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To change teachers, leave the country and probably also the planet?

89 replies

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 11:28

Good morning all.

I have done something that has made me so embarrassed I think I have personally contributed to global warming with my beetroot face.

Last night, around 11.39pm, my friend Whatsapped me asking how I was feeling and was my husband still awake? For some unknown drunken reason I texted her back instead of replying to the Whatsapp message.

I texted her back the following; 'Sadly not, he's fallen asleep and I'm as randy as a bloody buggerhound!'

But of course I didn't send it to my friend - oh no.
I discovered about 20 minutes ago that I actually sent it to my DS's Martial Arts teacher.

So... do I send him a grovelling apology 'Oh my god' text, or when I drop DS to MA later today do I just ignore the whole thing and brave it out and hope that he magically didn't receive it?

Thanks in advance Blush

OP posts:
TheAntiBoop · 23/10/2017 13:09

It sounds like you don't have the right number for him. So who did you send it to.....

WinteryWalk · 23/10/2017 13:09


Fruitcorner123 · 23/10/2017 13:10

Also check your drafts. Maybe it's in there and didn't get sent at all

theymademejoin · 23/10/2017 13:12

Just in case it needs to be said - do not reply again. Just pretend it never happened next time you see him. Drop your child to class and run. Do not speak to him for at least a couple of classes. By then, it will have all blown over.

morningtoncrescent62 · 23/10/2017 13:13

I was once on the receiving end of one of these. A new (junior) colleague sent me a long email clearly meant for her new and very hot lover. I ignored it - to be honest it would have been more embarrassing for me if she'd sent a follow-up apology, because then we'd both have to admit to having known about it. Better that she said nothing and I pretended not to have seen it. So on that basis, I'd say he might well have received the first text and be trying to find a way out of the embarrassment. In relation to the picture text, I would just say nothing, and pretend that nothing's happened. Much the safest way.

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:13

Well it was definitely there. I realised when I looked in my messages folder and saw it under his name. He must have got it, it had a time stamp and everything. He's just being nice isn't he and he did get it and knows I'm a randy buggerhound!!!! cries

OP posts:
Dobopdidoo1 · 23/10/2017 13:15

Awww, he’s being nice OP! Just go with it and it’ll blow over

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 23/10/2017 13:15

Yes he's being nice. So you should leave him alone now.

You randy buggerhound you 🤣

TheAntiBoop · 23/10/2017 13:15

But you said his other text messages came from a different number? I reckon either
A you wrote his number down wrong
Or B he had you down as trouble from the start and gave you a wrong number!!

HemanOrSheRa · 23/10/2017 13:16

Gawd. I'd just leave the whole sorry mess alone if I were you OP Grin. Can we help you with booking flights somewhere nice? Grin.

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:19

I think the original number is his personal number and the second number is from the 'class phone' as it were, to send mass texts to the parents.

And I have to stay to class because it's only DS's 2nd week and he's only 4 and I've got to sit there in the relatively small class and smile whilst being dissolved from the inside by embarrassment which is akin to battery acid.

I'm throwing my phone in the sea.

OP posts:
theymademejoin · 23/10/2017 13:25

Bring a really interesting book that you will be completely engrossed in for the full class (just make sure you're holding it the right way up, though). Then leave in a hurry afterwards because you're sooooo busy.

Mummyoflittledragon · 23/10/2017 13:30

Ok, well he’s pleading ignorance. You do the same. And delete the other number!

Mrsdraper1 · 23/10/2017 13:33

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon, randy buggerhound
In cinemas Friday

Rednailsandnaeknickers · 23/10/2017 13:37


Thanks OP I really needed that.

I know a good plastic surgeon if you can want an entire new face to hide behind, I think it’s reached that level GrinGrinGrin

Shadow666 · 23/10/2017 13:37

Just style it out and pretend the whole thing didn't happen. Imagine you dreamt the whole thing.

What is a buggerhound btw? Is it an anal sex thing?

QuimReaper · 23/10/2017 13:41

Why did you have his personal number?

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:46

It was the number on the sheet he gave us when we joined. It may not be his personal number, I just assumed since receiving the 'group' text earlier. I know my sister's little ones do a class with the same franchise and their teacher has a number which the teacher can be contacted on and a number which they get info texts from but don't respond to.

Do you know what? I have no blasted idea what a 'randy buggerhound' is or why I felt the need to tell my friend how I was feeling.

I am never drinking red wine again.

OP posts:
KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:47

Mrsdraper1 - oh god I'm sitting here with shaking shoulders and my colleagues are asking why I'm crying!!!

OP posts:
MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 23/10/2017 13:49

Group text you say?

Shock Grin

SnipSnipMrBurgess · 23/10/2017 13:49

Why was your friend wanting to know if your husband was awake at half 11 at night?
I'd find that a weirder text message than what you sent

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:53

Oh not much of a story there, I told her earlier that DH had the beginnings of a cold and I thought I might be getting it too. She saw that I was online and wondered why I was still awake as usually I'm in bed by about 10.

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KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:55

...So I told her that he'd gone to bed and I couldn't sleep. because I was as randy as a bloody buggerhound.


OP posts:
KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 16:25

Right, I'm off to MA. If I don't return it's because the ground will have swallowed me up.

Thank you all for your advice Smile Blush

OP posts:
theymademejoin · 23/10/2017 17:34

Just remember - it never happened.

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