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*Title edited by MNHQ* Spoiler alert: To wish ***** should've Strictly Come Dancing

121 replies

BelieverofHope · 17/12/2016 21:39

Ore is a good dancer, however I think Danny is and was just brilliant tonight with Oti. Smile

OP posts:
Libitina · 17/12/2016 22:12

Why do we need a spoiler warning for sonething that's already been broadcast?

This. If people don't want to know the result, then they should avoid the internet until they've watched the show.

And yes, Danny and Oti should have won imo.

Blaze6 · 17/12/2016 22:12

Having watched strictly for 12 years there's no way Danny would have won, he came across as too arrogant and people love a 'journey' I also have to say those moaning about the spoiler I too watched this in record but stayed well away from my phone and the internet until I had watched it! May be the way forward it future if you don't want things like this spoiled!

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 17/12/2016 22:14

It's just been on the news. Should Kate Silverton be harangued?

Sparklingbrook · 17/12/2016 22:16

The right person won IMO.

BelieverofHope · 17/12/2016 22:16

Not my problem. It's done! Not the end of the world. eeesh! Confused

OP posts:
hazeyjane · 17/12/2016 22:16

The title has been changed, but the original title is still on discussions of the day!!

So glad Ore won, I thought he was fantastic.

BelieverofHope · 17/12/2016 22:17

Thanks Libi Grin

OP posts:
TheImprobableGirl · 17/12/2016 22:19

But I didn't expect the spoiler to be shouted in a title? I wouldn't have clicked "Aibu to say the winner of strictly was undeserved"

Plenty of things are aired early, including American programmes, films etc. So you are saying it would be right to say "can't believe Xx turned out to be Xx's BROTHER" in a film released on day 1?

Rather than "can't believe the plot twist"? Surely that is common sense, and more importantly common courtesy?

VeryBitchyRestingFace · 17/12/2016 22:19

I would turn for Danny's partner. I have a total girl crush right now. Xmas Blush

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:20

Fucking bastard arses Angry

Unbelievable. Well, that thread title makes tomorrow's viewing rather ruined. Don't people think??

On the plus side, I hated Danny. And clearly so did most of the voting public.

cardibach · 17/12/2016 22:22

Why does it affect tomorrow's viewing, SoupDragon? For general 'people' I mean.

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:22

I've not watched the news, I've avoided the Strictly thread that appears in Threads I'm On, I've not seen anything and then bam! There it is I need Trending. Just super.

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:24

Well, as I was unable to watch tonight, I was going to watch it on catch up having managed to avoid any mention of it

Not really hard to understand is it?

How bloody stupid do you need to be not to realise putting it in a thread title is fucking inconsiderate?

cardibach · 17/12/2016 22:24

But it was on tonight, so why would it affect 'people's' viewing tomorrow? Yours if you haven't watched it, yes - but I'd have avoided all people online and off if I wanted a secret!

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 17/12/2016 22:25

Don't understand.
Will never understand.
I've seen people sulking on FB because others were talking about the last episode of Doctor Who two days later. Baffling.

It's a TV programme - how can it "ruin" your evening? Will all the dances be changed somehow?

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:26

Why should people not talk about just because other people might not have got round to watching it?

There no problem with talking about it. It's just bloody rude and inconsiderate to put spoilers about anything in a thread title.

DeepanKrispanEven · 17/12/2016 22:26

I would keep off the internet if I were desperate to avoid spoilers, it's all over the place.

cardibach · 17/12/2016 22:26

I'm not bloody stupid, thanks. For the record I don't think the name should have been in the title. I was just questioning your wording which suggested that it would spoil 'people's' viewing tomorrow, not just yours. Wondered if you thought it was ACTUALLY a spoiler for a results show tomorrow which isn't happening as the results happened tonight.
Did you really think you would get all the way to tomorrow evening without finding out? That seems a bit unlikely to me.

timelytess · 17/12/2016 22:27

What a ridiculous fuss. The programme went out, people commented on it. If you didn't watch it at the time, that's your issue. The rest of the world doesn't have to pussyfoot around you.

Lelloteddy · 17/12/2016 22:27

I can't believe that MNHQ actually edited the title of the thread.

VeryBitchyRestingFace · 17/12/2016 22:27

I'm the kind of person who reads the end of a book before I read the beginning, so I'm a bit in awe at the level of self control posters like Soupdragon have.

SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:27

But it was on tonight, so why would it affect 'people's' viewing tomorrow? Yours if you haven't watched it, yes

Yes, and I was talking about mine. Why would I be talking about anyone else's viewing? Confused

I'm just glad all my favourites were out and that Danny didn't win.


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BelieverofHope · 17/12/2016 22:28

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SoupDragon · 17/12/2016 22:29

I was just questioning your wording which suggested that it would spoil 'people's' viewing tomorrow, not just yours.

I think you need to learn to read.

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 17/12/2016 22:29

The angst last year about Star Wars! "DON'T TALK ABOUT IT! I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!" Well fucking go and see it then. Honestly!

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