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to want to ask about music in the 80's/

160 replies

SynysterGates · 26/05/2017 23:20

im watching TOTPS in the 80's
oh its good....dear prudence..
where ever I lay my hat
moon light shadow
and now True
I want to be young again lol
does anyone else remember those days(MUSIC WISE)

OP posts:
MumBod · 27/05/2017 13:19

I loved Doris too! Hi Fidelity was my favourite song on the album!

Had a bit of a thing for Danny...

bruffin · 27/05/2017 13:26

If you love 80s music watch Sing Street, its a lovely little film which is a homage to 80s music.
I was born in 62 so the height of my music was 70s and early 80s
In those days i went to see
George Michael
Paul Young
Hall and Oats
Billy Joel
The Jacksons and a bit later Michael Jackson
Hot Chocolate
Brothers Johnson
David Essex
Suzanne Vega
Cyndi Lauper
Pet Shop Boys

bruffin · 27/05/2017 13:26

and forgot went to see The Kids From Fame at the RAH

BorisTrumpsHair · 27/05/2017 13:38

Born 67, so a teen in the 80's.

How could I have left Talking Heads, Blondie and Pretenders off my earlier list?. Madness.

The poppier side of the 80's had very little appeal for me though.

VintagePerfumista · 27/05/2017 13:40

I think every generation considers the decade in which it was a teenager to be the best decade for music..I was 15 in 1980 so it was absolutely my decade.

It all went a bit shit after the end of 85 beginning of 86 though. I spent a couple of days the other week downloading most (!!!) of the then Top 40s that I liked...once I got to 1986 the songs I wanted again became fewer and fewer.

One of my top 10 desert island songs, and a contender for my favourite song ever is This is The Day by The The. It just epitomises being a teenager, in the 80s, and knowing that that day there, is the one when you're going to finally going to cob off behind the bike shed (or wherever you were cobbing off back then)

I was reading a book about Live Aid which was pretty critical of the UK music scene back then- along the lines of US Live Aid got all the mega stars and the UK one had Nik Kershaw and Howard Jones etc. it doesn't matter though how rubbish the songs and the hair were, it's just the moment that they encapsulate.

There are songs which take me back to moments-in-time in an almost visceral way....Chance by Big Country am sitting on a stone plinth in 1986 drinking gin in early May, In Between Days I'm wearing my first "trendy" leggings and am at Berlin's nightclub in Manchester and hoping desperately the trendy legging doesn't rise up and reveal an ankle. etc etc.

There's a fab book called Wired for Sound, an 80s musical childhood by Tom Bromley which is bloody marvellous. You can pick it up for about a quid on Amazon.

winobaglady · 27/05/2017 13:52

End of the 80's and the second Summer of Love (well, two summers really).

Awesome times.

winobaglady · 27/05/2017 14:18

some fave songs
Wishing - Flock of Seagulls
I won't let you down - PhD
Torch - Soft Cell
Anything by KLF, obvs!

EatingMyWords · 27/05/2017 14:44

I was born in 68 and I hated most 80's music. It's not a patch on the 60's and 70's Grin Looks like I'm the only one who thinks so!

YetAnotherSpartacus · 27/05/2017 14:59

It all went a bit shit after the end of 85 beginning of 86 though. I spent a couple of days the other week downloading most (!!!) of the then Top 40s that I liked...once I got to 1986 the songs I wanted again became fewer and fewer

Totally agree! I think Sting 'Dream of the Blue Turtles' was the last album I realy liked.

I used to love the protest songs - am I odd to be nostalgic for the Iron Curtain?

VintagePerfumista · 27/05/2017 15:37

Solidarity by the Angelic Upstarts is a favourite of mine. Remember rowing with a know it all bloke from university who reckoned it was about NI. Durrr, the clue is in the name.

I was at university, did the whole marching/protesting/Miners' strike thing. We were in the local CND and I often thing about this bloke who was a member, who had dedicated his life to CND and used to worry about what he'd actually do with himself if they really did ban the bomb.

We'd march, then go home and put our trendy leggings on.

honeyroar · 27/05/2017 15:51

I'm a moon baby (69) and adore the 80s new romantic/pop (Duran/Spandeau/wham etc) until the end of 86 when it goes a bit SA&W so I turned my affections to indie at that point, such as The Cure, The Smiths and The Mission (early house quickly bored me!).

I've had the opportunity to meet a few of my 80s heroes lately and am a bit upset that they're looking so old! Because in my head I'm still young, even though I'm nearly 48!

KickAssAngel · 27/05/2017 15:52

I ALSO went to see the Kids from Fame! at the RAH, on New Year's Eve.

KickAssAngel · 27/05/2017 15:55

I had a friend who loved Jon Bon Jovi so much that she had a poster of him on her wall and kissed him goodnight before going to bed.

I loved AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Dio, Rainbow etc. I used to put The Wall on repeat (I had a tape record that played both sides) so that it played all night long.

StillDrivingMeBonkers · 27/05/2017 16:25
BikeRunSki · 27/05/2017 16:26

The beginning of my era Synster. The first 7" I bought was Howard Jones - What is Love?

StillDrivingMeBonkers · 27/05/2017 16:29

Really taking it back - possibly to the 70's - Kool and the Gang are on at the Indigo 02 on 11 June - however that also is the same night Take That are on the 02 Arena

KickAssAngel · 27/05/2017 16:37

I loved Adam Ant soooooo much.

Whileweareonthesubject · 27/05/2017 16:40

My dad worked at Chrysalis Records in the late 70's early 80's and use to get us loads of their albums, some quite rare. I also have a signed Vienna album.

stormywaters · 27/05/2017 16:43

The 80s can't claim "wherever i lay my hat". It was first recorded in 1962. The late 60s (my era) was the best ever for music. Absolutely brilliant music from that era, i also loved 80s music, but not as much. Smile

VintagePerfumista · 27/05/2017 17:33

Funnily, the concerts I went to at that time were all heavy metal Blush Monsters of Rock, Deep Purple at Knebworth, Iron Maiden for some reason numerous times (think they played often, quite locally)

I remember being ecstatic that I would get to hear Paul Weller finally at the Red Wedge tour in Manchester, but IIRC he was a bit of a prat that night. Shattered dreams...

VintagePerfumista · 27/05/2017 17:34

I also turned down free tickets for U2 in 1985 (now that Bono has become Bono I'm quite glad Grin) and Live Aid the same year.

Always had my finger on the pulse, me. Hmm

minionsrule · 27/05/2017 17:43

'68 girl here, loved the early 80's, most have been mentioned but thanks for some to download some of these tracks now.... forgot about PhD .... just remembered The Wah or The Mighty Wah Shock


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VintagePerfumista · 27/05/2017 18:02

That came up on my shuffle this morning Minions- Story of the Blues (Part 1 and 2)

LoveMySituation · 27/05/2017 18:43

Wow destiny, I'd have loved to have seen Japan in the 80s. Sadly I was only 4 when they splitGrin What were they like? Still hoping big bad sylv will tour again one day..

ShelaghTurner · 27/05/2017 18:54

1971 baby here. I saw Kids from fame af the RAH too! And drank loads of Dr Pepper!

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