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to stop people 'making memories'

410 replies

DiplomaticDecorum · 13/04/2018 14:16

It's a pissy pants phrase - every time it's mentioned it makes me heave. Just stop, you sound ridiculous, every fucking minute of every fucking day is making fucking memories, it's how we as a species survive.

Bugger off and live in Disneyland with all of the little tweety birdies and pink bollocking princess fluffy crap. Start living life as an educated grown up, stop with the stupid filtered selfies, and stop being so bloody feeble. Hope this has made a new memory for you all. Now fuck off.

OP posts:
MsGameandWatching · 17/04/2018 19:49

Well it came across as snarky Matilda. Especially with the little Hmm face. Good to know you weren't trying to be Smile

The80sweregreat · 17/04/2018 18:21

2kids - made me laugh.

2kidsnopets · 17/04/2018 17:05

We constantly went on trips to places when I was a kid. The one that I remember the most clearly was when my sister trapped her fingers in the car door just as we arrived at the castle, so we spent the day in casualty and never actually saw the castle.

WashingMatilda · 17/04/2018 16:36

happy yes that's the kind of thing I meant, thank you.

Hillarious · 17/04/2018 16:12

You're quite right, OP. The best memories just come from nowhere and can't be made.

Best holiday memory for the whole family - playing cards and eating cake in a tent, surrounded by wet clothes, whilst it poured it down, taking it in turns with DH to go out with an umbrella to make tea on the camping stove. Now, I'd hardly have planned that!

happypoobum · 17/04/2018 15:58

I have had both types of SM looking after my DC since I split with their Dad.

I can honestly say that the one who was kind to my DC and made time for them could never hurt me as much as the one who was an utter fucking bitch to them.

I suspect Matilda was trying to say something like that?

Yes, it is painful to see, but nowhere near the pain of the alternative. I hope you are Ok stacey Flowers

MsGameandWatching · 17/04/2018 15:52

That's right stacey STFU and swallow your pain, don't talk about it here on this supposedly supportive forum whatever you do Hmm

WashingMatilda · 17/04/2018 15:38

Much better that she treats the kids like shit I'm sure. Hmm

staceyflack · 16/04/2018 18:20

What i loath is my ex husband's GF 'making memories' with my DC's. Hurts like hell.

DropItLikeASquat · 16/04/2018 18:12

my 3 year old just wee'd on the floor of our local charity shop while I dropped off some donations.
I got chatting to the lady about gift aid and then my amazing daughter gifted her with a puddle on the floor. F.M.L

PercyPigAddict · 16/04/2018 17:12

I can't understand why everyone is advising to unfollow such people in FB. I bloody love the entertainment of their daily updates Grin

One of my FB friends recently wrote a long post about how people are always telling him and his girlfriend that they are everyone's "couples goals". He went on about how it's because they put so much work into their relationship and its based on love and respect etc etc Envy (not envy) They've been together about six months Grin

ICantCopeAnymore · 16/04/2018 08:54

I find it odd that someone would judge another for taking a photograph of themselves. It's bizarre. Why do you even care?

I'll take the odd selfie because I'm disabled and I rarely feel good enough to be in photos. If I'm feeling good, I'll snap one and post it because it makes me feel good. It reminds me that I do have good days and I can feel confident now and again.

Again, if you don't like something that someone else does, remove them. Scroll past. Don't look. Delete Facebook. It doesn't mean you have to do it yourself.

WilburIsSomePig · 16/04/2018 08:12

So an adult taking a photograph of themselves means they are vain, or immature?

How odd. You know that by saying 'how odd' it doesn't actually mean that it is? I find adults spending their time taking endless selfies extremely odd. Add to that the bunny ears and I'm done.

I think some people are confusing memories with people spending shit loads of time posting hashtags on Facebook. Not the same thing at all.

Maverick66 · 15/04/2018 23:31

Beautiful inside and out. I hate that phrase!

Lweji · 15/04/2018 23:26

Why are you holding your fork like a shovel. It's a shepherd's pie not a grave."

Now I'd like those sorts of posts

I have such a friend on FB. Her posts are always funny. Grin

RebelRogue · 15/04/2018 23:10

My friend has this one. I love it! Grin

DD's best part from when we went to a safari park was "when the birds peed on daddy". Ok then.

to stop people 'making memories'
Ivymaud · 15/04/2018 22:21

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Ivymaud · 15/04/2018 22:17

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DeliberatelyAwkward · 15/04/2018 19:58

The DCs have toned down “making memories” twaddle, thankfully. Probably due to my deeply unimpressed face.

They won’t stop saying bloody “bucket list” though. The phrase - in a healthy 10yr old - feels very very wrong.

BlancheM · 15/04/2018 19:53

The hashtags on Facebook are probably just part of the original Instagram post, shared to Facebook.


DamsonOnThisDress · 15/04/2018 19:14

Ah here, I'm probably just jealous though. I taking a shocking selfie. Shocking. Blargh.

And I couldn't get a decent photo of the kids together for love nor money. Buggers ruin every last one.

DamsonOnThisDress · 15/04/2018 19:01

Grin Oh I'm starting to wish I was on Facebook.

Think I kind of love the sheer self-indulgent twee-ness of the #smugfergusons. Am a bit in awe.

If we were making memories they would include:

"Stop poking your sister!"
"No. We can't go home. We've been here precisely 23 minutes. [Hisses] We. Are. Having. Fun."
"Why are you holding your fork like a shovel. It's a shepherd's pie not a grave."
"I dunt wanna see the lions. They're up a big hill and a bit crap."
"LANGUAGE!! But, yeah, they are..."

And the inevitable weary, "One day. Can't we just have one nice day."

#making memories of a yet another day we'd rather forget. Grin

My husband would just post the receipt.


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findingmyfeet12 · 15/04/2018 18:57

I agree about Facebook hashtags looking try hard.

As for people saying why do you befriend these people etc. We all have friends and family with annoying traits. It's only on mn though that you're not allowed to have a lighthearted moan but have to go nc with people instead Hmm

Lweji · 15/04/2018 18:42

I suspect people who use hashtags on FB have seen them used on Twitter but have no idea what they're for. Grin

PerspicaciaTick · 15/04/2018 18:41

Hash tags don't do anything on Facebook, so they just look a bit try hard. As if I were start going #unreasonable on MN, everyone would be a bit Hmm.

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