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To secretly fill a Christmas Charity shoebox with as good as new toys?

190 replies

ferriswheel · 15/10/2017 01:26

I've filled an authentic one already. But all things considered I could do a great job of 'nearly new' version.

Or is this very bad karma?

OP posts:
Greenleaf54321 · 15/10/2017 08:11

The answer to your original question, if the toys are not demonstrably new, they will not pass through customs in some places, if they are checked, so may have to be withdrawn by the organisation before customs, anyway, as they could be accused of "smuggling"

flowery · 15/10/2017 08:23

"Yabu to fill a shoebox at all, unless you're cool with children being proselytised to in exchange for toys by evangelical christians."

And even if you're ok with Samaritan's Purse being so evangelical, the idea of supporting a charity which is so openly homophobic in its agenda, and run by an Islamophobic individual like Franklin Graham is abhorrent as far as I'm concerned.

So many good charities around to support instead!

Mrstrumpalot · 15/10/2017 08:34

Flowery.* My thoughts exactly.*

ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 15/10/2017 08:36

Oh fuck. I’ve done OCC this year and had no idea of this.

Can anyone provide info on one they’ve done for the elderly? Would love to do that.

ferriswheel · 15/10/2017 08:54

Its definitely not occ. I'm really shocked to find out about that though.

Its a local group that I trust and its run through the school. I trust them too.

Surely if you can't tell its not new it won't matter?

OP posts:
childmaintenanceserviceinquiry · 15/10/2017 08:56

Yes the elderly ones sound a good and probably little thought of alternative.

ferriswheel · 15/10/2017 08:59

A shoebox for the elderly?

OP posts:
PoppyPopcorn · 15/10/2017 09:03

We did the OCC boxes once thiking it was a nice thing to do and knowing no better.

There are SO many "no strings" alternatives.

last year we did the backpack project through school - It's a good one for school age children as it brings home how lucky they are to get free schooling, and you fill an old rucksack or backpack with school supplies, t-shirt, sandals etc. AFAIK Mary's Meals is a charity with a Christian ethos but there is no evangelising at all. If it's a school or group making up backpacks, they can arrange collcetion.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 15/10/2017 09:05

Where is the brainwashing element?

"Happy Christmas from Christians" - what's wrong with that?

If a Jewish organisation sent deprived children a gift with "Happy Hannukah from Jews", or a Muslim one wit "Happy End from Muslims", I wouldn't find that offensive.

No-one says "You have to get baptised/ go to a church service/ say The Lord' Prayer or you won't get your shoebox." The boys are distributed regardless, to needy children of any and every race, colour or creed, and so it should be.

The Christian faith in particular has as a precept that we should share what we have with others who are less fortunate. I can't see why it is a problem.

Is it because it makes atheists look bad? They could always send a "Happy (insert occasion here) from Atheists".

Go on - go for it! As long as a child benefits and knows that somewher, someone cares, so what?

PoppyPopcorn · 15/10/2017 09:09

Oh and the MAry's Meals backpack appeal actively encourages you to send second hand stuff, the only thing they want new is toothpaste and soap.

specialsubject · 15/10/2017 09:13

Samaritans purse are a hate organisation - their leader hates gays and Muslims, and those are just the groups he has got round to.

If your brand of Christian charity supports that, I wish you what you deserve.

Greenleaf54321 · 15/10/2017 09:22

There is nothing Christian about homophobia or Islamophobia. I support samaritans purse, and am not homophobic or Islamophobic.

RedToothBrush · 15/10/2017 09:24

Shoebox threads and MN have a 'history'.

It involves very heavy handed threats to MN users.

It was appalling, and there were posters who I hugely respect and had long and constructive posting histories and were not 'troublemakers' who got caught up in it.

The way the charity in question handled it was utterly shameful. Regardless of anything else relating to the way they operate abroad, after the way they behaved towards MN users, I would scream from the roof tops about why you should be very wary of supporting them.

It was not a great look from a charity. Even if they were defending themselves against claims they disagreed with, they could have handled the situation in a far better way. They didn't.

Its one of the worst incidents I've seen on MN.

They do still 'lurk'.

I don't actively say avoid donating to a charity, but I do say, that people should SERIOUSLY do their research on Christmas Shoe Boxes and be wary of what and how they post on the subject on MN.

There are plenty of charities out there. There are decent shoebox ones. Make sure the one you pick, operates both home and abroad in a way, you are comfortable with.

The information is out there...

Vebrithien · 15/10/2017 09:31

We used to send shoeboxes via OCC at the school I teach in, until a parent complained. We now send them to the Rotary club. They have the option of making boxes for the elderly, babies, new mums, as well as the different ages of child. My tutor group really enjoyed the different options.

Hulababy · 15/10/2017 09:34

We do a shoebox appeal but never OCC. we do local Ines - there's one for children who are in need, plus we do one for the homeless charity.

SoupDragon · 15/10/2017 09:35

I support samaritans purse, and am not homophobic or Islamophobic.

But you are supporting a group with a history of just that. my conscience wouldn't let me do that.

Mrstrumpalot · 15/10/2017 09:40

So ,Schadenfreude, using your argument it doesn’t matter about the agenda of this organisation, as long as it makes the recipients happy then that’s ok?
It’s like letting your children accept a gift from , for example , Kim Jong Un ( and I know I’ve picked an extreme example here) and saying as long as it makes the children happy then that’s fine?

Greenleaf54321 · 15/10/2017 09:44

But you are supporting a group with a history of just that. my conscience wouldn't let me do that

I will contact head office and ask for assurances that they will take action against any homophobia in their organisation.

Hellywelly10 · 15/10/2017 09:45

Would you give your own children second hand Christmas presents?

Greenleaf54321 · 15/10/2017 09:47

homophobia is a great evil, but it is best challenged by people who are actively engaged with the source of homophobia, rather than by people who are totally estranged from them

I will contact head office, and do so from a position of supplying them with around 20 shoe boxes a year, and helping to collect several hundred, and having many friends involved the same way.

I a, not aware of any homophobia at all in any of the people I know who are involved with samaritans purse. (OCC)

Greenleaf54321 · 15/10/2017 09:48

Would you give your own children second hand Christmas presents?

yes, have done so many times, what is the issue?

Mrstrumpalot · 15/10/2017 09:56

Greenlea.. your argument does not make sense.

You may not know of anybody personally who is actually homophobic, hopefully not many of us do, but it is a recorded fact that Franklin’s organisation agrees with Putin’s state sanctioned homophobia.
I would have thought it obvious that the first action taken would be by not supporting them by providing shoe boxes!


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exexpat · 15/10/2017 09:59

Greenleaf - the people you know who are involved in Samaritan's Purse or OCC may not be homophobic, but its leader, Franklin Graham, certainly is, and he has used the charity to campaign against gay rights in the US:

OCC volunteers apparently have to sign a statement opposing same-sex marriage and abortion:

Franklin Graham even called for a boycott of Disney because there was a gay character in the recent remake of Beauty and the Beast. He is also very anti-Muslim, and thinks all Muslim immigration to the US should be banned.

This is the kind of 'christianity' the shoeboxes are used to promote. Even many Christians are joining the backlash against OCC:

sashh · 15/10/2017 10:05

OCC is an evangelist Christian organisation. They evangelise. However, not in exchange for toys. They distribute boxes through local organisations such as mosques, churches, soup kitchens etc.

Not according to their website, a couple of quotes

The Amazing Journey of a Shoebox Gift Begins with You and Results in Evangelism, Discipleship, and Multiplication.

Gospel Materials
Your $9 donation to Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan's Purse, helps us train and equip local churches to use our Ministry Partner Guide. This resource shows churches how to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ in a child-friendly way.

Your donation also provides The Greatest Gift Gospel Booklets, which are written in the children's language and distributed along with shoebox gifts.

They have toned it down a bit for the UK site

Where is the brainwashing element?

"Happy Christmas from Christians" - what's wrong with that?

Well the leaflets in the boxes for a start, then there are the presentations and prayers that need to be attended before you get your box. Then the children are 'invited' to bible study classes.

Make no mistake their aim is to evangelise, not say happy Xmas.

exexpat · 15/10/2017 10:09

Greenleaf, you said that "please be assured that your shoe box is never going to be used to bribe a child or family in a non Christian culture to attend church. They would already be in touch with the church to be using it as a distribution point anyway."

But according to Operation Christmas Child's own website, the shoeboxes are used to give the church access to places and people they would not otherwise have been able to reach for evangelism:

"Gives a church an effective outreach tool: Local churches use gift-filled shoeboxes to reach out into their communities. They are able to access places they might never be welcomed otherwise."

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