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to feel a bit shit that they're making me fly alone?

175 replies

SF25 · 16/12/2016 19:57

My mum, dad, sister, brother, niece and I are all going to New York for Christmas (can't wait, have never been before!) I admit that they are in much better jobs than me and do have more money. They're all deciding to fly First, I admit, I'm extremely jealous. There is no way in hell could I afford to pay the extra few thousand pounds!! I have tried asking my mum if they could maybe fly with me and they say that I should have saved throughout the year (mainly my brother and sister) but I just don't have enough to save!! Especially just so I can fly first (as lovely as it looks). It means I do the whole airport faff on my own, as they go to a separate bit. It's not that I can't fly alone, but it feels a bit shit. Especially as DC are with their dad this Christmas. BTW, we were all flying economy (which is when they gave me a price and I said I'd love to come) then they upgraded.

Feel a bit crap tbh.

OP posts:
BlackeyedSusan · 16/12/2016 23:07

I have never been to NY I can not really afford to go, but I still think the ops family are shitty to leave her in economy on her own. have a great time. enoy your hard won savings .

SF25 · 16/12/2016 23:11

I have money to spend out here, I just didn't have £5000 odd to pay for upgrade. No clubs, my 8 year old niece is going.

OP posts:
Shakey15000 · 16/12/2016 23:23

I would SO email the airline and ask to be first to be considered for an upgrade and explain the rest of the family will be in 1st. Appeal to their better nature. Don't ask, don't get etc. Imagine turning left also yet pounds richer Grin

Mrspotatohead18 · 16/12/2016 23:26

I flew economy and was dreading it as I hadn't flown out of Europe for years. It was fine, not uncomfortable, loads of albums I could listen too, 4 films (could pay a fiver and get premium to choose from loads but wasn't worth it as the length of all films covered the flight). Take some headphones, and a good pillow, a blanket and some sweets! It is very shitty of them. But you'll be fine, we went in a group and everyone had their earphones in - the flight goes pretty quickly and in my view first class is a waste for a flight that length. I did fly Thomas cook though so there will be a few differences, I can only assume the BA plane will be more comfy. Visit the Rockefeller at night, ice skate in Central Park and have an amazing time!

Lorelei76 · 16/12/2016 23:37

OP are they flying first or business?
I'm not sure what i think but booking economy originally and changing seems odd.

ohlalalalalalalala · 16/12/2016 23:40

Aw yanbu, they are.
I'm visualising the scene from bridesmaids... stove! Are you an appliance? Grin
Just focus on the holiday and not on the flight. Make friends with the person beside you and get drunk. Have a bit of craic lol

SF25 · 16/12/2016 23:46


OP posts:
Lorelei76 · 17/12/2016 00:00

So they could have gone business and paid for you?

OlennasWimple · 17/12/2016 00:13

This is odd, but:

  • you can go onto the BA website now and see your seat allocation (so if there is a surprise upgrade, you will know about it now; if there isn't you aren't disappointed)

  • they will be able to sign you into the lounge, which is one of the best bits of flying non-economy TBH, especially if the plane is delayed

  • make your plans for meeting up after the plane: they will get off the plane first, so be at the front of the immigration queue (last time I got stuck at the back of the queue because of DS desparately needing to go to the loo, it took me literally an hour longer than the first class travellers). They will also get their baggage first, because it's marked up to come off the plane as a priority
Boysnme · 17/12/2016 09:38

I'd be upset about this too but there's not a lot you can do about it. Enjoy the peace, have a wander round the airport on your own and have a great holiday without making a big deal of it, don't even ask them to sign you in the lounge. They probably want you to be annoyed with them. Just watch for the babysitting request when you do get there because they want to do something expensive and you can't afford it - bet you'll get left with your niece.

SEsofty · 17/12/2016 10:11

It's the other end that might be an issue. They are likely to be through the airport a long time before you, potentially hours.

So either they will have to hang around the airport for hours waiting for you or you will have to get to the hotel yourself.

There is great public transport from JFK so if the latter not a problem but you need to discuss before you go

Amaried · 17/12/2016 10:12

Honestly you are going on a fab holiday to ny for Xmas.
I wouldn't let the fact that you have to fly by yourself put s damper on it.. being a good book and sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet, it's only a few hours after all

coffeetasteslikeshit · 17/12/2016 10:32

I find it rather bizarre that they would rather upgrade to first class than upgrade to business, pay for you too, and still save loads of money. I mean, who in their right minds saves to go first class? What a colossal waste of money!

But, they have. It was mean imo, but at the same time I also think you should not angst about it. Whats done is done. It's only 7 hours. 7 hours of peace now.

Enjoy your holiday!

Randonneur · 17/12/2016 11:29

I do think they are being shitty and pre-kids I would have felt the same but now I do have kids I find the idea of wandering around an airport all alone and sitting on a plane for 8 hours all alone very relaxing! I'd snooze as much as you can on the flight.

elvis86 · 17/12/2016 11:32

Sorry to those who think this is acceptable, it's not and OP's family are absolutely disgusting. To arrange a family holiday which is presumably about spending time together and sharing experiences, and then to leave one person out with regards travel arrangements is awful!

Fair enough if a couple of people wanted to upgrade, but when it became clear that actually everyone but the OP intended to, a conversation should have been had as that is blatantly going to leave one person feeling shitty. Why is their desire to fly First more important than their daughter / sister's feelings?!

If I were the OP I'd a) think they were twats and not want to go anywhere with them, and b) be very concerned that this behaviour will continue when you're in New York. Activities / shows/ restaurants that the OP can't afford and the attitude that if she can't afford she should wait outside whilst they enjoy themselves?

I'm actually gobsmacked at how they've treated the OP. Her own family FFS!

I visited NY in a group of 6 friends earlier this year - whilst we all had the opportunity to go off and do bits independently, the general consensus was that we all considered each other's opinions and financial positions etc, as we love each other and were there to spend time together as much as to see sights etc!

Ditch the selfish bastards, OP!

YelloDraw · 17/12/2016 11:37

Nobody except the super rich pay to fly first class. Most people upgrade on air miles, accumulated through business flights.

I find it very strange that people would drop £k on first to NY which is only a 6 hour flight. Not even worth it.

YelloDraw · 17/12/2016 11:39

Sorry to those who think this is acceptable, it's not and OP's family are absolutely disgusting. To arrange a family holiday which is presumably about spending time together and sharing experiences, and then to leave one person out with regards travel arrangements is awful

When I go away with my parents (and they pay) they turn left, I turn right.

I'm young and can sleep/chill in economy. They have neck and back issues and at over 65 can spend their cash how they like. We meet back up the other end and spend all holiday together.

TwitterQueen1 · 17/12/2016 11:42

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notlongtilspring · 17/12/2016 11:42

Another one who's surprised they're up grading to F. Unless they've got buckets of Avios and more luck than me finding redemption I suspect it's Club.
If they have BA status they can guest you into the lounge.

I'd be a bit jealous being stuck in the back but you'll be fine for 6 hours.

MozzchopsThirty · 17/12/2016 11:44

I think this is a terrible thing to do to you, I wouldn't do it to friends or family. I can usually travel business on BA but choose to fly economy with family because we can't all be upgraded, that's so mean and selfish. In fact if it was an option I'd rather a friend or family member go business as they've never travelled that way before.

I also don't see how they would upgrade to first from economy.
Business yes, but first??

Having flown first, business and economy with BA it just wouldn't be worth it for a flight to NYC
I've flown business to Dubai, Hong Kong and vegas which was great but BA are certainly not the best airline if you're paying for it, their business and first are inferior to other carriers.

Liiinoo · 17/12/2016 11:48

I have been guested into the BA lounge a few times. They always warn my host that if it gets busy I might have to leave but that has never happened. But that has always been at quite small airports/or quiet times of year. . I don't know if it would work in Heathrow (or similar huge airport) the week before Christmas.

elvis86 · 17/12/2016 11:49

That's completely different YelloDraw. Your parents are paying for you and presumably it's established from the outset that they'll be in First?

The OP's family have arranged a family holiday together which she's saved hard for, only to later all upgrade leaving her to travel alone.

Even if, for example, her parents prefer First for reasons yours do, surely one of her siblings could have suffered Coach to keep their sister company and not make her feel completely excluded and inadequate on what's supposed to be a lovely family holiday?


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YelloDraw · 17/12/2016 11:51

That's completely different YelloDraw. Your parents are paying for you and presumably it's established from the outset that they'll be in First?

Well, business not first but yeah it's the known deal.

turbohamster · 17/12/2016 11:57

YANBU - pretty rubbish behaviour.

Didn't think anyone really paid for first class out of their own pocket except the super rich. The cost/benefit analysis doesn't stack up for most, even if they can afford it.

namechange102 · 17/12/2016 12:14

That's a bit harsh, Elvis. Do we know how often the rest of the family get to travel first class? It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity on this particular holiday and come at an unusually good time for them to be able to treat themselves /have money to spend (not that I would probably leave one member of my family to travel alone).
Clubbing together to upgrade op is a really nice idea, but a share of an extra £5000 on top of your own tickets is a lot!
Is there any real evidence that the rest of the family will be flashing the cash on things op can't afford to join in with?
Sorry op, but if you can't afford it, it doesn't mean everyone else should miss out. I would feel a bit put out too, though.

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