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To ask you to share the funniest reasons for your toddler's tantrums

190 replies

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 01/10/2017 17:50

I recently read "cutted up pear" and realised that there hasn't been a funny thread about unreasonable toddler tantrums for a while.

My ds aged 3 once had an hour long tantrum because the sausage kept falling out of his sandwich but that's pretty mild compared to some of the ones I've read about so please share.

OP posts:
Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 02/10/2017 10:43

They don't miss anything letsgomaths !

OP posts:
Oysterbabe · 02/10/2017 10:44

Huge meltdown just now because she wanted to have a bath and I said she could have one later before pyjamas.

WhooooAmI24601 · 02/10/2017 10:52

DS2 once lay on the floor in the dog groomers as we dropped off the dog and screamed for a full twenty three minutes because he realised he wasn't covered in hair like a dog. I had to pick him up like a rugby ball and wrestle him back into the car, the whole time he screamed like a dying swan.

He once had a haircut and screamed because I wouldn't let him take the pile of hair home from the hairdressers floor.

He also went batshit once because he couldn't taste the colour blue.

One Halloween when he was 2 he picked the world's biggest pumpkin from a local PYO place. He refused to let us help carry it, insisting on rolling it all the way to the car. Got it back to the car and he realised it was a little dented and scuffed fro all the rolling on the floor he'd done, I'd just lifted it into the boot of the car and he was so cross at the marks on it he rolled it out of the boot where it promptly smashed all over my foot. He went utterly bonkers.

He's almost 7 now so his tantrumming days are over but I used to sometimes sit and think "what the fuck, kiddo?" at his madness because he was genuinely a little unhinged when he was tired or frustrated. DS1's tantrums were always quite straightforward and easily resolved. DS2 has more fire in his belly and is the most eccentric thing I've ever met.

EvilDoctorBallerinaDuckKeidis · 02/10/2017 10:54

Who posted about "no beans toast"? A lot of them seem to be food related! 😂

EvilDoctorBallerinaDuckKeidis · 02/10/2017 11:02

DS2's 6 and still has tantrums. I try not to take him to Sainsbury's when he's tired, or at all unless it's to go to the café, or buy clothes or toys for him. If I have to take him because DH is out, I put him straight in the trolley. It seems to relax him. Confused

Lucked · 02/10/2017 11:02

Huge meltdown when I explained to him that when he grew up and had his own family his sister couldn't be the mum of his children😂

User24689 · 02/10/2017 11:03

One from this evening... 2yo DD wanted me to get the moon out of the sky so she could look at it. It was massively unreasonable of me to tell her that I couldn't.

Drizz · 02/10/2017 11:04

Toddlers are fantastic! We have our share of banana related tantrums, always worse because he's hungry at the time. But my current favourite is his unstoppable sobbing when he spilt half his drink of milk and then he couldn't drink the first bit anymore. Obviously refilling the cup wasn't going to work...

peppalongstocking · 02/10/2017 11:15

On an airplane, as the lights got turned down and everyone settled in for a 12hr long flight, DS (2yrs old at the time and usually placid) threw a mighty tantrum b/c he wanted water but would then shove away all bottles/ cups/ etc that we offered to him and just kept screaming "water, water, I want to drink water" ... after what felt like eternity of sustained holler at the top of his lungs, he decided that gummy bears will just have to do instead Confused

HairsprayBabe · 02/10/2017 11:22

When my Godson was aged three:
Because I was pushing the pram too close to the hedge Hmm
Because I wouldn't let him pick the neighbours lavender.
Because the yucca plant in the botanic gardens was too spooky Confused

All plant related... wonder if he will grow up to be the next Monty Don...

TurtleCavalryIsSeriousShit · 02/10/2017 11:27

Not a tantrum, but I was told that I was a useless mummy by my 5 year old. Brcause I couldn't tell him how long his dad would be in shop....

kaytee87 · 02/10/2017 11:30

My 14mo did a poo in the shower (he sits in the bath and plays while I shower in the morning) so I scooped it out and washed it away before he could grab it. He was inconsolable.

wornoutboots · 02/10/2017 11:55

my 2 year old - because she wanted Daddy (last night)
finally Daddy comes back having got her brothers to bed.
She cried when he picked her up because she wanted me.

my 4 year old - because his brother told him this month isn't actually called Octopus.

My 7 year old - because I made him do his homework (full tears, wailing, unresponsive... apparently I should do it for him. Umm.. no.)

Whitelisbon · 02/10/2017 12:01

Dd1 (about 8 at the time) had an hour long tantrum because ds1 looked out of her window in the car Hmm I threatened to leave her on the side of the road if she didn't shut up eventually.

Dd3 is a nightmare, she'll tantrum over anything. This morning, I wouldn't let her wear my socks. She howled the whole way to nursery, where she told the teacher "mine cocks", then howled the whole way home, roaring "mine cocks" at me. Since we've been home, she's tantrummed because Minnie mouse was on the sofa, her friend wasn't here, I gave her the biscuit she asked for, the biscuit broke when she threw it on the floor, I wouldn't let her have the post, I wouldn't let her brush my hair, and I took the ball out of her vest. Oh, and I changed her nappy. Roll on naptime! She's number 5, and if she had been the first, she'd be an only.

LuluJakey1 · 02/10/2017 12:10

DS left sobbing this morning as DH took him off to nursery, because he would not let him drink water from the cat's water bowl (this is a regualr one). His own clean water, juice, milk, nothing else was what he wanted. DH says he had hiccups by the time they reached nursery and was still crying.

TieGrr · 02/10/2017 12:15

6 year old DD woke up this morning when it was still dark (about 6.30am). I could hear her yelling at herself to go back to sleep because it wasn't morning yet, before yelling at her 'naughty' blanket because it kept getting in the way.

Hiphopopotamus · 02/10/2017 12:21

I know I'm being a kill joy but I hate these threads.

Yeah - we think the reasons for the tears and tantrums are stupid but these are little people that are learning to deal with feelings and emotions and are doing it in the best way they know how.

I get that parents need to let off steam, but a thread mocking children who are learning to cope with feelings - something we don't always master as adults- leaves a bit of a bad taste for me

Disn3yN3rd · 02/10/2017 12:21

Youngest DD had a melt down of epic proportions because I poured her a drink in the wrong colour cup....

kaytee87 · 02/10/2017 12:23

Oh fuck off hiphop no one is mocking their child.

TieGrr · 02/10/2017 12:33

I get that parents need to let off steam, but a thread mocking children who are learning to cope with feelings - something we don't always master as adults- leaves a bit of a bad taste for me

Dealing with your kid's tantrums can be really difficult, especially as they get that bit older. If I didn't find the humour in the situation, I wouldn't be able to cope at all.

EvilDoctorBallerinaDuckKeidis · 02/10/2017 12:36

There's always one. Hmm

Nadinexo1 · 02/10/2017 12:51

3 year old because I shut the door and she wanted to do it so I opened it for her and another tantrum ensued because id opened it and then she wouldn't shut it but wouldn't let me shut it either Hmm


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TooGood2BeFalse · 02/10/2017 13:02

Because I wouldn't let him sleep in the boot of the car

Because the snow was too cold

Because the cat licked him

Because the cat stopped licking him

Because I asked him not to pee in the litter box

Antoniacaenis · 02/10/2017 13:02

DS has a regular 30 minutes of screaming anc kicking the floor every morning, because I finish cleaning his teeth and try to put the toothbrush away. I've tried just leaving it with him but the result is a completely destroyed chewed tooth brush. The worst part, is that he won't even open his mouth to let me clean his tooth brush in the first place. Also tantrums for nappy changes, getting dressed and getting undressed, walking to DD's school, not walking to school, etc. Life is just one long tantrum... and he's not even hit 2 yet! No it's not funny, especially when he throws himself down and head butts the floor. But sometimes I need to laugh about it to keep myself sane.

OuchBollocks · 02/10/2017 13:06

hiphop it isn't mocking or disrespecting our children and their emotional growth to find amusement in the mental picture of a 3 year old attempting to drive a car, for example, or choosing to laugh rather than cry when trying to satisfy someone who wants to play with water but absolutely does not want to get wet. I love my daughter, I understand that these things matter greatly to her, I don't laugh in her face, but fucking hell sometimes her strops are later, privately, fucking funny.

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