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Learner driver driving unsupervised

111 replies

mumto2two · 25/03/2017 07:54

Not so much an AIBU, as the title speaks for itself. But more the attitude of this particular girl in DD's class. Since early last year she has made my daughter's life miserable at school, tried to jeopardise her GCSE's by bullying her with nasty comments as they were waiting outside exam halls etc. Just a nasty very mixed up girl. Had to complain to school theee times, the last of which involved her physically pushing my daughter into a window. But it's an independant school..and she's still there...
Anyway, this girl has just been bought a brand new car, 18k worth, and is very much spoilt and likes to brag at school about it. She refuses to have the insurance tracker, so her insurance is 4k, but she doesn't care, and laughs about it openly in school. More fool her mother we say. Anyway, what I think is worse, is the fact that this girl has been blatantly driving around in her new car, unsupervised and without plates. We see her all the time, and other mums have commented too.
Having picked DD up late last night from a school event, this girl was again driving on her own. She has failed her theory twice and thinks it's funny. AIBU to think aside from her obvious don't care attitude, she is a danger on our roads..and what would you do?

OP posts:
SailAwaySailAwaySailAway · 25/03/2017 08:32

But could she not have very recently passed both?
Anyway if you're sure she hasn't passed her test reporting her would be the right thing to do.

mumto2two · 25/03/2017 08:32

She has definitely not taken her practical test yet, and has failed her theory twice. She does have insurance and laughs about how much it costs in school, as she refuses to have the tracker installed that young learners can get to monitor their driving for lower insurance costs.
We sometimes see her mother in the car with her, but other times just her alone. And she has never ever had L plates displayed, which I've always thought odd that her mother would not insist upon. Surely if it's the learner drivers car, they would just be a permanent fixture.

OP posts:
Sunnyjac · 25/03/2017 08:32

Call the police, it's a no brainer!

muckypup73 · 25/03/2017 08:33

Yep,phone the police, she is a danger to everyone around her.

Sunnyjac · 25/03/2017 08:33

And the fact is she does NOT have insurance because she is driving illegally

Zaphodsotherhead · 25/03/2017 08:34

if she's failed her theory, then she doesn't have sufficient grasp of driving to even be allowed to move a car around the corner or into a new parking space unsupervised.

She needs to be reported. Not just to take her down a peg or two, but to save other people's lives.

doublesnap · 25/03/2017 08:34

All of the other stuff, though unpleasant, is irrelevant to her driving and I'm not sure why you chose to include it as it's identifying and unnecessary.

She's driving illegally and therefore is driving without insurance. Report her to the police.

blueskyinmarch · 25/03/2017 08:34

Thanks for clarifying. Police it is then.

CuppaTeaAndAJammieDodger · 25/03/2017 08:36

Please call the police, I can't say this strongly enough - there is currently a little boy from DD's school in a coma nad fighting for his life because a learner driver ran him over just over a week ago, and she was supervised (put her foot on the accelerator rather than the brake when trying to avoid him).

So I don't exaggerate when I say that an unsupervised learner can kill or maim.

Miserylovescompany2 · 25/03/2017 08:37

How do you know for definite that she hasn't passed her test? She could of failed the theory test twice and then passed on her third attempt, then went on to pass the actual driving test...

Would any parent really be as stupid to allow their child to drive a car without having passed their test?

EnormousTiger · 25/03/2017 08:37

I would definitely contact the school or poklce about it. My twins passed their test at 17 last year and no way ever would they drive unsupervised until that test was passed.

It is against the law as people say also because the insurance is invalid.

Interestingly I thought when my sons passed their test the insurance which went up to £1k when they came on my car insurance might go up even more as they would be no longer learners but driving on their own (presumably riskier?) but in fact it went slightly down which I was surprised by (although not down by a long way at all).

mumto2two · 25/03/2017 08:38

A couple of the girls who still talk to her (she has alienated herself from a lot of the sixth form) know for sure she has not passed either test yet. Everybody seems to know that she's driving around illegally, but I wondered whether there was a better way to tackle it, e.g. By getting her mother or school involved, as they have been involved with a lot of her 'issues' up to now, or whether much as it should give some just desserts satisfaction, letting the police know is the right thing to do.

OP posts:
mumto2two · 25/03/2017 08:41

She's only had the car 6 weeks, and it has never had an L plate.
And can confirm that she has not passed, as DD has just mentioned that they have the same instructor..and yes, she is still very much a learner!! Well that's cut & dried then really..I was starting to question it too..

OP posts:
user1490123259 · 25/03/2017 08:42

you obviously intensly dislike her, but I promise you that 10 years down the line, none of your catalogue of grudges will seem very important if she is dead and you could have prevented it but chose to pussyfoot around instead. Call the police now. ( non emergency number) give them her name and address and license plate, or make and model of car. They most likely will just go an warn her, but if they catch her, it might go further.

It isn't a school issue, and the mother clearly isn't preventing her.

WaitrosePigeon · 25/03/2017 08:42

She can't have insurance if she hasn't passed?

errorofjudgement · 25/03/2017 08:43

Please contact the police. As a 5 year old child I was knocked down by an unaccompanied learner driver. The injuries she caused meant I was in hospital for 2 months then needed 6 months intensive physical therapy to recover full use of my legs.

BitOutOfPractice · 25/03/2017 08:43

So you know for a fact that someone is driving illegally (which means their insurance is null and void) yet you're not sure if you should call the police? Really? Of course you should.

londonrach · 25/03/2017 08:44

Call the police today before she kills herself and someone else. Stupid girl!

IAmHumanAndINeedToBeLoved · 25/03/2017 08:46

It's nothing to do with the school. All they will do is tell you to call the police.

Her mother will know, surely.

If she's bragging about driving when she hasn't passed her test, and you've seen her driving unsupervised, then report her. It'll take the police about 10 seconds to check her DVLA records. If she hasn't passed her test, they will do something. If she has, and she just thinks it's cool to say she's driving without having passed, then no harm done.

It's not about 'just desserts', she could kill herself or someone else. She could destroy other people's lives in a split second.

OhTheRoses · 25/03/2017 08:46

What an extraordinary situation. Most of the parents at my dc's independent schools are well educated and responsible as well as being committed to their children's education, hence why they pay for it. And the schools have had a zero tolerance attitude to bad behaviour - in fact anything that would affect their reputation.

IAmHumanAndINeedToBeLoved · 25/03/2017 08:46

I can't believe you need to ask, tbh.

ExitPursuedByUser54321 · 25/03/2017 08:47

She probably has learner insurance. But obviously not covered if driving unsupervised.

I'd definitely report her.


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londonrach · 25/03/2017 08:47

And she doesnt have insurance. No licence, no insurance. Stupid girl

blueskyinmarch · 25/03/2017 08:48

You still need insurance when you are learning Waitrose.

morningconstitutional2017 · 25/03/2017 08:48

I would report her to the police and the DVLA. She is blatantly breaking the law. I don't give a toss if she wraps herself round a lamp-post if/when she crashes but this type always take innocents with them. The law is on your side. Could the head teacher be told? She may find herself expelled. Her behaviour is totally unacceptable.

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