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CFN patio doors, sangria, ken from the shop update

385 replies

WhatIsThisWatt · 27/10/2017 21:29

Hello all, most of you probably won’t know what I’m on about but for those of you that do, I feel that I owe you an explanation. A friend alerted me to a few threads where I’d been called a troll etc.

I’ve been through a very long process with NDN about the doors (which I had been told were going to be replaced/ wall reinstated etc)

I had also been told by my lawyer that all was fine.

The planning dept have been on my side, as per all previous threads.

This all seemed to be going ahead until I returned home to find half of my flat wall caved in.

I had to move out to stay with a friend. The whole thing has been a total nightmare and it is still not resolved. My wall has been partially fixed, the patio doors remain and no one has seen hide nor hair of NDN or the builders for months.

My flat is now uninhabitable for the foreseeable and there are legal implications, planning laws and listed building laws which all have to be agreed and adhered to before anything will be done, apparently.

This may be terribly outing but I am beyond caring. I was told not to post on here, however, the advice I received was second to none and so I thank you all for that.

My grandma has been unwell so I have been back and forth to Spain, seems like all is against me!

Sorry I disappeared for so long, but you can imagine how awful it has been, I’m in a better place now, so thought it was time to come back and let you know that I’m not some fantasist making up stories about doors 😂

Hope to see some familiar names on the thread!

OP posts:
Saladtongs · 26/12/2017 07:46

Have this thread moved to the 30 days only thread so it'll disappear in a month to protect your privacy. You might also want to name change for your other posts so people can't link you to this.

I hope it sorts itself out and you get the outcome you deserve. Goid luck.

GirlWithTheYellowHat · 10/01/2018 21:22

Just found this! Hope spangran is better

justoneday · 14/01/2018 19:38

Only just found this. I avidly kept up with the first threads but hadn't thought to look back. It was only the CF neighbour completing and someone saying you'd updated. Not what I expected. I thought things would be all sorted. Feeling for you and sending you some new year luck.

Chickenagain · 16/01/2018 09:24

Contact the estate agents who sold it and get the details if their solicitor - he/she should have previous address or other contact details
Is there post being redirected?
Good luck

calmandbright · 16/01/2018 09:41

Bloody bums! What a 'mare ShockSaddo keep us updated. I hope the scoundrels are found and are hit with all the repercussions they deserve Angry all the best to SpanGran too Flowers

Fullerhouse · 21/01/2018 14:21

Any news op? I’ve just got through all your thread it took me three days lol! I hope you’ve got it sorted now x

LakieLady · 21/01/2018 14:37

Hi Watty, I often wonder how you and Abuela are doing, and if you've been able to move back in yet.

Hope you're ok.

snackerextraordinaire · 21/01/2018 15:18

So pleased to get an update. Thank you Watty and so sorry that this has happened. How awful for you.

Very grateful you did come back. I do hate getting totally over invested in a thread only for it never to be heard about again.

Does anyone remember the one about the wall being taken down by the neighbours and massive gate posts installed. I would love to hear what happened about that.

alphajuliet123 · 18/03/2018 12:10

@WhatIsThisWatt how’s things? Have you got back in to your home? Hope all is ok x

Mumsnut · 28/03/2018 15:21

Wonder if Watt can give us an update, if it isn't too raw ...

colbyandmontysmum · 07/04/2018 19:55

Poor Watty! I hope everything is resolving itself and you and Span Gran are doing well. I was addicted to your earlier threads (got very little done at work during that time) and I had hoped the problem was fixed.

MaggieFS · 12/04/2018 21:11

Anyone else ever wonder how OP is getting on? I hope things have turned a corner for the better.

WineAndTiramisu · 12/04/2018 21:41

I thought there was an update then! Got quite excited... Grin

MaggieFS · 12/04/2018 21:50

Oh no, sorry. Didn't think of that Blush

bilbodog · 13/04/2018 18:20

Nooo thought there was an update too ☹️☹️

MrsHandles · 13/04/2018 20:34

FFS MaggieFS!!

Jedimum1 · 13/04/2018 20:39

Oooh, pity! I also thought there was an update! Lol

NightAndShiningArmour · 14/06/2018 15:27

@whatisthiswatt how are things? Updates on spangran and CFNDN?

TellMeItsNotTrue · 14/06/2018 15:51

Really need to check dates, I read this the first time around and was thinking 'oh no, spangran is still not doing well' and 'bloody hell how long has op had to be away from home now, poor thing' then I saw Christmas mentioned Confused ignored, saw it again and looked at the date of post Blush bit slow on the uptake today!

Hopefully spangran is doing fabulously well, op is home again and neighbours have been caught and made to pay for all they have done

SneakyGremlins · 15/06/2018 22:55

Been on a CF binge - destroyed your FLAT? Hope things are much better now and that's why you haven't been back.

ItsJustASimpleLine · 29/08/2018 07:11

Any update OP? I often think of you and your lovely flat and wonder if all is well.

Purplepinkpurple · 03/10/2018 13:35

I often wonder what happened to watty and her house. Did you ever track the owners down?

Hows spangran doing ? X


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patpat1 · 03/10/2018 16:24

I was also a lurker! Thank you for update. How awful it has all been for you, do hope it is satisfactorily resolved before too long. Wishing you the best of luck with the continuing process!

coffeeneeded · 24/11/2018 22:26

I can't believe it is now over a year since this update but I still want to know what happened!! This is the only thread that I've held on to!

Still thinking of you @patpat1 hope it all got sorted.

patpat1 · 25/11/2018 15:11

@coffeeneeded Not sure why you tagged me, I'm just another lurker!

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