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To ask you to share the funniest reasons for your toddler's tantrums

190 replies

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 01/10/2017 17:50

I recently read "cutted up pear" and realised that there hasn't been a funny thread about unreasonable toddler tantrums for a while.

My ds aged 3 once had an hour long tantrum because the sausage kept falling out of his sandwich but that's pretty mild compared to some of the ones I've read about so please share.

OP posts:
SleightOfMind · 03/10/2017 23:10

DT2 used to be incandescent if a stick he found on a walk got broken. He'd demand we fixed it there and then.
He also went through a collecting things phase; sticks, conkers, pebbles etc. He'd rage whenever his receptacle got too full to get more. Then there was the era of trying to get all the earth in the park.

Meanwhile, Teen DS threw an epic strop that the DTs had eaten a Jaffa cake each from his packet - which he'd stolen from his sister.

Happy days Grin

Springersrock · 03/10/2017 23:20

DD2, when she was about 3 tantrummed for an entire afternoon as she didn't want to go out

We weren't going out, I'd told her we weren't going out, but she still proceeded to throw a 4 hour hissy fit because we weren't bloody well going out.

10 years later I still remember that afternoon

Toblernone · 04/10/2017 05:09

DD threw a epic strop one day aged about 2/3 because I wouldn't give her my hair - she didn't want a loose strand (when I tried to give one to her she wailed louder as she tried to throw it at me and surprisingly one strand of hair didn't throw very well!), she wanted me to take my entire hair off like a wig and somehow add it to hers.

DN was sobbing his heart out once because he'd decided Curious George lived at our house and he couldn't find him, asked me & DH very politely a few times where George was (and we established he definitely meant the cartoon animal, not even a soft toy version, which we didn't have one of anyway), looked all round the house then came back lip trembling and melted onto the carpet. Grin

JennyBlueWren · 04/10/2017 05:56

Bedtime last night. Halfway through "That's not my kitten" (his choice) he went into full tantrum because he really wanted... "That's not my Porsche"! Boy's got expensive tastes!

BonnieBlueButler · 04/10/2017 06:43

When my little girl was 3 she picked up a swede in the supermarket. She liked to carry things. We didn't need a swede so took it back to the shelf just before paying. Turns out that she and the swede and built up quite the relationship. Inconsolable sobbing. 'I want my swede! Mommy took my swede. He's my friend'. Could not get her to calm down. People looking at us. Stress all round. Resulted in my DH deciding to just 'buy the bloody swede.'

The swede lived under the stairs until it got mouldy. I threw it away but she didn't care by the. Think they had fallen out.

Proudmummytodc2 · 04/10/2017 06:56

When younger my

My DD had a full scale anger meltdown because her brother looked at her Hmm.

Because her pants were not the right colour.

The carrots in his food were small carrots not big carrots.

His sister was getting to stay up late without him knowing it was unfair .. she was having a bottle she was a baby.

Both at the one time - asked for a treat I said yes got them said treat they asked for and apparently I was a bad mummy because they didn't like that treat they bit had a full scale tantrum and when stopped looked at me and said "more"

I really do wonder how their little brains work lol.

Littleraincloud · 04/10/2017 07:13

My 3 yo ds had a huge tantrum because we wouldn't let him wee in the bath yesterday - he wasn't even in the bath!

boredofmyoldname · 04/10/2017 07:22

DD was a head-butter when she was younger if things didn't go her way.

During one particularly fun episode she was throwing a tantrum because I wouldn't let her play on the road beside the bus stop then when the bus came she said she wanted to "head bump" it, I told her no she couldn't head butt the bus which she wailed wasn't fair and proceeded to get down on all fours and slam her head into the pavement instead then cried that it was sore Confused

She also head butted the TV and smashed the inside tubing which meant no TV (or Twirlywoos) which led to a further meltdown.

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 04/10/2017 07:22

These are hilarious Smile

OP posts:
boredofmyoldname · 04/10/2017 07:23

Oh and DS had a full on paddy once because his smiley face (potato ones) looked sad and scared to get eaten!

Roomba · 04/10/2017 09:24

DS1 was a very calm, happy toddler who was very easy going (unusually so). Apart from the time he had a 45 minute long screaming, purple faced, head banging tantrum because I wouldn't have a glass of wine with my breakfast Confused

Apparently, 'I has milk, Daddies has coffee and Mummy's have WINE!' Grin

Before you start imagining I am an alcoholic, I didn't even drink alcohol then due to medication I was on, so no clue where he got this 'fact' from!

After 45 mins of screaming and bafflement, I was all set to go to the shop and buy a bloody bottle frankly, it was so bizarre! Then he calmed down and wine was never mentioned again.

TillyMint81 · 04/10/2017 09:54

My two year old cried all the way to school yesterday because he missed Gracie. Gracie is our dog. She was at home and he'd just been with us when we walked her!
This morning it's because 'I sooooo sleepy' yet now he's in bed after a bad night it's 'I waked up now mama' 😱😭

mumofmunchkin · 04/10/2017 10:02

My sister offered to take my 2 year old's photo - cue rollling on the floor, screaming and wailing.

I put butter on my own toast.

I bought him new shoes (he gets quite attached to his shoes)

There was an almost one yesterday, when we realised Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave was no longer on iplayer, fortunately swiftly averted with the timely intervention of the Go Jetters.

SweetEnough · 04/10/2017 10:36

My dd (2) wants everything her way and has an intense dislike of no.

Because she wants everything her sister has, including food and then tantrums because she doesn't like the taste!

Because she has to wear shoes to walk or she goes in the buggy.

Because she can't eat her dinner straight from the freezer; I have the audacity to cook it first.

Because she can't keep my thumb, or she has picked the wrong thumb, or she wants to hold both my thumbs and use her hands for something else too, or my arm doesn't bend to go exactly where she wants it.

The best one has to be, because visitors (including strangers to her) leave the house without her! Every damn time, even if distracted she'll tantrum when she realises they've gone!

She's a temperamental little redhead and tantrums daily.

dontquotemeondailymail · 04/10/2017 10:53

I stole his snot! (Wiped his nose)


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