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Uncle's wedding and pregnancy

125 replies

orionpie · 24/10/2017 15:27

Name changed for this . I possibly am being unreasonable but would like some one else’s perspective.

Basically my uncle (mum’s brother) is getting married for the third time in two weeks time . I’m due in one week but all of my other three kids were born at 41 weeks exactly . The wedding was a last minute deal and only booked four months ago . It’s a weekend type event where everyone will be staying for the weekend .
I’m a lone parent - husband left for OW in early pregnancy and hasn’t bothered with the kids since . The only support I have are my grandparents and my parents . I was relying on my parents (they offered) to look after my younger three when I go into labour , my last baby was an emcs so there’s a higher possibility that this one will be too . But today I’ve been told that if I go into labour the days before / the day of or anytime during the wedding weekend then nobody will be available to watch them and my gran who was going to be my birth partner also won’t be doing that .

I know I probably am being unreasonable but I literally have nobody now to look after my kids should I need it and I’ll be giving birth , possibly having a csection on my own . I have no money for a babysitter and definitely no money for a doula . What happens in this sort of situation where there’s genuinely NOBODY who could have the kids ? Can they go to the hospital with me? The middle child has sensory issues and wouldn’t be able to deal with a stranger even if I could afford a babysitter !

Aibu to feel like I’ve been let down a bit ?

OP posts:
orionpie · 24/10/2017 16:25

My sisters MIL has said she will do it and my sister has sent me her number so I can call her later to go over the details !

Thank you for all the suggestions , it seems I was panicking over nothing . I don’t know where I’d be without my sister

OP posts:
Eliza9917 · 24/10/2017 16:27

That is fucking shocking. Truly unbelievable.

I would make other arrangements, do it all by myself and then cut them all off after too. Even if the baby came before/after the wedding, no chance on earth they would be seeing my kids. Their behaviour really is despicable.

Kintan · 24/10/2017 16:27

That's great news! Hope your parents realise what utter a-holes they have been. Hope everything goes well with the birth :)

WinteryWalk · 24/10/2017 16:28

Oh that’s great news, I’m so sorry for such a rubbish situation though

User843022 · 24/10/2017 16:29

Yes I know it is major surgery I just thought they tended to recommend it when previous cs but of course up to you.
Why have your family sprung it on you now though when the wedding was booked 4mths ago?

Glad your dsis mil can help out. Your parents have behaved atrociously. Good luck .

orionpie · 24/10/2017 16:31

Myrtle I think it’s just occurred to them that I could still be pregnant . They offered way back when my husband left to do it .
I’m so relieved I have someone though !

OP posts:
MamaOfTwos · 24/10/2017 16:31

Good luck with your birth OP, and fingers crossed your massive cunt of an ex is found so he can face his financial responsibility Flowers

troodiedoo · 24/10/2017 16:33

Hope everything works out for you OP. Sorry your husband and family are sub standard. Flowers

LittleMyLikesSnuffkin · 24/10/2017 16:35

Ahh your sister and her MIL have come through for you in the end that's great! Shame about the rest of your family.

Btw when I mentioned foster care before it wasn't meant to scare you! The ones I know are lovely people and your children would have been fine with them. Best wishes and really hope you can avoid a CS. I have a child with ASD and zero family support so I'd be the same as you wanting to avoid a longer recovery.

PandorasXbox · 24/10/2017 16:36

I’m glad your sister has your back. Hopefully you won’t need to ask your sisters MIL but at least you know she’s on hand if you do.

bonnymnemonic · 24/10/2017 16:36

I appreciate it may not be what you want, but given you have had EMCS before, you could ask for an ECS on or before your due date, which would presumably mean your family would be available to offer support?

GreenFingersWouldBeHandy · 24/10/2017 16:37

Flowers for your sister, Flowers for her MIL and Flowers for you too, OP.

Sorry your parents are so selfish! Hope all goes well for you.

Scoobygang7 · 24/10/2017 16:37

That sounds good @orionpie I am not too far from rothbury. I've pm'd you.

HunterHearstHelmsley · 24/10/2017 16:37

Thank God for your sisters MIL! Shame on your family though.

VladmirsPoutine · 24/10/2017 16:40

Orion, I really wish nothing but the best for you. Flowers

BadPolicy · 24/10/2017 16:41

Flowers for you and your lovely sister. I hope it goes well.

bonnymnemonic · 24/10/2017 16:42

Sorry, phone hadn't loaded all the latest messages when I posted.

Glad your sister and her MIL have you covered. Good luck!

Redcrayons · 24/10/2017 16:43

You're definitely not panicking over nothing!
Glad you've got a decent plan B.
I don't think I could ever get past my parents letting me down like that.

Mix56 · 24/10/2017 16:45

I would call the PIL, no actually I wold go round, not so easy as putting the phone down. & tell them the dilemma, surely they can help or contact your bastard XH.
These people are a disgrace.

Mix56 · 24/10/2017 16:48

whoops, missed update. but would do it anyway. these children are their flesh & blood

Inertia · 24/10/2017 16:48

Sister's MIL sounds great- what a shame your own family and your own in-laws are so appallingly selfish.

I'd still mention it to midwife, just in case your sister's MIL isn't available.

LittleMyLikesSnuffkin · 24/10/2017 16:51

Ahh your sister and her MIL have come through for you in the end that's great! Shame about the rest of your family.

Btw when I mentioned foster care before it wasn't meant to scare you! The ones I know are lovely people and your children would have been fine with them. Best wishes and really hope you can avoid a CS. I have a child with ASD and zero family support so I'd be the same as you wanting to avoid a longer recovery.


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JaneEyre70 · 24/10/2017 16:56

Just seconding about what others have said about foster care, I know some people who do it and they are amazing. They often get kids of single parents who have to go into hospital for something, and the kids are so well looked after. It also takes the stress of worrying about family being reliable, so don't be scared of using that as an option. Your family sound very unhelpful OP, I'd be at my DDs side and glued to it in your situation.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 24/10/2017 16:56

it seems I was panicking over nothing

On the contrary Pie - you were being very sensible. The baby's arrival on/near that date is a real possibility and you wanted to make arrangements to ensure your other children were looked after.

That is being a good mother.

I'm surprised that everyone is so keen to go to your uncle's wedding. Presumably they have been to the first two and will no doubt get the chance to go to a few more.

orionpie · 24/10/2017 16:57

I’m not scared of using foster care , I would have asked mw to refer me to social services if I wasn’t able to sort anything :) thanks again for all the advice

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