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89 replies

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 11:28

Good morning all.

I have done something that has made me so embarrassed I think I have personally contributed to global warming with my beetroot face.

Last night, around 11.39pm, my friend Whatsapped me asking how I was feeling and was my husband still awake? For some unknown drunken reason I texted her back instead of replying to the Whatsapp message.

I texted her back the following; 'Sadly not, he's fallen asleep and I'm as randy as a bloody buggerhound!'

But of course I didn't send it to my friend - oh no.
I discovered about 20 minutes ago that I actually sent it to my DS's Martial Arts teacher.

So... do I send him a grovelling apology 'Oh my god' text, or when I drop DS to MA later today do I just ignore the whole thing and brave it out and hope that he magically didn't receive it?

Thanks in advance Blush

OP posts:
Shadow666 · 23/10/2017 12:39

'Right, I've just finished dying of embarrassment enough to apologise for that message. Lesson learnt, never drink and text, unless you want to make an unforgettable first impression (about 30 'blush' faces)'

It sounds like you were apologising for making a drunken pass at him! Grin

RavenLG · 23/10/2017 12:40

Could be a dick pic
Grin Grin Grin Grin

TwattyCatty · 23/10/2017 12:40

The second text doesn't say you sent it by mistake! It reads as if you sent it on purpose while you were pissed.
You made it so much worse!

juneybean · 23/10/2017 12:41

Could he have meant "sorry for what message" as in I'll never repeat it again to save your embarrassment

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 12:44

Oh god I've made it so much worse haven't I?! I have sent the other text saying 'I sent you a message intended for someone else, very relieved you didn't receive it'

So hopefully the picture message isn't anything... clarifying. I won't know until I get home Shock Shock

OP posts:
Tinty · 23/10/2017 12:45

Don't worry keyboardcat the reason he didn't get the message is because he lent his phone to his 18 year old DS who will now be waiting for you, after you drop your DS off to the Martial Arts class this evening. Grin.

theymademejoin · 23/10/2017 12:48

That's much better. It's now just an embarrassing mistake that you can pretend never happened. Unless, of course, it's a dick pic.........

theymademejoin · 23/10/2017 12:50

@Tinty - or his very jealous wife who is a black belt in whatever the martial art is. Hopefully not one that involves weapons.

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 12:50

Right, I physically can't wait until later. I've texted saying 'oh, was that a picture message? Sorry my reception is terrible and won't download'.

LMAO Tinty!! Bloody hell, imagine!!

OP posts:
Brandnewstart · 23/10/2017 12:51

I once sent a text to my 15 yr old male babysitter saying 'missing you loads gorgeous boy' followed by loads of kisses. Meant for my partner obviously. Thank god I noticed!!! I also text his mum to explain in case she thought I had designs on her child.
I was mortified!!

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 23/10/2017 12:53

He's gonna send you a second dick pic now...

LittleLights · 23/10/2017 12:55

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Whattodo2177 · 23/10/2017 12:56



Seriously, you’re making it worse with every text you send Grin

eyeballpaul · 23/10/2017 12:57

Its going to be a picture of a randy buggerhound. Please post it here

Omg I just spat my tea out and proper lol’ed - DS just came downstairs to ask why I’m laughing Grin

theymademejoin · 23/10/2017 12:58

@KeyboardCat - step away from your phone and stop texting him. You are making it worse!

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 23/10/2017 12:59

You need to shut the conversation down now not get all chatty about what the dick picture he sent. Stop texting him. Now.

And turn in your phone because you clearly can't be trusted even when sober Wink

theymademejoin · 23/10/2017 13:01

At this stage, even if he hasn't yet seen the original text, he's going to make it his business to see it.

Pickleypickles · 23/10/2017 13:03

Not very helpful but your thread has made me laugh 😂😂😂

Aintgotnosoapbox · 23/10/2017 13:04

You are so impatient- I thought I was impulsive!
Just. Oh dear 😁

KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:04

He's just replied - 'It was a picture of the last message you sent me which was , 'fantastic, see you tomorrow''

So.... it looks like he never received it after all.


OP posts:
Fruitcorner123 · 23/10/2017 13:06

brandnewstart aaargh thats mortifying!

Agree with others OP no more texts. Update us when you see the pic though x

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 23/10/2017 13:06

Oh it's probably gone to the global martial arts group on WhatsApp then.


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KeyboardCat · 23/10/2017 13:08

I sincerely hope that it is the case that he received it and is pretending he didn't.

Oh god.... I hate everything.

OP posts:
Hissy · 23/10/2017 13:08

ok.... so WHO did you send the buggerhound message to?

Fruitcorner123 · 23/10/2017 13:09

Can you check in your sent messages folder? Aaargh who did you send it to??

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