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Pandora bracelets.

189 replies

CarbyDeadUn · 28/10/2017 20:28

I really want one. They are so pretty. Lots of different beads and things that can be added.
But are they a bit common?

I am torn.

OP posts:
LyingWitchInTheWardrobe2726 · 28/10/2017 23:21

Crivens, are some people really so thick and so desperate to make a point as to make any kind of comparison with random charm bracelets and swastikas? Shock

That has really shocked me.

SilenceMeansWhatAreTheyUpTo · 28/10/2017 23:24

This thread is certainly an eye-opener. If it makes you happy OP, go for it. And if anyone is so shallow as to judge you for it, then they're the one with the problem, not you.

Nettletheelf · 28/10/2017 23:26

Wow, thanks for calling me thick and desperate! What a lovely person you must be.

Nettletheelf · 28/10/2017 23:27

Perhaps read the thread properly next time. Just a bit of feedback. Or people might think that you’re a bit thick.

LyingWitchInTheWardrobe2726 · 28/10/2017 23:44

I read it fine, Nettle. Perhaps think a bit about what you're posting next time because your reference was deeply offensive.

Frazzled74 · 28/10/2017 23:44

I love charm bracelets, I have a pandora which I wear lots, DM bought it for me and buys me a charm/bead every Xmas, I don’t wear all the charms at the same time. I have a nomination bracelet which the dc bought and add to , led by eldest dc, I wear this nearly every day. I also have an old fashioned charm bracelet, I was given this by my maid of honour and bought a second charm on honeymoon, I now buy myself a charm every now and then to signify important events, I hardly ever wear this bracelet but I love it, and my dd loves looking at it. If you love pandora and want it, why not?

thebluething · 28/10/2017 23:55

I have 2 pandora bracelets from years back - one is completely full of mainly silver charms. When you add up the cost it's probably about £1000 which I later realised is ridiculous because I don't even think they are real silver charms! I'm thinking if trying to sell them on eBay now.

Now I have a silver cuff bracelet from the Tiffany "Enchantment" range for about £700 which I much prefer and DH also gave me a Cartier "locked in love" bangle which he put on me and lost the key so I can't get it off.

sweetkitty · 29/10/2017 00:03

Why is common a bad thing? They are very popular for a reason people like them. I have one with my DCs birthstone charms, I don't care if some consider it tacky.

LinaBo · 29/10/2017 00:10

Why would it not be real silver? All my beads are hallmarked.

CamelliaSinensis35 · 29/10/2017 00:13

Honestly who gives a shiny shite what anyone wears on their wrist. Wear what makes you happy. I can guarantee no one but you will notice it anyway unless you point it out.

cherish123 · 29/10/2017 00:25

A bit common and teenage-y but if you like - go for it.

Viviennemary · 29/10/2017 00:26

If you like them then get one. I wouldn't want one because they're very overpriced for what they are. But so are a lot of things.

user1494815704 · 29/10/2017 00:52

Very common

SabineUndine · 29/10/2017 00:55

I love charm bracelets but Pandora seem terrifically expensive for what you get.

LolaTheDarkerdestroyer · 29/10/2017 01:05

Great if you are 13.

verystressedmum · 29/10/2017 01:12

For gods sake some people are ridiculous, who decides if something is common or not?
I couldn’t care less what people think if they want to think my Pandora is common they can buy something else that they have decided is classy and feel good about themselves that they are upper class, middle class, classy, sophisticated..whatever it is they want to be and what they think their jewellery says about them.
Wear whatever you like that makes you happy but don’t bloody judge.

TheCraicDealer · 29/10/2017 01:16

I don’t think that they’re “common”, but they’re definitely a bit ubiquitous and faddy. Judging by the smaller queues I’ve noted the last Xmas or two I think their star is on the wane. Cao’s comment above was harsh but she’s right about the appeal that’s driven what is a pretty basic and overpriced (sorry to the fans) product into what’s now possibly the most recognisable and copied fashion jewellery in the market. DH works in a male dominated workplace and it’s been suggested by his ever-helpful colleagues a few times that he should get me a Pandora, as it sorts presents for Christmas, birthdays and other occasions for the foreseeable future!

The figure of £400 was quoted above for an half filled bracelet of averagely priced charms, which even to me is a bit nuts. If you’re spending that amount of money I’d want something of decent quality material, with some degree of craftsmanship and (ideally) supporting a local independent jeweller or designer. Pandora doesn’t tick any of those boxes. Give me Merci Maman any day!

Grilledaubergines · 29/10/2017 01:20

I’m not keen on them. I think they represent lazy gift-giving - youvget bought the bracelet and forever after get bought the charms with very little thought.

thebluething · 29/10/2017 01:23

Thanks Lina. That's good to know the charms are actually silver. For some reason I"d got it in my head they were silver- plated and I was feeling a bit ripped off Confused

thebluething · 29/10/2017 01:34

These are the two I have, but haven't worn in years. I was wondering what the clear crystal in the beads is - could it be CZ or is it glass?

Pandora bracelets.
WillWorkForShoes · 29/10/2017 01:38

I love my Pandora. It's personal to me.

I don't think they're common, but I can appreciate why some people don't like them. I think Birkenstocks and Crocs are the height of poor taste.

But then, who cares what other people think?

Dontknowwherethelineis · 29/10/2017 01:41

I feel like I could thread the pieces from my monopoly board onto some elastic and it would be similar to (but nicer than) a Pandora bracelet. So it's not for me. I don't judge anyone for having one though.... But I really really don't get it.


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DontDrinkDontSmoke · 29/10/2017 01:43

Same as Grilled I think they're a lazy gift. I have two and maybe a dozen charms sitting in a box in a cupboard. I wore them out of politeness to begin with but had to stop as I kept getting gifted the charms. My (not so) DM started to encourage my DH to buy me the charms so I had to have words.

I'd never be as rude as to say anything negative about a gift a loved one has chosen for me (other than here, anonymously) . I will be checking out eBay with a view to selling mine on.

If you like them though, stuff anyone else's opinion, get one.

MakeItStopNeville · 29/10/2017 01:59

I loved my Pandora bracelet when I got it (about 8/9 years ago I think) but it didn't wear well. It got really tarnished and I could never get it cleaned up again. But I really did love it at the time and, out of all the beads that were on it, the 4 fat babies were my pride and joy!

blanklook · 29/10/2017 01:11

Wear what you like, love and enjoy it.

Swastikas were a Hindu, Buddhist and Jain sacred symbol thousands of years before the Nazis reversed it and adopted it.

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