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Think if I hear another water bottle land on the floor I will explode

107 replies

Cryifiwantto · 26/11/2016 19:20

Whoever invented that water bottle throwing thing needs to be shut in a room with 100 children doing it over. And. Over. Again

Losing it

OP posts:
UterusUterusGhali · 26/11/2016 22:53

I don't see what's so bad about the dabbing.

Granted, a kid at dad's school ended up in the sick bay after getting dabbed in the eye, but that's one out of aprox 50000000 dabs per day at an average secondary school, right?

DanyellasDonkey · 26/11/2016 22:55

What on earth is dabbing? I obviously live in a place where these irritating trends have not caught on

grumpysquash3 · 26/11/2016 23:22

for all those with bottle flipping DC (I have one), get Santa to bring them a set of bottles with coloured water.
Cheap, cheery, and they will get bored of it soon....

TypicallyEnglishMustard · 26/11/2016 23:30

Or, you could tell your bottle-flipping DC to stop doing it, because it's annoying and disruptive Hmm

Why would you arm them for Christmas?!

I'm with a previous poster, the buggers have had a national conference to select this incessant craze. I believe the dabbing conference took place a few months before, that one seems to have been around for far longer.

Salmotrutta · 26/11/2016 23:38

I hate this frigging bottle flipping shit.

I'm spectacularly evil and if kids flip bottles in my class I make it clear that nobody gets to do fun stuff...

Call me old fashioned but it works.

I merely state :- "If anyone flips bottles in this class there will be no fun activities".

Cue lots of outraged kids who police the rest of the class.

clary · 26/11/2016 23:45

Yes another teacher here.

You flip your bottle, you give me the bottle. You flip the glue stick - I'll have that too. Flip your pen? well I might let you keep that but do stop. Please.

Look mummy the baby is dabbing (baby not amused at being forced into a dab) rofl at this :D

Also lol at people who are going to flip the children soon Grin

MistresssIggi · 27/11/2016 00:22

I don't mind the dabbing. At first with the water I thought they were all on a health kick - maybe an assembly on rehydration - when they began to ask out to refill their bottles. I soon learned.

FromIbizaToTheNorfolkBroads · 27/11/2016 08:44

Teenage DD taught me how to dab just to annoy her pre-teen dabbing brother.

Believe me when your mum starts doing something like dabbing it's no longer cool Grin

dementedma · 27/11/2016 09:08

I have NO idea what dabbing is. Has it reached Scotland yet?

pieceofpurplesky · 27/11/2016 09:16

Another teacher. It is really irritating and he move to pritt sticks and pencil cases.
Bet you have all had a go though!

ChinchillaFur · 27/11/2016 09:29

I have one particular Yr8 class that do this - it drives me insane!

Started with water bottles - confiscated those
Went on to glue sticks - put those away
Then moved on to little lidded pots of sulfur, iron filings etc for my experiment! Shock

I DID get very cross then, and may have said something along the lines of anybody flips anything else now and you will have detention, and I don't care WHO it is!

BoneyBackJefferson · 27/11/2016 09:33


I can honestly say that I have never had a go at this :)

We are at the stage where they are trying to land bottles on lights and high up ledges.

PacificDogwod · 27/11/2016 09:53

I have NO idea what dabbing is. Has it reached Scotland yet?

OMG, yes, demented!
DS2(8) is the DabMaster in this house Hmm

AwaywiththePixies27 · 27/11/2016 10:53

Boundaries Grin

Yes, DCs drove me buts recently with it on a rainy day spent inside.

AwaywiththePixies27 · 27/11/2016 10:55

I have no idea what the dabbing is. DD had tried to explain it to me numerous times but she still looks at me and declares me old instead. Wink cancelling Christmas

pieceofpurplesky · 27/11/2016 11:12

Yes Jefferson the landing on ledges! I am on the first floor and one hit my window the other day!
Then I come home and DS has got his Grandad doing it!

Cryifiwantto · 27/11/2016 12:18

You poor poor teachers! Here have a bottle of 🍾

OP posts:
PacificDogwod · 27/11/2016 12:29

Is that in a plastic bottle, Cry?

DS3 just tried it with the remote control - the lid came off, the batteries fell out and he was all surprised innocence that I was vaguely annoyed because I 'had never told him not to flip the TV remote' Hmm

Keeptrudging · 27/11/2016 12:30

I'm evil and water bottles have to stay beside the sink. They then flip pencil cases (confiscated), books, pencil pots, glue sticks, stools, anything they can lay their hands on. I can't wait for them to move on to the mannequin challenge!!!

Gileswithachainsaw · 27/11/2016 12:31

Wtf is dabbing Hmm

MimsyBorogroves · 27/11/2016 12:40

I actually BEGGED my Y7s to start on the mannequins instead of the water. Sick of catching bottles mid flip and putting them into the bin.

And then the lesson where we read a bit of a book where a character dabbed his nose with a tissue. Year 8s yelling "DAB!" and inventing a "nose dab" for 5 minutes before getting control of themselves.

Bastards. Bring back spokey-dokeys.

nurseinwonderland · 27/11/2016 12:44

Me trying to get ready for a night shift last night.
Stop flipping that bottle.
No, I just told you stop flipping that bottle.
LOOK! didn't you just hear me telling your brother to stop flipping that bottle.

Just asked them what dabbing was, yep my two do it too! Didn't realise it had a name! Our prom photos had them all dabbing. Hmm


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nurseinwonderland · 27/11/2016 12:46

This is dabbing Confused

Think if I hear another water bottle land on the floor I will explode
Gileswithachainsaw · 27/11/2016 12:52

That's it Confused

What's so exciting about doing that?

FranKubelik · 27/11/2016 12:52

I'm not bothered by it - at least it's distracted them from the 'killer clowns' craze.

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