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DH - What did he have and has he still got it?

114 replies

CesarElDh · 22/04/2017 20:23

I don't mean to lower the tone on here, but I find it interesting how attraction can mean such different things to different people?
What attracted you to your DH/ DP and, perhaps more importantly, did it last or maybe evolve into something else?

OP posts:
PickAChew · 22/04/2017 23:22

The one before DH was definitely a frog. Actually, my mistake, a warty, ugly toad. I did not get it right the first time.

bookbook · 22/04/2017 23:34

Mine was/is utterly gorgeous tall, dark,.
Has always put me at the centre of his life, would do anything I ask, worked all the hours god sent to keep us cared for .
Been married 42 years .
He has his flaws, no doubting it, but I was a lucky one to meet him .

lillybloom · 22/04/2017 23:38

looks wise- he had amazing huge blue eyes and was tall and slim
personality- he was unassuming, funny and very respectful of everyone

still all those things

awishes · 22/04/2017 23:41


helpneededormaybegin · 22/04/2017 23:42

Oh chasing. How beautiful. Flowers

Mine loves me. Unconditionally, without question or reason. Also to me he is absolutely gorgeous. Second husband (to be) and I know I will love him forever. Also he has the most beautiful green eyes.

chasing you sound like you have a love to aspire to. Much love. Smile

FamilySpartan · 22/04/2017 23:53

His intelligence, his sense of humour and his height. He still has all these things.

NotMyPenguin · 23/04/2017 15:27

His eyes, how full of life and energy and curiosity he is, how he smells, how it feels when we touch or kiss each other.

The same then as now! We are a very on and off couple and have had our problems but he is the love of my life.

peachgreen · 23/04/2017 15:54

The first thing I noticed was his massive, beaming smile. The second thing was the click I felt in my chest, an unmistakable sense of rightness, as if I'd finally come home. I couldn't explain it then and can't now - before I met him I was a complete pragmatist about relationships, thought love at first sight and soulmates etc etc was all rubbish, but all I can say is that I knew from that first moment that I would love him and, even weirder, that he would love me.

As I got to know him the things that I fell in love with were his generosity of spirit, his kindness, his gentleness and his whimsical sense of humour and playfulness. We shared passions and underlying family values. Physically, his giant blue eyes, his dark hair, the massive smile, his broad chest and his beautiful hands. I still love all those things but have learned to appreciate so much more as we've gone through struggles together - his quiet strength, the way he takes care of me when I'm ill, his fierce protectiveness, his willingness to compromise, his general good nature and positivity. And he's grown a beard which makes him even more attractive!

witsender · 23/04/2017 16:24

I agree Peach. Old classic of eyes meeting across a table in the pub with a smile (we already knew each other) and just knowing there was something. We didn't get together for a while, but from the first week I couldn't imagine us breaking up. He went away for a few months about a fortnight after getting together as it turned out. Moved in together within 8 months, engaged at 1 yr and married 6 months later.

I'm not a burning desire, butterflies type, I never have been. I don't know what it feels like to be head over heels with someone, I don't think that is me. But I knew I was going to be with him, and that he was a good man. And he is.

LadyCallandraDaviot · 23/04/2017 16:29

We met when we were Uni students - I liked that he was a bit more mature than most (he was a mature student, and is 7 years older than me/most of the students)

Now - 25+ years later, he is still 'mature' for his age.......turning into a grumpy old man and I still want to be young......

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 23/04/2017 16:34

Nice eyes - yes
Good sense of humour - yes
Nice hair - no, all gone
Good kisser - yes

OhTheRoses · 23/04/2017 16:45

First time we met I thought in the first instant that he was gorgeous, in the second I told myself to get real, in the third as I looked at his place card and digested his name I heard a voice say I'll marry you".

He invited me out to dinner a few weeks later, more than 28 years ago. Since our second date we haven't been apart very much. He said he loved me on the third. Every night before we go to sleep he says it and every morning when we wake up.

He is still blonde, loyal, clever and moral. His only flaw is that he is axworkaholic.

WhooooAmI24601 · 23/04/2017 16:49

He is the kindest man I've ever met. He's also honest, funny and fiercely loyal. He makes me laugh constantly; our marriage is probably 90% shared sense of humour.

10 years on and he's completely still got it. He works away sometimes which I quite like, but when I know he's on the way home I still get that excitement in the pit of my stomach.

madasa · 23/04/2017 17:59

Just pure kindness....he's wiped away all the abuse my mother put me through and made me believe in myself

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