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To HATE Trump

122 replies

Trumpisanightmare · 08/12/2017 22:54

I mean, I am so so angry with him. How can one man cause so much hate, so many problems, ruin so many good things, and cause such problems in the Middle East.

I hate him. I want to do something, but don't know what. Are there some petitions out there I can sign? Marches I can go on? How do we stand up against this narcissistic, racist bleep bleep bleep who is ruining everything and causing bloodshed???

OP posts:
deckoff · 10/12/2017 10:15

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Rufustherenegadereindeer1 · 10/12/2017 10:16

Agree with everyone whosafraid and humps have summed up how i feel

NewStartAgainReallyThisTime · 10/12/2017 10:19

I think he's the most dangerous man on earth.

But the people fighting are stupid. The world over. And they need to take responsibility for their actions and stop lsying the blame on someone else. Like children.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 10/12/2017 10:24

deckoff glad I wasn't the only one who as an autistic person was struggling to see how Trump showed an signs of being autistic.

I'd kind of love firecraker to come back and explain what she thinks in trumps behaviour she makes her think he's autistic and what it would explain.

whosafraidofabigduckfart · 10/12/2017 10:45

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fantasmasgoria1 · 10/12/2017 11:54

I agree op I detest the man. I am surprised he has not started another war yet! I don’t think he will get a second term though.

PerkingFaintly · 10/12/2017 12:23

I think there's every chance he has started another war.

The toothpaste won't go back in the tube even if he resigns to spend more time with his golf clubs tomorrow.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 10/12/2017 12:33

don’t think he will get a second term though.

No I said from last November I doubt he'll get a second term, he was a protest vote of a kind. However it's all very well saying he won't get a second term, we've still got another 3 of this one! I know it feels like forever! But he wasn't sworn in until January this year.
I think there's every chance he has started another war.

Well he's absolutely determined to start one with North Korea! It's ironic because when people were protesting last year I saw a lot of comments from Trump supporters going "we've just prevented world war three Hilary had said that she'd declare war on Russia"

No no you haven't prevented Ww3, a I don't remember Clinton saying any such thing and b) there's more countries in the world than Russia most of which Trump seems to want to bomb attack, ban its citizens from travelling etc

Humpsfor20yards · 10/12/2017 12:41

He's deliberately and pointlessly enflamed the Middle East. He wants a war.

whosafraidofabigduckfart · 10/12/2017 15:34

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Trumpisanightmare · 11/12/2017 22:14

Glad I'm not the only one! This thread was starting to disappear with no replies and I thought it was only me :) pleased it's not - but I wish there was something I could do to oust him/stop him/protest about him etc.... any ideas what can be done to stop this man causing more bloodshed and spreading more hate?? (and yes, I do see the irony and do get that hate can't beat hate - but I can't seem to help but hate him Sad)

OP posts:
LizzyMac40 · 12/12/2017 01:03

Trump is a fuckwit, plain and simple. Embarrassed that he is of Scottish descent. Lewis folk do not want him back on
Their land. He is treading on very very thin ice in
Scotland. He wants rid of all immigrants....kiss goodbye to nearly 100pc of your American workforce btw...made up by Scots, Spanish, Greeks, Italians, French, English, Canadian, Mexican(yes there are some hard working Mexicans living in America). I can't look at a picture of his face as he makes my stomach churn. I keep praying for Mother Nature to intervene. 😞😬

user1497863568 · 12/12/2017 01:59

Yanbu, what is especially frightening is the level of collaboration in all this fascist crap again 😭😭

Want2bSupermum · 12/12/2017 02:07

He is a symptom of a far wider problem. Don't like the guy but Hilary Clinton was not the right candidate. The democrats didn't let Sanders proceed and that's why we ended up with Trump.

fuffapster · 12/12/2017 02:24

He is awful.
He is also a narcissist - I am convinced he has full blown narcissistic personality disorder (

Basically this means that he will only focus on getting attention centered on himself, and has little (if any) empathy for others.

Just about everything he does can be explained by this - for example:

  • Jerusalem: feels like he has made a historic move and is now kind of similar to biblical figures (grandiose delusions); locks in religious right and many Jewish voters (keeping the attention of the base voters); who cares about the consequences on the ground (lack of empathy)
  • Being nice in person. This is said a lot about him - this is because if you are not nice in person, the other person will walk away/not pay attention
ShoesHaveSouls · 12/12/2017 02:33

Er. YANBU. I don't think I can put it any plainer than that.

He's a giant toddler having daily tantrums via twitter - it is literally unbelievable that he is president.

As an aside, I came across Obama's UK state visit footage on YT the other day - that speech was awesome! That man is a true Statesman. God how did they go from Obama to Trump??

BitterLittlePoster · 12/12/2017 02:44

Lots of dumb rich people go to Ivy League schools but trump isn't one of them. He didn't go to an Ivy League.

Anyway YANBU

FixItUpChappie · 12/12/2017 03:01

No other sentiment has ever been more just OP. It is painful. Painful. So, so painful. Torture really.....

You get the idea.

FixItUpChappie · 12/12/2017 03:03

and I live in Canada...we have to live right next door.

Did I mention it's painful?

OtterInDisgrace · 12/12/2017 03:05

I truly loathe the cunt.

Kursk · 12/12/2017 03:44

I think you need a decent level of intelligence to get into the White House. I expect that he will get a second term.

As a American I don’t bother watching the news any more. I am not a supporter I voted Johnson last time round. (Libertarian) it was clear to me that Trump was going to win.

The issue seems to be that the world has lost the ability to debate politics. Instead the liberals denounce anyone who doesn’t agree as racist. Therefore conservatives keep there opinions to themselves and wait for the privacy of the voting booth.

FixItUpChappie · 12/12/2017 05:30

As a American I don’t bother watching the news any more.

I'd argue this is a big source of the issue though - Americans don't follow the news, aren't largely engaged in domestic, national or international issues and when they do casually interface with news outlets most they access are utter utter shit.

Want2bSupermum · 12/12/2017 09:03

The worst thing to happen to journalism was technology. What I see here is all newspapers pandering to their customers paying for ad space because that is what keeps the paper afloat.

CNN and such channels need to fill 24 hours worth of news. It's pointless drivel these days. There actually minimal reporting of Trump. You have to dig around to find out what's happening. His tax plan isn't that bad. My main criticism is that childcare isn't fully deductible. We pay about $35k a year and there was a time I wasnt earning enough after taxes to cover the cost of childcare.

LaurieFairyCake · 12/12/2017 09:17

What strikes me is that he is the epitome of the world 'dumbing down'. He's a reality tv personality.

I remember the Reagan years and he was no great intelligence but he was at least surrounded by intelligent people. I don't see that with Trump.

I feel utter despair that being 'unintelligent and uniformed' is Ok now.

I WANT people to be at least as intelligent as me with curiosity about their single political issues to be in charge.

If I was in charge of healthcare I'd be reading research and consulting with a range of experts 40 hours a week to get to grips with it - I see no evidence of intelligent life Confused or curiosity about how the world works

ragged · 12/12/2017 09:40

Not that BAD??!! Have you seen what the tax plan will do to graduate students - as in defunding science, the plan to abolish inheritance tax, the removal of alternative minimum tax, the followup plans to remove "entitlements" -- ie, reduce benefits to balance the budget. All based on the lunacy that is "trickle down" economics.

Temporary tax reduction for individuals but permanent tax reductions for corporations.

I heard they put mortgage back in as a deduction, but that's still negotiable. The latest reporting is that the latest plans mean tax rises for people making under $30k (because poor people just blow their money on booze & women, quipped one DC politician).

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