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To ask you to share the funniest reasons for your toddler's tantrums

190 replies

Foxglovesandsweetpeas · 01/10/2017 17:50

I recently read "cutted up pear" and realised that there hasn't been a funny thread about unreasonable toddler tantrums for a while.

My ds aged 3 once had an hour long tantrum because the sausage kept falling out of his sandwich but that's pretty mild compared to some of the ones I've read about so please share.

OP posts:
OuchBollocks · 01/10/2017 20:58

GeekyWombat we've had that a lot, including at bed time when we had been very much home for several hours. What can you say?

ILoveMillhousesDad · 01/10/2017 20:58

I remember years ago going to disneyland paris (it was shit btw). They had a stall selling massive pretzels.

Dd had a huge tantrum because it wasn't salty enough.

You know when you find something hilarious, but you can't laugh as it would be setting a bad example. Well that.

dinodiva · 01/10/2017 21:03

My 2 year old DD had a massive tantrum last week because I wouldn't let her go to bed cuddling her Peppa Pig nightlight. Cue much sobbing 'Peppa Pib, Peppa Pib...'

Albertschair · 01/10/2017 21:12

When watching tv on iplayer and she has chosen 'mr tumble' and even 'dat won' episode..... she doesn't actually want me tumble or any other tv programme and it is all a bit much. Big fat tears.

That I won't let her drive the car (she is 2)

That I won't drive the car with her sat in the front passenger seat even though she has strapped herself in (torn between being impressed and infuriated that day)

That she has fed her toast crusts to the dog. and the dog ate them. And there are none left.

Jellycatspyjamas · 01/10/2017 21:12

My four year old threw the mother of all tantrums because it's autumn. He also was less than happy that strawberries grow in summer - it's a seasonal thing Hmm

user1471443504 · 01/10/2017 21:17

They didn't want the black bit on they banana so I cut it off. They then wanted the black bit back as now there was a hole in it. Demanded I stick it back on and howled when I couldn't.

Had lots of banana related ones over the years. Asking for banana to be peeled and they crying because I peeled it. The worst is when the banana snaps in half...... melt.....down.........

Racheyg · 01/10/2017 21:17

soubriquet* my dcs hate the wind. They ask me to blow it away

Coconutspongexo · 01/10/2017 21:18

Because he can't have a donkey no matter how much he says the donkey can sleep in his bed!

QueenBeex · 01/10/2017 21:18

HariboBrenshnio 😂😂😂😂

MakeItRain · 01/10/2017 21:19

My son aged about 3 had a huge screaming tantrum, lying on a shop floor because I wouldn't let him run around and play in the multi-storey car park. Tutting old ladies were out in force that day. Confused

MummaTwinkleToes · 01/10/2017 21:22

DS2 3months old was crying. DS1 (3) started to pretend to cry to get my attention. Baby stopped crying. Massive tantrum followed because baby wasn't crying with him.

Also had tantrum because we made him brush his teeth and didn't brush the babies teeth. Obviously doesn't have teeth yet!

Littlepleasures · 01/10/2017 21:25

Many years ago, was walking my 3year old ds to school. Had baby dd in pushchair, ds holding on on one side and my friend’s 3yr old ds holding on other side. Was about 15min walk which was timed to perfection to arrive right on time. It had been raining earlier on in the day and when we were about halfway there, ds spotted a cracking puddle. He wanted to go back home to get his wellies so he could splash through it. Not got time I told him. Well he went into meltdown. God knows how I got him to school. I had to tuck him tightly under one of my arms, to carry him the rest of the way ensuring no one got kicked or frightened in the process, pushing the pushchair with my other hand. Thank god his wee friend was stunned into silence and held tightly on the other side, staring open mouthed at the monster my normally sweet and biddable ds had turned in to. Give the teachers their due, when we got there they said just leave him and go which I did. I was dreading picking him up expecting a traumatised, hate filled tyrant. He stopped the minute I left apparently and was his normal calm, self contained self when I picked him up. Even brought his wellies, prepared for the puddle on the way back, but he’d totally forgotten about it and didn’t even notice it. His tantrums were epic till about the age of 6 when he had a melt down in front of a friend and got so embarrassed they stopped just like that. I took him to the doctors once in desperation as I thought there must be something wrong with him. At the surgery door he refused to go in and lay down across the entrance purple with rage kicking out in all directions.. The doctor just happened to arrive at that very moment and calmly stepped over him to go through to his consulting room. The doctor’s verdict when I eventually got him in there. “ He’s probably just bored. He’ll be fine when he gets to school.........!”

Llamallann · 01/10/2017 21:30

2 year old niece stayed over for the first time, her first time away from parents so I was a bit worried. She had an absolute meltdown at bedtime, crying so much she couldn’t even talk. I though she maybe missed Mum and dad, no, she was in fact crying because my dog wouldn’t stay on the bed with her when she wanted him to.

SvartePetter · 01/10/2017 22:00

For the past two weeks neither me nor DP has been able to choose the 'right' cutlery for DS2. This morning he ate youghurt with a fork...

snowpony · 01/10/2017 22:01

First DC had 1 tantrum in 4 years - I had the audacity to make her chicken not sausage. "saaauuuusage, I want saauusage" whilst shovelling chicken in her mouth between sobs. 2nd DC tantrums of EPIC proportion at least once a day. 47 minutes last week because I wouldn't let him play with a glass. Poor DC1 can't hug me in DC2 presence without major meltdowns and ferocious retribution. Also, milk in the wrong bottle is a crime against humanity, as is any dinner without gravy, which gets thrown on floor in absolute disgust.

elizabethtown2 · 01/10/2017 22:06

Tonight I brought my DS down after his bath and he quickly scrambled under the dining table to the boxed in hole in the wall (I think it's an old coal pit).
He often plays in there but tonight he stood up and his head hit the top and masses of soot fell on him. As I was climbing under the table to get him he did a wee then had a massive tantrum because he couldn't play in the soot/wee concoction.

DJBaggySmalls · 01/10/2017 22:11

I loved the beach, Ddog loved the beach, DS did not and had to be carried. DS would not stand on the beach as 'the floor is nasty and the water is moving, it is moving!' Shoes made no difference to the nasty floor and they did not stop the water moving.

Summerisdone · 01/10/2017 22:27

The other morning I left the house for work/nursery drop off at 8am, so it was light but could still faintly see the moon.

DS spotted the moon and cried all of the 30 minute walk to nursery as 'the moon should go to bed in the daytime'


Woobeedoo · 01/10/2017 22:40

Between the ages of 18months and 2&a half years, my DS used to have epic tantrums - the whole wailing and thrashing in a pool of snot and tears kind.

The two that stick in my mind are the tantrum about not being allowed to sleep in the cupboard under the sink and the screaming meltdown he had when he removed his socks and found his toes stayed on his feet (seems he wanted his toes to come off too). He's a weird one.

Summerisdone · 01/10/2017 22:42

Oh I've got another one:

DS wanted a banana, we had none so I offered an apple or an orange instead. Obviously neither of these were acceptable substitutes to the banana that he just had to have.

After about 15-20 minutes of devastated crying over the lack of bananas in the house, I took him to the local shop, where he proceeded to tell me that he didn't want a banana but he wanted an apple instead 🙄

I suggested he just have one of the half dozen apples we had at home then, but apparently ours 'weren't as pretty' or at least that's what I think he said in midst of another devastated breakdown Grin

nutmegandginger · 01/10/2017 22:57

She wanted an ice lolly. She got an ice lolly. But it was cold.

HappinessAhead · 01/10/2017 22:58

Because her yawn had stopped working!!!


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79Fleur · 01/10/2017 23:00

Ha love these threads, most recent reasons for my nearly 2 year olds meltdowns..I wouldn't let them wear their wellies to bed...there were no birds in the garden...I wouldn't let them lick the rain water off the top of their sand / water table.

thegreylady · 01/10/2017 23:22

Years ago dd had a huge tantrum on a bus in Spain because I couldn't "SWITCH OFF THE SUuuuuuuuN!"
Another when the car was up at the top of the multi storey and she wanted it to be at the bottom. She wanted to go down to look for it and tried to lie on the down escalator. I had bags, ds, a buggy and a howling dervish of a dd.

mirime · 01/10/2017 23:33

DS had a bit of a meltdown last night, about rockets - if a rocket went to the moon he didn't know how to get the people inside home again. Which is very sweet of him to be concerned about other people, but I have no idea why he decided it was his responsibility.

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