweet is period-related. It really does come across as trolling.

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