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Would you call a land line at 9.30pm?

248 replies

Tinkerbec · 16/12/2017 21:34

Someone has just called my home for my mother who is out. Waking up my dd.

I think it is way too late. I know its a Saturday but really!AIBU?

I find land lines intrusive at the best of times.
Grrrr! Not happy.

OP posts:
BulletFox · 17/12/2017 12:47

Hmm..I know I can call one of my friends up to 10.15pm. My best friend unfortunately hates phone calls so I have to text, he gets stressy otherwise Grin. My other best friend has young kids and is stressed at present so I wouldn't call her after 8pm. I can call any members of family up to 11pm. Varies with other friends, you do learn which time suits them.

Who was it who called?

Tinkerbec · 17/12/2017 13:01

Who was it who called?

The vicar to see if we had a cow bell.

OP posts:
ForalltheSaints · 17/12/2017 13:03

Only if it was something that could not genuinely wait, such as someone being taken ill.

BulletFox · 17/12/2017 13:04

Vicar Grin ok.

BulletFox · 17/12/2017 13:05

Tinkerbec that's what your mother tells you...vicar indeed

derxa · 17/12/2017 13:10

I actually do have a cow bell.

FrancisCrawford · 17/12/2017 13:11

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BulletFox · 17/12/2017 13:14

derxa a cowbell...omg all these people with them

LoniceraJaponica · 17/12/2017 13:14

Don't mention the "i" word on here FrancisCrawford

No-one (apart from me) irons in mumsnet world Grin

FrancisCrawford · 17/12/2017 13:15

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FrancisCrawford · 17/12/2017 13:16

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Lules · 17/12/2017 13:20

Not before 9am and not after 9pm was ingrained in me as a child. I still feel rebellious calling anyone at 9.15. Atm I start getting ready for bed at 9pm otherwise I wouldn’t get enough sleep between a young baby and a toddler.

derxa · 17/12/2017 13:27

derxa a cowbell...omg all these people with them It's a giant one presented as a prize at an agricultural show

derxa · 17/12/2017 13:34

I have a land line. There have been so many times I've needed it. Rural.
This thread has given me the rage. I'm sure I'll get over it.

fastfrank · 17/12/2017 14:26

It's late.

BulletFox · 17/12/2017 14:31

dexra you seriously have one presented at an agricultural show :)

I thought people were joking! Yeah rural can be isolating. You'll have to tinkle your bell for assistance no landlines, mind

Witchend · 17/12/2017 14:35

When we had toddler/infant school age check often it used to be don't call between 7 and 8.30 as it was bedtime, round my friends.

snowbellina · 17/12/2017 14:44

I would call a landline until 9.30pm.

derxa · 17/12/2017 15:57

dexra you seriously have one presented at an agricultural show Yes. My DB won it with a Brown Swiss cow. Farming is a world people find hard to believe. Unfortunately my DB died over 20 years ago but a photo of him with the cow and cow bell is staring at me right now. Sad

Maelstrop · 17/12/2017 17:19

I personally wouldn't call anyone after 9. I was told it was unacceptable when I lived I in France, here, I'd be worried in case there was a problem. I'm more bothered about people texting or ringing early in the morning. A colleague texted at 5.30 to say she wasn't coming in. I've asked her (I'm the boss) to let me know by 7.30, by which time I'm in work.

FlakeBook · 17/12/2017 17:56

How do those of you who don't have a landline get Internet? I don't even know the number for our landline and keep the ringer on silent but was under the impression we needed one.

Lules · 17/12/2017 18:04

flake we’re with virgin and we don’t need one. Not sure how it works


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bananafish81 · 17/12/2017 18:29

we’re with virgin and we don’t need one. Not sure how it works

It's fibre - super fast broadband. Regular broadband is over the copper wire used for phone lines. Virgin broadband is on their own fibre network and doesn't need to touch copper lines. So you don't need a phone line

PersianCatLady · 17/12/2017 18:36

Are you living with your parents or are they living with You?

Tippz · 17/12/2017 18:38

Me personally, I think the latest anyone should ring a landline after 9pm; that's the limit imo.

By the way, I think it's so bloody rude when people mock things just because they don't have them! Hmm

I am less than middle age and I have a landline, and so do many people I know. Saying how 'twee' it is, is not only rude, it's stupid too. Because many people have one.

It's like people who mock people for not having a smart phone, or not being able drive, or mocking someone who doesn't drink alcohol. Just because they don't do it, they feel the need to mock. Rude. Hmm

Like someone said further upthread though, I give very few people my landline number. Only my doctors and dentist has it, and several relatives. One particularly pushy annoying women who tried to force her 'friendship' on me a couple of years ago, kept asking for it (even though I had given her my mobile number,) but I just kept saying the line was faulty. I put up with several months of 'what is wrong with it?' 'Is it fixed?' and 'What did you say was wrong with your landline again???' Hmm

We never give it out, because when we changed service provider, (some 5 years back,) we were allocated a brand new landline number from our new provider.

We had previously been with Virgin Media, (for some 7-8 years,) and we got nothing but recycled phone numbers.... A couple of them from people in debt. We got hounded every day by debt collectors who refused to believe we weren't the debtors. Another couple of numbers were numbers someone else had had only a few weeks before, and we kept getting people calling and refusing to believe we weren't the people they were calling. Virgin were useless and refused to give us a brand new number saying there 'weren't any.' Confused

So when we got a brand new landline number, (from our new provider,) we were verrrrry reluctant to give it out. Even our employers and our banks and all of our friends only have the mobile.


How do those of you who don't have a landline get Internet?

You can get internet without a landline, but your options are very limited. Only Virgin do it. (I think!) And as I think they're shit, I would always need a landline, because I would never go with them again. Apart from the fact they shove recycled landlines onto you, their internet was a piece of shit. It was off more than it was on, we were always calling them to complain, and they NEVER offered us any money off the bill.

Re the landline mockers; I can literally count on the fingers of one hand the amount of people I know who don't have a landline. I don't get why someone wouldn't want one. As has been said (by a few posters,) some people only have landlines (like elderly folk,) so they don't want to be calling a mobile phone (which is usually expensive to call.) And also some people have dreadful mobile reception, so they like to call from a landline, because it is a much clearer line.

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