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To feel utterly depressed and fed up and consider calling in sick to give myself a Christmas break?

249 replies

BoBo16 · 27/12/2016 07:57

Started a new job early this year.

The shift pattern was hard in the first place (often 1 day off in 10 etc) but the Christmas rota has been horrendous.

I had to work the whole week before Christmas with just Christmas Eve off - I then worked Christmas Day, Boxing Day and I'm working today so that's every single bank holiday. I'm off tomorrow but then I'm working Thursday, Friday and Saturday with just New Year's Day off. I'm then back for the bank holiday Monday (surprise sunrise) and off Tuesday. I'm then back the rest of the week until the weekend of 7/8th Jan.

I have had no Christmas holiday at all. I've not even had two days off together. I've not seen my husband really or my kids. I'm exhausted. I'm fed up. I feel physically sick at the thought of going in for three more days on the trot. I feel victimised with the rota (nobody else's is as bad as mine, a few people have admitted this) and I feel utterly fucked off.

I'm so tired. WIBU to ring in sick on Thursday and Friday to give myself some time off and a rest? I'm handing in my notice this week also.

OP posts:
ChuckSnowballs · 27/12/2016 13:48

Les this really is gold.

I am really interested in how you would police this new policy of not letting people in who don't have children. Please expand.

OnionKnight · 27/12/2016 13:48

Procreating doesn't increase the likelihood of good conversation or insightful opinions. As has been proved by you.


IlsaLund · 27/12/2016 13:48

Procreating doesn't increase the likelihood of good conversation or insightful opinions. As has been proved by you.

Thank you SoupDragon for summing up what I wanted to say in such an articulate manner!

SnatchedPencil · 27/12/2016 13:50

Sounds like a horrendous company, don't feel guilty about phoning in sick - I think the job is making you sick.

RufusTheSpartacusReindeer · 27/12/2016 13:51


les seems to believe she is on netmums, maybe you can report everything on netmums

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 27/12/2016 13:51

Oh and I'm not a parent, never wanted to be and not that keen on children but on the plus side I think I'm less dangerous than you. And I'm not going to justify my existence on here either Grin

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 27/12/2016 13:53

Although Tbf this is comedy gold Grin

ChuckSnowballs · 27/12/2016 13:53

Bloody not-parents.

Coming over here.

Coming over here and ill-advising young mothers.

KateSMumsnet · 27/12/2016 13:54

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your reports about this thread - we're taking a look now.

BlossomHillOne · 27/12/2016 13:54

LesM - maybe for clarity you could elaborate on who shouldn't work on Christmas Day. As far as a can see most people who work on Christmas Day are essential, do a fantastic job and I am very grateful to them.

My DH is a Firefighter, he worked Christmas Day, but next year he will be off - there really isn't much choice. I'll let him know later that he is a neglectful parent.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 27/12/2016 13:55

Ooh and when would someone qualify as a parent and therefore be allowed to be on here? When they have had unprotected sex? When they have actually given birth?

Come on Les give us the benefit of your wisdom...

IlsaLund · 27/12/2016 13:56

Livia, it must be when the midwife hands them the big bag of wisdom just after they've given birth!

Veggiesupremeextracheese · 27/12/2016 13:57

This thread is funny Grin

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 27/12/2016 13:57

Yes only non parents should work at all, parents should stay in the house until their children leave home. Because by Les's logic, someone who is a dedicated professional should give up their job the minute they consider having children - way to discriminate

TheoriginalLEM · 27/12/2016 13:57

I am a vet nurse and work as part of a small but expanding team. We do our best to work out the Christmas rota fairly and were fortunate that this year we were able to send our patients home or to our OOH care provider. Our rule of thumb is, that if you were on the Christmas rota for one year then you would not be on it the following year IF that was possible. This would be regardless of if you were a parent or not.

Some of the younger staff members will prefer to work over Christmas rather than new year so there is often swapping going on so this works out well.

But no, I don't think parents should be getting priority over non-parents other than by mutual agreement to swap shifts which some younger/non-parents are often happy to do.

user1471545174 · 27/12/2016 14:01

This has nothing to do with OP's AIBU.

OP, YANBU and don't be persuaded to stay again either Flowers

ilovesooty · 27/12/2016 14:03

No BoBo please don't withdraw your resignation again

FairNotFair · 27/12/2016 14:04

Oh, Les, thank God you've come to bring sanity to the batshit world of Mumsnet (or is it Netmums? I can never remember). We vulnerable young mums I'm 45 have been yearning for a safe place to discuss our parenting issues.

It's dangerous here; that's what it is. Dangerous.

I'm reporting the lot of you.

hobnobsaremyfavourite · 27/12/2016 14:14

Well it seems macarons issues with shift workers are personal and long standing
Not sure what her problem with non parents is Hmm

Billowisp · 27/12/2016 14:20

Don't know about banning non parents but can we please ban selfish idiots that thing they know it All?
Hello Katie. Didn't park on your drive this year as dbro has moved

KateSMumsnet · 27/12/2016 14:20

Hullo again,

We've gone through your reports and deleted a couple of post from this thread that we felt we're personal attacks, and needlessly aggressive.

Mumsnet is a site for everyone, regardless of whether you have kids or not. As long as you stick to our talk guidelines you're most welcome.

OP - sorry work is so tough for you at the moment, hope you manage to figure out a solution soon Flowers

ilovesooty · 27/12/2016 14:22

Thanks Kate.


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PurpleDaisies · 27/12/2016 14:24

Mumsnet is a site for everyone, regardless of whether you have kids or not. As long as you stick to our talk guidelines you're most welcome.

Thanks Kate. Smile

PovertyPain · 27/12/2016 14:24

tip toes through thread to see if I've any posts deleted

PovertyPain · 27/12/2016 14:28


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