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To ask if you really say fuck off to people?

125 replies

tobee · 27/04/2017 14:59

I often read threads where people have had some stranger interfering, commenting on posters behaviours, actions etc. (You know the type of thread, strangers commenting on your shopping trolley, looks, weight, baby etc. etc.) And plenty of posters add to thread "just tell them to fuck off!" "Tell them to do one!" etc.

But do you actually say this in rl? What happens? Or is it what you were thinking but didn't actually do? I hardly ever confront, partly to keep my dignity, partly because I'd probably go overboard once started!

But I know some people say people should be more assertive.

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 27/04/2017 15:49

I was once in the car with a mate, who was driving. It was a beautiful day, everyone had windows open. This woman in the car next to us made to just move over into our lane and nearly hit us. My mate yelled, 'Are you fucking crazy, you cumrag cunt?!' She was shocked she'd said it and so was the woman next to us, who also had her window open. We started laughing and sped off.

tobee · 27/04/2017 15:51

Interesting responses. Had no idea about the Dublin thing!

I certainly worry about the mentally unhinged. You never know who's going to respond and how. Shock

OP posts:
BiddyPop · 27/04/2017 15:51

DD recently mentioned (when I blasphemed at drivers ignoring rules of the road) that she had heard a lot more bad language recently in the car at other drivers, and that DH was much worse and more frequent than me! Grin (Slight Blush too but at least I wasn't the worst! Grin )

We're also in Dublin though....

LaundryQueenHatesBunfights · 27/04/2017 15:52

Yes, last time was a few weeks ago when an old but very large and intimidating man was getting very aggressive with me as he thought what I was letting DS do was dangerous (it wasn't, everyone I have asked agreed). He was ranting and screaming at me in a very public place in front of everyone and my 16 mo old DS (his little innocent face when it was happening Sad) I would not tolerate DH talking to me like that especially in front of DS so would not allow him to see a stranger do it.

As soon as I told the man to fuck off he immediately backed down and went away.

tobee · 27/04/2017 15:52

Impressive use of alliteration there, expat.

OP posts:
WankingMonkey · 27/04/2017 15:52

Oh I also told someone recently to 'fuck off home you fucking tit'.

But in my defense, he was following me to the doctors (and back) shouting for me to get my tits out.

HolditFinger · 27/04/2017 15:53

Only when I've got so super angry or frustrated that it's burst out of my mouth before my brain could stop it. Like the time I was actually trying to apologise to somebody and they shouted on and on and on and I couldn't get a word in. That apology went well...Blush

MrsKoala · 27/04/2017 15:53

Usually 'get fucked' or 'go fuck yourself'. Although I once said 'fuck you' to the guy who owned the shithole hotel I was staying in in Turkey (22 yrs ago when I was 18 and traveling with other young women) when he called me a slag and that didn't go well. There was an audible gasp by onlookers and one local said to me in a very foreboding voice 'you must NEVER tell the manager of a one star hotel to fuck them self'. The police were called.

WankingMonkey · 27/04/2017 15:53

It doesn't have to be said aggressively, a half laugh while saying ''fuck off... are you being serious?'' has worked too.

'....really?!' with a Hmm face tends to work too. No swearing needed...

Poudrenez · 27/04/2017 15:53

Good post OP! In my head I tell people to fuck off all the time, but apart from close friends and family (I save my best for those I love!) the only person I've ever told to fuck off was a smarmy travel agent. Felt great.

Other than that, I'm annoyingly pleasing.

Teabagtits · 27/04/2017 15:53

Often- but then again I'm a gobby cow in real life. Far more so than online!

Laiste · 27/04/2017 15:54

If you talk to DH about a problem with a person his stock answer is ''oh just 'fuck them off out of it'!'' It's now a running joke in our house.

Problem? Just fuck them off out of it! Grin

In reality neither he nor i am the sort to just fuck people off out of it.

I have once or twice told someone to fuck off. Lived in london for years and used the tube all through my teens. Used to tell the bum squeezers and the hard on rubbers to fuck off.

I recently told some bloke who followed me into a Tesco car park to to fuck orf. He marched across and started aggressively ranting and raging at me about me not indicating at the roundabout or something. It was shocking! He was making such a noise a random man who'd just got out of his car over came to my defense.

WankingMonkey · 27/04/2017 15:55

I said that to same neighbours wife!

I bet it felt good...there is nothing more satisfying than saying that word aloud to someone who deserves it IMO. I hate the word in general though, but spat through gritted teeth, it does feel great Blush

Batgirlspants · 27/04/2017 15:56

Yes often.

Blimey kitten to be fair you could have moved too. Wink

IAmAPaleontologist · 27/04/2017 15:56

I told my sister to fuck off once. She wasn't impressed. In my defence I was overdue with dc3, knackered, had been ill with a tummy bug for about 2 weeks, was still walking about 8 miles a day in school and nursery runs and she sent me a text that said "have you sprogged yet?"

Looking back I think my response was rather restrained personally.

bran · 27/04/2017 15:57

I live in Dublin and have never told anyone to fuck off or heard anyone being told to. It might be regional within Dublin. In the past I have used the phrase "do I know you?" in a haughty voice, not in Dublin though, only in London. As in the following,

Rude stranger: Why do your children look different, do they have different dads?
Me: Do I know you?
Rude stranger: Umm, no.
Me: No, I didn't think so.

SalemSaberhagen · 27/04/2017 15:58

Yes, to a man who called me a 'silly tart' after I told him to stop embarrassing himself after he started shouting about racism on a train because the conductor asked to see his ticket. It was a satisfying 'fuck off you twat' as I got off the train.

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 27/04/2017 15:58

no, its true point! what if they slap me one? risky...

FixItUpChappie · 27/04/2017 15:59

A man was following me once yammering in in German (I believe he was hitting on me but the details were lost in translation). I finally told him to "fuck off or I'll scream" - bit dramatic but it did work.

LaundryQueenHatesBunfights · 27/04/2017 16:00

bran that's a brilliant PA but restrained response that will put someone in their place! I will be using that one in future when the situation doesn't quite warrant a 'fuck off'. There are a lot of twats where I live, clearly!

TheFirstMrsDV · 27/04/2017 16:01

sometimes it is the most appropriate reaction.
I prefer to keep it short and clear. No screaming and screeching.
Just 'Fuck off' and done.

I feel anything else dilutes the message.

ZilphasHatpin · 27/04/2017 16:03

I bet it felt good...there is nothing more satisfying than saying that word aloud to someone who deserves it IMO. I hate the word in general though, but spat through gritted teeth, it does feel great blush

It felt really good. She had sworn at me and called me a tramp (all in my garden) so I told her to never set foot on my property again "you cunt". That's when her husband waded in throwing all his weight around swearing and calling me names. So I told him to fuck off. He refused. I shut the blinds. He was furious I had called his wife a cunt. As far as I'm concerned if you are happy to start name calling (which she did by calling me a tramp) then you don't get to be all offended by what comes back at you.


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NotYoda · 27/04/2017 16:04


I've never done it on here, or in real life

I am quite assertive IRL though

I once called someone a little shit. That's probably the worst

NotYoda · 27/04/2017 16:07

I think it's justified at times, but much of the time, if over-used, you just lose the moral high ground and show them how angry you are. And that's what most people thrive on - making others angry

cjt110 · 27/04/2017 16:08

OOOOH NO! Yes - I have!

I go to swimming lessons on a Weds eve and the leisure centre carpark is free after 6. Its far too small for the mahoosive leisure centre so you really do have to be quick off the mark for spaces. There were none and I spotted a man walking back to his car - asked if he was leaving - yes he was - so I turned the car round, drove to near his space and stopped the car near his space as he was getting in and was indicating I wanted to go into that space. Man drives off. I drive into space. Fiddling around with swimming bag etc then as I'm getting out realise someone is parked across the rear of my car. I look up to the window going down and the man saying: "That was a bit cheeky"

Me "What was?"
Man "You nipped in behind me and stole that space"
Me "Uh, I don't think so"
Man "Yes you did"
Me "Well unless you were fucking invisible, There was only me waiting for that space"

Man then shouted oh fuck off and roared off in his chavved up vehicle. I mousily shout "No, you fuck off"

Never walked into the gym so fast in my life!

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