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*Title edited by MNHQ* Spoiler alert: To wish ***** should've Strictly Come Dancing

121 replies

BelieverofHope · 17/12/2016 21:39

Ore is a good dancer, however I think Danny is and was just brilliant tonight with Oti. Smile

OP posts:
annoyedbyidiotsparking · 17/12/2016 22:29

Seriously? If you hadn't watched it then you should avoid the Internet...!

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:30

You are a numbskull to think that people should wait for you- do you know what time it is- you dunderhead

You the numbskull dunderhead who thought it was ok to put a spoiler in a thread title.

cardibach · 17/12/2016 22:30

Well, that thread title makes tomorrow's viewing rather ruined. Don't people think??
You don't think this suggests that it affects people other than you? How is anyone else supposed to know you will watch tomorrow? I was, as I said, checking you knew there wasn't a second show tomorrow.

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:31

Talking about it: absolutely fine no problem whatsoever. Just give people the fucking chance not to read it!

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:32

You don't think this suggests that it affects people other than you?

Er, no. Not in the slightest.

Lunde · 17/12/2016 22:33

Hasn't Danny danced professionally in West End musicals?

BelieverofHope · 17/12/2016 22:33

Go jump off a cliff- dear me!- is the world about to end? No

Ore won, Danny lost- deal with it- it's done. Klar!

OP posts:
cardibach · 17/12/2016 22:34

Well in that case perhaps you need to learn to read (and write) then. You've called me bloody stupid and insulted my literacy (I'm an English teacher with a degree in English for the record) which is perilously close to personal abuse. All because you can't cope with someone questioning your wording and trying to help you out if you had a misconception. Lovely.

ICanCountToOneHundred · 17/12/2016 22:44

I read it the same way as you cardi I thoughtsoup believed the results show was on tomorrow as usual and this was a spoiler for that. I got that from the "don't people think?"

SouthPole · 17/12/2016 22:44

Soupdragon - are you ok?

GrinchyKiwi · 17/12/2016 22:48

Danny has been in two West End musicals in non-dancing roles: Gavroche in "Les Mis" when he was 10 and understudy to Boq in "Wicked" a few years ago.

I thought he should have won too, his dances being much more difficult than the others' and his skill level so much higher, but Ojo's showdance was excellent so I'm ok with them winning.

cardibach · 17/12/2016 22:55

Thanks ICanCount - I was beginning to think I was going mad!
Anyway, back to the actual question, which I can no longer remember whether I answered, no, I don't wish Danny had won. I wouldn't have minded if he had, he's clearly a great dancer, but I prefers Ore for lots of reasons including his progress.

TheSnowFairy · 17/12/2016 23:00

Grinchy 'Ojo' great name Grin

Worthy winners IMO.

Fab entertainment tonight all round, brilliant show Star

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 17/12/2016 23:02

The special spoiler snowflakes really annoy me.
It's broadcast. Talking about the results is a discussion, not a spoiler.
Oh, and Titanic sinks.

redshoeblueshoe · 17/12/2016 23:23

Exactly Chardonnay, its already been broadcast. I'm glad Ore won Xmas Grin

cherryrednose · 17/12/2016 23:49

I'm also glad Ore won but amazed at the level of loathing for him amongst Danny supporters - people slagging him off for crying, spreading fake stuff about him having previous dance training and, oh yes, starting threads in AIBU complaining about it. Pitiful.

DeepanKrispanEven · 17/12/2016 23:57

Another one here who wondered if Soup thought there was a results programme tomorrow. I think it's because she said "Well, that thread title makes tomorrow's viewing rather ruined. Don't people think??" It sounds a bit as if further viewing is only available tomorrow, and that other people would be watching then - whereas people watching on catch up may of course be watching at any time.

Stopmithering · 18/12/2016 07:56

At the start of the series, I thought Danny Mac was going to be a conceited "look at me" proper show-off, but I have found him to be quiet and pretty humble about his talent. I loved watching him, thought he was a fabulous dancer.
Ore was good, too, but I didn't warm to him. In fact the opposite, I found him pretty irritatingly self-absorbed and smug.
Danny was my winner.

VintagePerfumista · 18/12/2016 08:02

I haven't watched it yet.

But, what with being an adult and all, and having CHOSEN not to watch it last night, it doesn't matter, does it?

Except to the television-obsessed twats on MN who throw their toys out every single time they can't actually be bothered to watch something when everyone else does, but then want to gripe about it.

And the only people showing "bad form" are them.

Get a fucking life. Finding out who won Strictly and then having the screaming abdabs means you are very very over-invested. Seriously. You have a problem. Hmm

Flowers for the OP for having been piled-in-upon by the telly-mafia. Wink

VintagePerfumista · 18/12/2016 08:04

"spoiler: revealing the result of something WHICH HAS NOT YET BEEN BROADCAST"

Not, "a thread on a chat forum discussing the result of something WHICH HAS BEEN ON TV"

Unicornsarelovely · 18/12/2016 08:22

I was pleased Ore won and voted equally for him and Danny.

But what the hell is going on with all the 'fix' and 'bias' and the rest of the bollocks. Just because you're favourite didn't win a TV talent show doesn't make it a fix, or Ore a fraud, or the BBC totally biased - more people liked someone else. There seems to be far more hysteria about the result this year which seems weird.

Lelloteddy · 18/12/2016 08:39

It's on the front page of the BBC news page. Spoilers and all Xmas Grin Will the special snowflakes be starting a Twitter campaign to express their outrage Xmas Wink


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DameDeDoubtance · 18/12/2016 08:44

I wanted Danny to win, he was a joy to watch and so much better than anyone else. I am pleased for Ore though, he seems like a lovely man.

AnchorDownDeepBreath · 18/12/2016 08:44

Danny wasn't favourite this weekend. Not from a betting point of view at least. It swung between him, Louise and Ore but he lost his heavy lead when he gave the interview about his dance experience and drama school.

I'm happy for Ore; he seemed genuinely nice. Danny would have been a good winner too; and I think Louise excelled.

RedHelenB · 18/12/2016 09:49

Ore peaked at the right time. I think the public are influenced by the judges ( Colin Jackson lost out due to Len not liking his show dance) and Danny made that glaring error in his first dance.
He definitely had the best choreography though and I loved watching him this series.

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