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to stop people 'making memories'

410 replies

DiplomaticDecorum · 13/04/2018 14:16

It's a pissy pants phrase - every time it's mentioned it makes me heave. Just stop, you sound ridiculous, every fucking minute of every fucking day is making fucking memories, it's how we as a species survive.

Bugger off and live in Disneyland with all of the little tweety birdies and pink bollocking princess fluffy crap. Start living life as an educated grown up, stop with the stupid filtered selfies, and stop being so bloody feeble. Hope this has made a new memory for you all. Now fuck off.

OP posts:
WashingMatilda · 13/04/2018 14:26


clicks fingers repetitively above head

See also:
In the house, we do messy feet, sticky fingers, and lots of cuddles.


LittleLionMansMummy · 13/04/2018 14:27

You ok hun?

PremierNaps · 13/04/2018 14:27

Did someone collectively piss on all your chips today? I agree with not posting every single thing on Facebook because that's just cringe, however i think it's nice to make memories. Happy memories one can look back on fondly.

GrannyGrissle · 13/04/2018 14:28

Live the life you love you utter cunt
Love you to the moon and back
Famalam time
My little family
Fuck off and die. All of you.

GrannyGrissle · 13/04/2018 14:29

But you can't not 'Make Memories' so it isn't 'nice' to do so it is what the human brain does.

Lottapianos · 13/04/2018 14:30

'Clean your house. Slattern'


Please tell me no-one has actually said or written 'famalam time'. Ever. I'm honestly going to be sick Shock

Buzzlightyearsbumchin · 13/04/2018 14:31

What's the Disney one going around at the moment?

In this house we let it go... a bunch of other stuff.... because in this house we do Disney.

That one really really annoys me.

WashingMatilda · 13/04/2018 14:31

Also I was wondering this earlier.

The other week I was in hospital really ill with sepsis.

When I got out I put a really sarky, dry post up which said, amongst other hilarious wittiscms, that I'd 'had my first lumbar puncture #makingmemories'

This thread has made me wonder what the people on my Facebook who say it genuinely think of that - like, do they know I'm joking? Or do they genuinely think I'm making memories?

BitchQueen90 · 13/04/2018 14:32

"Making memories" is literally what you do every second of the day. I made a memory of a customer telling me to piss off on the phone at work the other day. It's seriously cringe when people use that phrase on social media.

Trinity66 · 13/04/2018 14:32

I've never heard anyone in rl say this ever

ilovesooty · 13/04/2018 14:32

I agree with the OP. It's up there with "making your own traditions" which always gets rolled out on here in the run up to Christmas.

SweetMoon · 13/04/2018 14:33

I think you're a big grouch. I have a friend who almost died a while back and the one thing she says haunts her is thinking of all the things she wanted to do with her children that she hadn't got around to. This does not mean having to be somewhere special all the time or go on expensive days out everywhere but she says it does mean she puts in that extra effort now to make things happen that she probably would have put off before. She doesnt post it all over fb though.

Hassled · 13/04/2018 14:34

I once (years ago) posted a picture on FB of my 4 kids bickering on a park bench. I don't know why really - at the time I thought it was funny. DC3 has DC4 in a headlock, while DC2 looks ready to kill DC1, who is glaring into the camera.
Anyway, FB reminds me of this photo every pissing year - "we thought you'd like to see this memory". Yes, seeing the kids scrap makes it all worthwhile. You can have all my data and privacy, Zuckerberg, as long as I keep that memory of my DCs have a scrap.

BitchQueen90 · 13/04/2018 14:34

Always MLM hunbots who use it as well, cos their "business" is "so flexible" and their "office" today is the living room so they can be at home "Making memories" with the kids. Bleurghhhhhh

TatianaLarina · 13/04/2018 14:34

Great OP Grin

colditz · 13/04/2018 14:34

Everything is making memories. That time when you yelled at your 4 year old for being a little twat and they cried and you felt like shit? #makingmemories. How about the day you just walked in from a hugely expensive day out that ended in tears because you put a price limit on the gift shop, and Nana was there with a bag of chocolate stars to make the little wailer feel better? yeah, he only remembered those stars, and your credit card with be the only one remeMbering the wonderful day. #makingmemories! Or that one time you were so ill with flu you couldn't get out of bed and the kids had to forage their own breakfasts of biscuits and all the milk? #makingmemories! or that time you weren't watching at a farmer's market and the five year old reached for a farmer's grumpy jack russell and got snapped at? Frightened of small dogs for 4 years, #makingmemories!

unicornandrainbows · 13/04/2018 14:34

But if they are not making memories, then how would I know if the big princess and little diamond had a great day at the zoo?!
They are her 🌎👩‍👧‍👧💕

It really pisses me of and no one gives a shit

AnneLovesGilbert · 13/04/2018 14:35

Couldn’t agree more. Makes me sick in my mouth.

And it’s pointless anyway, especially with children. The number of times we’ve made plans to do something special with the DC and the bits they remember are the sandwiches we grabbed quickly before the exciting expensive theatre trip, or the time i accidentally swore on special day in London.

One of the best bits of parenting is having no idea what they’ll remember a few months later. Often it’s something or someone DH can’t recall at all but 9 times out of 10 it’s not the focus of the event and it then becomes the stuff of legend Grin

For all the wonderful outings and times we’ve had together, one of mine and DSD’s favourite memories is when I woke up to find her a losing tooth while going to the toilet in the middle of the night. Hashtag that.

StormcloakNord · 13/04/2018 14:35

Everyone always fucking beats me to a U ok hun? Or other such twee phrase. I'm running out of them!

mumbles something about blessed hashtags and MLM's and live laugh loving


VladPutin · 13/04/2018 14:35

I don't understand this

Is it a FACEBOOK HUN shit thing?

Wannabecitygirl · 13/04/2018 14:36

Busy #makingmemories with #myworld 😍 #blessed.

TatianaLarina · 13/04/2018 14:36

I don’t know anyone who’s ever used the phrase, but its existence just annoys me.

It makes life feel contrived, what the French call ‘voulu’.


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ofcoursehesthefuckingfarmer · 13/04/2018 14:36

Totally with you OP.

That and #blessed get right on my nerves. And the "I love my kids so much" you're meant to you fucking fool.

Myimaginarycathasfleas · 13/04/2018 14:36

...and take your sodding unicorns with you

GreenItWas · 13/04/2018 14:38

Love your OP, OP. If only there was a LIKE button.

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