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To ask you to share the funniest reasons for your toddler's tantrums

190 replies

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 01/10/2017 17:50

I recently read "cutted up pear" and realised that there hasn't been a funny thread about unreasonable toddler tantrums for a while.

My ds aged 3 once had an hour long tantrum because the sausage kept falling out of his sandwich but that's pretty mild compared to some of the ones I've read about so please share.

OP posts:
bumpertobumper · 01/10/2017 23:37

Dd, just 2 at the time, had a good half hour tantrum while driving on the motorway one night, long after she should have gone to sleep, because she wanted to see fireworks and was furious that I couldn't make it happen.

trashcanjunkie · 01/10/2017 23:39

We nearly had world war three when my twins first started talking and each said they owned a particular word (which for the life of me I can't recall!) cue a monumental double toddler car tantrum..... one said the other's word and vice versa...

WeeM · 01/10/2017 23:42

We have 'my pants are not right'

WeeM · 01/10/2017 23:44

Oh and we had a meltdown the other day because the sleeves on a Disney dress up costume wouldn't stay on her shoulders Confused

cochineal7 · 01/10/2017 23:45

DS 3 got really upset when I opened his Cornetto ice cream for him. Had to stick it back together with sticky tape. As soon as it was back together, he immediately asked me to open it for him. Toddler logic.

MeriReu · 01/10/2017 23:49

I love these threads!

DS (3) had an almighty tantrum because the couch cushion was facing the wrong way.
Ah the daily struggles of a toddler!

TwoBobs · 01/10/2017 23:50

My 7 yo DS had an 1.5hr long tantrum because I drove him the wrong way home one night.

You also cannot take away his plate even though you know he's finished eating.

MeriReu · 01/10/2017 23:53

When my DS gets mad at me for anything, his favourite saying at the moment is 'I can't cope!' Then lies face down on the floor. Hilarious Grin

Longwalkoffashortpier · 02/10/2017 00:06

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LuluJakey1 · 02/10/2017 00:09

DS (39months) - today's tantrums have been over the cat not meowing at him when he meowed at her and getting the wrong banana at teatime- he chose it and was given them all to choose a different one but they were all the wrong banana. Yesterday's was because the ducks would not come home with him from the park.

VioletBow · 02/10/2017 00:25

• Because the postman didn’t have any post for us and walked past our house
• Because I didn’t get a sticker at the dentist but she did (bless her)
• Because I surprised her with the fancy dress outfit she wanted instead of a £1 bouncy ball she had since decided she wanted instead.
• Because she wanted to go to bed, then because I had put her to bed
• Because the cat was asleep
• Because I wouldn’t let her take the cat to school
• Because I wouldn’t let her take the cat with us to the park
• Because I asked her to let the cat out of the dolls house
• Because I took the stickers off the cat
(The cat is often a cause of a tantrum 😂)
That was just the past week 😂

MadamePomfrey · 02/10/2017 00:35

I have 2 DNieces 1 is the queen of tantrums, I make her wear shoes to the park, the pasta boiled in just water has bits on and not letting her drive the car she is a big girl you see she also regularly loses it because I won’t drive faster!! As you can complete bitch Wink. My favourite of hers was the hour I spent trying to convince her there was no film that had tinkerbell and Elsa in it but they are sisters, auntie Madame Hmm it was both funny and frustrating at the same time!

My other has always been pretty good so far but she had stayed at mine and threw an epic one because I wouldn’t wear matching Peppa knickers with her!!! Itvwas funny till I has to awkwardly explain at nursery why she was crying over my pants Blush

Flypaperforarseholes · 02/10/2017 00:48

Because we were at the garden centre and there was no Father Christmas to visit. It was April. Huge, screaming, angry tantrum. Made worse by me desperately trying not to laugh as DS repeatedly screamed what sounded like "Fuck it!" at the top of his voice. "Far Kit" was his interpretation of "Father Christmas".

Chocolatteandbiscuits · 02/10/2017 00:53

These are hilarious. My son is 15 months atm so won't be long before these full blown tantrums begin. They are quite small atm still

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 02/10/2017 05:46

Love these - thanks everyone :)

OP posts:
LadyCassandra · 02/10/2017 06:48

Because we caught a green bus instead of a red one
Because we parked in the wrong space despite the fact that it was nearer to home.
Because we didn't name DS2 what he wanted us to.
A week before his birthday, because it wasn't his birthday. For 3 hours. 🙄

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 02/10/2017 07:00

ladycassandra I imagine that was a long three hours.........

OP posts:
newmumwithquestions · 02/10/2017 07:00

Because I wouldn't let her cuddle the raw fish I was cooking for tea.

horriblehistorieswench · 02/10/2017 07:18

My 3 DC are all past this stage - oldest is 16, and if it's any comfort you can get a lot of mileage from reminding them of some of their meltdowns - they squirm almost as much as I did at the time. Do you remember when you lay down in John Lewis kicking & screaming because I wouldn't let you buy a tea towel? What about when the dog wouldn't share his biscuits with you - you sobbed for an hour. What about when you wouldn't eat dinner because it was too cold so I microwaved it inadvertently hotting your ketchup at the same time - who knew what a heinous crime that was?

Scoobygang7 · 02/10/2017 07:36

@user1471443504 banana breaking issue you're not alone. Mine also will not eat it if it is broken.

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 02/10/2017 07:39

lol at wanting to cuddle the raw fish new mum with questions

OP posts:
Foniks · 02/10/2017 08:19

I wouldn't let her dip her hands in and drink the water....from the mop bucket while I was mopping the floor. Clean water, without zoflora in it, from her cup just isn't good enough.


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SolemnlySwear2010 · 02/10/2017 09:09

DD had a tantrum this morning as i had apparently shouted at her Hmm

What actually happened was i called fron another room ' can you please put your jacket on sweetie as we need to leave'.

I was then a mean mummy as i wouldn't help her with the jacket, i went into her room and she told me to go away and she shut the door on me.

She is only 3 but I am already dreading what she will be like at 16 Grin

CigarsofthePharoahs · 02/10/2017 09:40

Because I cut his sandwich in half. He asked me to! He wanted me to fix it again.
Because his socks "aren't straighted" every single bloody morning.
Because he can't take all his toys to preschool.
Because I put the lunch he was determined not to eat in the bin. He'd spent an hour picking at it, telling me he didn't like it. However, every time I tried to take it away he wouldn't let me. He fell asleep when I was picking my older child up from school, so I took the opportunity and binned the squished up remains. It had been sat on the side for hours at this point.
As soon as he woke up - "Where's my lunch?" cue big snotty tears and yelling.
Between the ages of 1 and 2 he would have an hour long full screaming meltdown after every nap. I never got to the bottom of why. It was hell.

letsgomaths · 02/10/2017 10:11

When I was taking someone else's 4yo out: she got upset because I insisted she wore socks with her shoes (Mary Janes) on a cold day. She'd spotted that I was sockless in my trainers! Blush

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