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Pandora bracelets.

189 replies

CarbyDeadUn · 28/10/2017 20:28

I really want one. They are so pretty. Lots of different beads and things that can be added.
But are they a bit common?

I am torn.

OP posts:
CarbyDeadUn · 29/10/2017 13:44

I still like them and will be requesting one or something similar —but equally chav— for chistmas

OP posts:
SouthWestmom · 29/10/2017 15:27

Good for you op, what a shame people enjoy promoting their perceived better taste and superiority over something like this.

Mulch · 29/10/2017 15:33

I really want one. They are so pretty. Lots of different beads and things that can be added.
But are they a bit common?

I am torn.

People answered the question

Thesmallthings · 29/10/2017 15:36

Depends if you like them Your self. There are Pandora charms that I don't like and think are tacky but there's equally some that I love.

Fuck what other people think. If you like them get them and enjoy it x

WhataHexIgotinto · 29/10/2017 16:02

Good for you op, what a shame people enjoy promoting their perceived better taste and superiority over something like this.

Couldn't agree more. I'm afraid I find people talking about their 'pieces' from independent jewellers just wanky.

Lonecatwithkitten · 29/10/2017 16:18

My ExH bought me several very expensive pieces of jewellery from independent jewellers they were not bought out of love they bought to exhibit as trophies on me to show the world how well he was doing. They all got stolen in a robbery, shortly before I discovered his affair and divorced him.
My DP gave me a pandora bracelet the first Christmas we were together, every charm has been careful chosen with thought and love to mean something to both of us. I don't care what anyone else thinks I far happier wearing it than all the individual valuable stuff ExH bought me.

Queenofthedrivensnow · 29/10/2017 16:31

We (group of friends) bought a very dear friend a pandora bracelet for her 40th. We bought her a bead that read ‘best friends’ when she moved abroad this year. She cried her eyes out when we gave it to her in the restaurant and so did we. Might be a brand name but couldn’t mean more to her and us. You can keep your snobbery

Katedotness1963 · 29/10/2017 16:50

Mumsnet loves to hate Pandora. Fuck them. Buy what you want. I'm sick of the snobby "I just don't get" threads on here. So you don't get it...who cares?? Live and let live.

sparklyelephant · 29/10/2017 16:58

Bloody hell, there’s some charmers on here!!

bigbluedustbin · 29/10/2017 17:29

I wear one with a single charm. The silver one with a clasp. Never taken it off for over 5 years!

One of the main reasons I love it so much is that it’s really durable and never comes undone. It’s been caught on countless things and never broken, doesn’t discolour when I shower and swim with it etc. So yes, they’re expensive but they last and they’re convenient and they do in my opinion look cute.

StatelessPrincess · 29/10/2017 17:41

I think Pandora's naff, dull and overpriced but if you like it who cares? I like big 1970's yellow gold things, which I'm sure loads of people find totally tasteless and really doesn't matter!

AccidentalyRunToWindsor · 29/10/2017 18:50

I wasn’t aware we could boast about our ‘unique’ pieces as well.

My ER was designed by my DH and crafted lovingly by a local independent jewellers...I wear it on the same arm as my hideously chavvy pandora bracelet and my equally common Tiffany ball bracelet.


Pearlsaringer · 30/10/2017 22:21

There is no such thing as good taste or bad taste, only taste. And I try to keep that in mind when I remember how we decorated our homes in the eighties.

DaisyRaine90 · 03/11/2017 20:07

Dropping heavy hints to DP but no pandora as yet.

If I don’t get one for Xmas he best be taking me to Tiffany’s in New York or he can marry someone else 😂😂😂😂

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