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Update - missed Grammar School application

685 replies

sososocross · 13/09/2017 11:45

So many people have kindly sent pm and a couple of update threads have been started so I wanted to update.

Firstly I really want to thank you all for your help and kindness. I was in a state and without you all I would have lost the plot. You women rule 🏅

Update: They are not letting him do the test and I have told DS. I made the choice to tell him in a vague way and simply stated that something had gone wrong and his application had not been received. I will not lie to him if he asks for more details at a later date, but I couldn't take away his chosen school and his image of his dad in one cruel swoop.

He cried and asked me to sort it out, and I told him I had tried and couldn't. I told him my alternate plans and he relaxed. I also told him I would be coming home early 2x per week from here on, and we would work together on homework, extra study or whatever he chose. If he wants to register for the 12 or 13 plus I will do all I can to assist him. Then we watched guardians of the galaxy and had big cuddle up on the sofa.

So that's where we are.

I am sorry to those I irritated by deleting the thread, I was very worried about the daily mail and any come back. I hope you understand I was having a crisis and listed inappropriate details which could identify my son on the thread.

Please don't mention school details on this thread as I'd rather it all remain anonymous for his sake.

Thanks again for all the kindness, it meant the world to me.

OP posts:
Motoko · 19/10/2017 21:02

Oh well done to your son, and well done to you for sorting it out, giving him a chance. I'm so happy to hear that he's not only got in, but was in the top 100!

HelenUrth · 19/10/2017 21:15

Well done, so happy for you and wishing you all the best for the future!

altiara · 19/10/2017 21:19

Congratulations to your DS! great news for him after all of the hard work and dedication he's put in 😃

NK493efc93X1277dd3d6d4 · 19/10/2017 21:21

Brilliant news - and well done to you for staying strong throughout.

sososocross · 19/10/2017 21:37

Thanks everyone. Thanks so so much. I'm completely overwhelmed by happiness and all the kindness you're showing.

DH is delirious. He's been crying and a bit wobbly. When DS went to bed DH told me we are now officially middle class Grin it's insane.

It feels like DS did this, this is his achievement, his reward and proof to everyone including himself that he's as deserving as the next child but it also feels like a HUGE prize for DH and I. I told DH it's our reward for being so well behaved when we were kids - karma! Hahaha I'm beside myself. Thanks for sharing the bad times and now this. Thank you all. Star

OP posts:
Apileofballyhoo · 19/10/2017 21:43

I'm just so pleased for the 3 of you. It's a brilliant achievement and not just what DS has achieved, your parenting helped him get there too. Flowers

sososocross · 19/10/2017 21:45

It's funny I bet most of the kids/parents are celebrating telling grandmas and grandads, uncles and aunts but we don't have any so I'm here telling you fantastic women - thanks :)

Sorry I'll shut up now, it's like I've won a frickin Oscar!

OP posts:
JoanBartlett · 19/10/2017 22:00

Wonderful news. Well done.
(And for anyone searching for why missing the deadline was not disastrous in the end to save them going back over all those pages I just did:

"sososocross Tue 19-Sep-17 18:26:36

numberwang - it was medical grounds. We were away when the date closed and DH could prove he was not fit or able to submit the application due to his MH issues. There are a group of other late applicants and from what I understand they are also allowed to sit the test. I think the 1/9 date made it hard for them to refuse as it has previously been a late Sept deadline. They confirmed by phone today"

RiversrunWoodville · 19/10/2017 22:10

This is fantastic!!! So genuinely pleased for you and ds!!!!

nonevernotever · 19/10/2017 22:12

I am so thrilled for all three of you, and congratulations .

TheRollingCrone · 19/10/2017 22:18

What a lovely update! Thank you for letting us know. Huge congratulations to your son, and you, you were great Wine

BewareOfDragons · 19/10/2017 22:25

Congratulations to your DS. Brilliant result.

converseandjeans · 19/10/2017 22:25

Amazing - he is such a star :)

HPandBaconSandwiches · 20/10/2017 10:30

That's the best update ever!
Congratulations to your whole family 🍾

DesertIslandPenguin · 20/10/2017 12:04

He passed?! Amazing. Well done to your lovely hard-working young man. I hope he had a fab celebratory dinner and is very proud of himself.

Pearlsaringer · 30/10/2017 14:44

Wonderful news OP. Your DS will fly. Start saving for uni...

ScipioAfricanus · 30/10/2017 14:48

I’m so pleased to read this! What a great result - well done your DS!

HotelRedFace · 30/10/2017 18:30

I've lurked on your threads about this but didn't contribute as I didn't feel I had anything extra to add to the excellent advice you already received.

But I just want to say a huge well done to your son! I'm sat on the train with a massive grin on my face because a child I don't even know made it into his choice of school - the world really is a strange place at times!

sososocross · 20/10/2018 15:07

Just wanted to give a quick up date to all you kind women.

He started school in Sept and is very happy. Settled in well and on the rugby team. He is enjoying the bus and his new friends and it seems to be a great school for him.

Just wanted to update and let you know because I think of you often, with much love and thanks xxx

OP posts:
APMom · 20/10/2018 15:12

Soso, I remember this thread last year but never replied as we don’t have the grammar schools. Really happy your son is enjoying school.

MrsTerryPratchett · 20/10/2018 18:25

Thanks for updating. Glad to hear all the stress was worth it!

CupMug · 20/10/2018 20:13

I've been on you thread from the beginning and I am really delighted for you all that everything has worked out. (I was AuntieEstablishment)
Personally I would tell your son the 'story' of how he nearly lost his chance to go to Grammar School. It's a good story and I think it makes it even more exciting that he got in. I don't think that your son would think any less of his Dad. His Dad made a mistake and it got sorted.


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BlackeyedGruesome · 20/10/2018 20:21

I was wondering who had resurrected the thread.

glad to hear he is doing so well.

Thehop · 20/10/2018 21:04

Fantastic news xx

ZanyMobster · 20/10/2018 21:16

Lovely update, I remember this well. So pleased it has worked out so well.

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