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To ask if you really say fuck off to people?

125 replies

tobee · 27/04/2017 14:59

I often read threads where people have had some stranger interfering, commenting on posters behaviours, actions etc. (You know the type of thread, strangers commenting on your shopping trolley, looks, weight, baby etc. etc.) And plenty of posters add to thread "just tell them to fuck off!" "Tell them to do one!" etc.

But do you actually say this in rl? What happens? Or is it what you were thinking but didn't actually do? I hardly ever confront, partly to keep my dignity, partly because I'd probably go overboard once started!

But I know some people say people should be more assertive.

OP posts:
DonaldStott · 27/04/2017 17:39

Yes. To a pervy middle aged man (when I was a few yrs younger). He was a bar fly and used to frequent a drinking hovel I had to walk past at lunchtime or any time actually. He always seemed to be outside having a fag when I walked past. Always some comment like 'smile gorgeous', 'av ya got a fella', and on a particularly windy day when I was holding my dress down 'ooh don't hold it down, give us a look'.

I had called him a dirty old man etc., but one day I had enough. He said something like give us a smile and I just said 'oh fuck off you dirty old bastard. I'm young enough to be your daughter'.

I felt great and he was aggrieved and he was just paying a compliment apparently.

He never did it again after that.

DissonantInterval · 27/04/2017 17:44

Just the once. Neighbour who tried to push my door open and come in to carry on ridiculous parking conversation which I refused to have again. I told him I was parking legally and sensibly and that I was closing the door. Started to close it and he tried to push it back open. I just screamed at him "Don't you fucking dare open my door". I was shocked as I've never a) screamed at anyone and b) told anyone to 'fucking' do anything.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 27/04/2017 18:00

Tbf I'm as likely to say it to a woman as a man

tobee · 27/04/2017 18:26

Absolutely, Livia. Just noticed it running through thread.

OP posts:
PavlovianLunge · 27/04/2017 18:54

Just once. I might also have hit him with a folded up newspaper. Blush

LettuceMash · 27/04/2017 18:56

I do but I say go fuck your self.

MsRinky · 27/04/2017 19:08

I have family in Ireland and in Glasgow and when I'm talking to them, fuck is practically punctuation rather than an actual word.

But I've only ever actually told someone to fuck off (as opposed to get tae fuck) once, at an acoustic Spiritualized gig where a bunch of women were stood right at the front and were yabbering and cackling away, completely oblivious to the band and the rest of the audience giving them evils. A song ended and I heard this voice say "no-one is here to listen to you! Shut up or fuck off" and then realised it was me. I got a round of applause. They fucked off.

TittyGolightly · 27/04/2017 19:14

Many, many times per day.

Judashascomeintosomemoney · 27/04/2017 20:42

maudlin haha thanks for the reminder 'Go. Fuck. Yer'sel'. Cunt. (Thinks, then, triumphantly) Cunt!' Hilarious.
But, in answer to the OP, I love swearing and do not shy from it generally but only, usually, in humour. When I want to destroy someone (who deserves it obvs, I'm not a cunt!), I become very eloquent. It works far, far better. You can only swear well, in anger, in a convincing Scots or Irish accent, I think, only one of which I can claim in term of heritage.

tobee · 27/04/2017 21:24

Judas there I am envious of you. I am always totally ineloquent when enraged.

OP posts:
tinytemper66 · 27/04/2017 21:43

I did swear at some men in Berlin who harassed us and one tried to pat me down looking for money or my phone. I slapped his hand away and told him 'Nein' and also called him a 'bast*rd'.

iamapixiebutnotaniceone · 27/04/2017 21:44

I have. It ended in a disciplinary meeting.

itsacatastrophe · 27/04/2017 21:44

I say it to my husband on a daily basis. But no not to strangers.

StarryIllusion · 27/04/2017 21:45

Yep. And called them a cunt/tosser.

CrikeyPeg · 28/04/2017 10:01

My husband did recently. We had a couple of guys turn up at home with some bullshit story about having to fix the guttering. So patently untrue, DH told them to just fuck off, which they did.

mygorgeousmilo · 28/04/2017 10:11

Yes, although rarely. I'd rather give someone a proper dressing down, and making it clear why their behaviour is unacceptable.

bugaboo218 · 28/04/2017 10:16

Yes I have told people to fuck off in real life! Usually it is in relation to strangers making undeserved comments/judgements in relation to DC who has ASD and other complex needs! I am always calm, but assertive when saying it. Nothing has happened most people are shocked. I get to the "fuck off" point when a "did you mean to be so rude? Or that won't work" won't cut it!

Have never said "fuck off" out loud at work though I am thinking it quite often when a co_worker or boss is pissing me off. I am good at thinking fuck off to the land of fuck in my head, while using polite corporate bollock words from mouth at work to tell someone that their suggestion or idea is crap and will not work!

pistachioandhoney · 28/04/2017 10:31

I try not to swear at people because I have a very strong northern accent from a rough place and I live in the SE. I already get enough stick about where I am from and think swearing will only reinforce some peoples bigoted opinions.

That said, I am no push over and I do pull people up on stuff. I try not to swear and instead will just laugh in someones face and say "whatever....." and carry on doing what I am doing because I try not to let other peoples shit spoil my day.

I did recently discuss with my DH telling one of my neighbours to "go fuck yourself" after a year of horribleness over our gardens but he didn't want me to say that as he thought I may get in trouble. In the end I told them never to speak to us again now problem was fixed and that we didn't want to be associated with people like them.

Even though every cell in my body was screaming out to let rip, in the end I think it's better to maintain the high ground and not resort to bad language. I think telling someone you don't want anything to do with them, they are vile, toxic, make everyone miserable around them, feel sorry for them as they must be really sad and miserable is much more effective than saying fuck off. If someone said that to me I'd be gutted.

Schmoop · 28/04/2017 10:48

Had a stand off with a middle aged man not long after I'd passed my driving test about who was going to reverse backwards on a narrow country lane. He said 'I'm sorry love but you can fuck off'. Still makes me chuckle the politeness of how he said it

SecretNutellaFix · 28/04/2017 11:11

I use it liberally at work, because I work with a bunch of total wankers.
I get the wonky flat bed trolley that goes whereever it wants and they think it's funny to block my way so it crashes and then they crack jokes about women drivers.

So they get told to fuck off before I run them over.

Or they wait until I have a pallet truck fully pumped and moving a pallet of stock and they'll come up and release it. They get told to fuck off and stop being such a cunt.
My manager did it once and got the same response. He grinned and walked off.

gotthemoononastick · 28/04/2017 12:20

Since being informed by Tinfoilhatters that I am always being watched through the television,I say it a lot.Taught on Mumsnet.

To various politicians and other fools.

I spell the first part and say the 'OFF' whilst clutching my pearls.

cjt110 · 28/04/2017 14:41

I'll just put this here..... Grin

To ask if you really say fuck off to people?

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upperlimit · 28/04/2017 14:48

Yeah, I have on a number of occasions and I have done when someone told me to "cheer up pet, it might never happen". But I don't tell people to fuck off on a daily basis.

I don't think I care about being nice as much as your average mumsnetter though.

motherofdaemons · 28/04/2017 15:06

Yes to my husband and my dog several times a day. Only to strangers when they completely deserve it (street harassment, being verbally abusive etc). I normally prefer the hard stare when someone is just being a low level asshole.

OliviaStabler · 28/04/2017 15:47

Once that I can remember. Some bloke in a mask accosted me on Halloween and wouldn't let me pass. Growling and making noises. It was a crowded street but he frightened me so I yelled 'FUCK OFF' in his face and he did Grin

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