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to stop people 'making memories'

410 replies

DiplomaticDecorum · 13/04/2018 14:16

It's a pissy pants phrase - every time it's mentioned it makes me heave. Just stop, you sound ridiculous, every fucking minute of every fucking day is making fucking memories, it's how we as a species survive.

Bugger off and live in Disneyland with all of the little tweety birdies and pink bollocking princess fluffy crap. Start living life as an educated grown up, stop with the stupid filtered selfies, and stop being so bloody feeble. Hope this has made a new memory for you all. Now fuck off.

OP posts:
PositivelyPERF · 13/04/2018 15:11

I have something similar on my stairs.

Look up!
I can do it!
I can make it!
I can reach the top!
Ah fuck it it! Too drunk, will sleep here.

sockunicorn · 13/04/2018 15:11

@bluesapp a morons family

BakerBear · 13/04/2018 15:11

I love that saying what people share and it goes something like....

A full bin means i tidy up
Dirty plates mean i feed my kids
A full washing basket means i change my kids clothes

And so on and so on...

I always feel like writing
A full bin means you dont empty it
Dirty plates mean you havent washed up
A full washing basket means you havent done the washing

FizzyGreenWater · 13/04/2018 15:12

If you dance down those stairs, for fuck's sake don't do it with nobody watching. Do it with lots of people watching, and on a night #underthestars when A&E is likely to be relatively quiet.

StrangeLookingParasite · 13/04/2018 15:12

I'm not such a fan of twee, either, OP.

I like the contrast between the frothy rage-filled post and your used ID.

Helmetbymidnight · 13/04/2018 15:12

Went to France for 10 days: climbed hills, went round castles, visited an amazing cave, swam in two rivers with the dog, endless ice creams, spent €10 on various hotwheels cars at flea markets. What's 6yo's favourite memory?

"When Daddy threw that apple out of the car window"

Same. Replace France with Italy and we had:

When that man thumped the bonnet of our car.


T2517 · 13/04/2018 15:13

Someone I know puts shit, out of focus photos CONSTANTLY on her insta of kids doing really mundane shit like eating a yogurt and then adds “making memories with miss their surname and master surnmae” and it winds me up so much. And constantly “my 🌍”

Honestly some of the photos look like they were taken with a potato

Eggzandbacon · 13/04/2018 15:13

The couple I know who use #makingmemories and #familytime are narcissistic twats who do anything not to spend time with their children.

Youcanttasteracism · 13/04/2018 15:13

You should either get off Facebook or get better friends, or both. Possibly take an anger management course too. It must be exhausting getting so wound up over fuck all.

BlueSapp · 13/04/2018 15:15

sockunicorn I don't do facebook never have so most of this is over my head, but I have laughed so much at these responses. surely normal people don't say this shit to their family, really?

DiegoMadonna · 13/04/2018 15:15

Agreed with everything Youcanttasteracism just said.

TheQueenOfWands · 13/04/2018 15:16

I'm shamefacedly remembering my parents taking me around Europe aged 12. I remember:

My grandmother breaking her false teeth on a bread roll.
Some dried fish we saw.
Maggi sauce.

WashingMatilda · 13/04/2018 15:17


Just keep calm and drink prosecco Hun.

LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 13/04/2018 15:18


Hypermice · 13/04/2018 15:18

I often recap our day with my toddler and his memory filter is most amusing.

“Didn’t we have a fun day?! Can you remember what we did?”
(Pensive look) “big poo, mama! Then daddy came home and picked me up.”

IAmMatty · 13/04/2018 15:19

The worst culprit I know signs off almost every post with

#myboysmyworld #bestboysintheworld #bestboysever #mammasboys #tigermama #lovemysons #boysarebest #allaboutthefamily

Which is annoying enough but her sons all behave like little shits.

Deandre · 13/04/2018 15:19

It makes me laugh that people can’t take their kids out somewhere for the day without posting it in social media. It’s like if you don’t post about didn’t really happen. Sick of the selfies too,
Grow up your supposed to be a adult!!

CoperCabana · 13/04/2018 15:23

I know someone who was always posting #famalam #makingmemories blissful life blah blah and it now turns out she is making memories with a new famalam!

ThereIsIron · 13/04/2018 15:26

Miserable bastard Biscuit

Inthedeepdarkwinter · 13/04/2018 15:29

I have a relative who posts #makingmemories stuff but she is really lovely and does lots of stuff with her family, so hard to be bitter! As long as you don't tell other people to #makememories like someone did to me when they get bad news, that's fine.

ShotsFired · 13/04/2018 15:30

@BakerBear I love that saying what people share and it goes something like....

A full bin means i tidy up
Dirty plates mean i feed my kids
A full washing basket means i change my kids clothes

Means you're a fucking martyr who likes to make the whole world suffer your drivel-filled sad existence.

TheFirstMrsDV · 13/04/2018 15:31

I hate the phrase. I am with you.
Except...I work with life limited, life threatened children and those at the end of life.
Making memories is incredibly important.
Which is probably why I hate it when some sap from Surrey uses it to describe every fucking thing she does with her kids when she puts it on Facebook.


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Tara336 · 13/04/2018 15:31

None of my friends on FB “make memories” but one constantly does es the bloody duck face in every bloody photo and another keeps using stupid bunny rabbit snap chat filters. We are nearly 50 maybe it’s time to stop as it’s looks ridiculous

KaliforniaDreamz · 13/04/2018 15:31

omg that stair case.
why do people need to have signs all over their house.
do they live in an exhibition centre?

thefunbegins · 13/04/2018 15:31

I'm with you op.

Someone I know is obsessed with posting selfies etc on Facebook. Recently she's been obsessed with her wedding and her best friends wedding. Cue 468752268 photos of bridal showers etc and #lastflingbeforethering #whatanight. The photos I like best are the group selfies where you can see other guests in the background all on their phones. Looks fun.

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