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Think if I hear another water bottle land on the floor I will explode

107 replies

Cryifiwantto · 26/11/2016 19:20

Whoever invented that water bottle throwing thing needs to be shut in a room with 100 children doing it over. And. Over. Again

Losing it

OP posts:
PlumsGalore · 26/11/2016 21:46

My kids are too old for crazes now, so had to look this up on utube, I am tempted to look for a water bottle in the recycling now and have a go, please don't judge....

PlumsGalore · 26/11/2016 21:47

Oh shit, was is dabbing.....goes back to utube

Grilledaubergines · 26/11/2016 21:47

Yeah it's fucking irritating. Moreso when your child forgets to put the bloody lid back on. Half a litre of water chucked all over the kitchen and blue air.

The poster with the damaged TV Flowers. Which don't help as they're not even real and the TV is. Gutting for you.

BoneyBackJefferson · 26/11/2016 21:48


Too late Wink

Funko · 26/11/2016 21:48

Oh the fucking dab!! It's an actual thing!!
I thought it was my DS being an annoying little shit ... well he is but I didn't realise it was an actual thing!

And he's broken two water bottles 😡
I made him take my neon pink water bottle to football and refused to get him a new one. He didn't even care lol

Chattymummyhere · 26/11/2016 21:52

Blame YouTube! That's how it seems to of started at ds's school and everything becomes a "dab" according to him even the baby does a "baby dab" oh and "foot dab". Seems to of stopped the whole bunny ears five nights at fretties? Stuff though.

ShoopyShoopyDoopDoop · 26/11/2016 22:02

Teacher here. Yes. Sick of it.

Also sick of dabbing. Which seems to be the standard response now to having got a question right in class.

And whipping and fucking nae nae-ing.


Witchend · 26/11/2016 22:03

Take one bottle of cola. Take it backstage. Flip it lots of times. Start opening it in the corner with all the costumes...
Results in irate chaperone removing said bottle. Grin

Actually I was quite amused. They opted to throw away the cola and refill it with water rather than stop flipping it.
On the basis they were quite hyped up anyway I accepted the offer, so one good thing came out of it.

PumpkinPie2016 · 26/11/2016 22:04

Another teacher being driven had by the bottle flip Angry

Drives me bloody mad! Last week, after confiscating serveral bottles in a lesson, I actually banned one class from having bottles out at all!!

blueturtle6 · 26/11/2016 22:08

At least they aren't playing a computer game......Grin

dottycat123 · 26/11/2016 22:10

Ds 14 got his first detention for this. He and his friends seemingly spend hours doing this. I can't stand the noise and its banned now at home or even in the garden.

BottleflippingisBANNED · 26/11/2016 22:12

I'm still apocalyptic about the tv tbh. Certainly not buying a new one before christmas. They'll have to put up with the 19 inch from upstairs.

Thirty minutes after they did this they started kicking a football around in the living room. I could honestly cry.

HardcoreLadyType · 26/11/2016 22:14

We were driving past a bus stop recently, and DD2 (15) saw someone doing it, and sneered at how oldfashioned a trend it is (I had never even heard of it before that) so I guess it is on its way out. We live in an outer London suburb. So hopefully that's of reassurance?

DesolateWaist · 26/11/2016 22:17

See now part of me, a very big part, is annoyed as fuck by all this. But then the other part of me is happy that they are actually putting their phones down for 5 minutes.

That said I don't have children and I teach 5 year olds who so far seem to have missed the craze.

What is dabbing? I've looked it up and I can't believe that's a thing.

alltouchedout · 26/11/2016 22:18

Oh god it is driving me mad.
I didn't realise loads of kids were doing it. Bloody youtube.

BottleflippingisBANNED · 26/11/2016 22:20

Dabbing......god the dabbing. Its a dance move which seems to have mutated into a response for ANYTHING.

Have you brushed your teeth? DAB

Night mummy, DAB

Look mummy the baby is dabbing (baby not amused at being forced into a dab)

Although in a rare moment of comedy value I did pull a dab the other day after all the kids agreed dinner was very nice. They were crying with laughter. First and last one from me

DameBurleyChassis · 26/11/2016 22:24

Just had to google dabbing. In my defence I have no children of my own, but do have 3 DSD's who all seem to have bypassed this craze!

I thought dabbing was something to do with cleaning up water that spilled after an unsuccessful flip...

BlackNo1 · 26/11/2016 22:25

I thought it was just our school. It's amazing how much mindless shite gets around.

I've seen damaged bottles patched up with packaging tape Hmm apparently that's more of a wow factor than using new bottles but what do I know.

*Wow factor was not the actual description the children used.

CharleyDavidson · 26/11/2016 22:27

I bloody hate the Dabbing.

And the bottle flipping.

You flip your bottle, it has to stay in your bag instead of in class.

So they flip a bottle and you are about to banish it to their bags until they tell you it's not their bottle but someone elses.

Then someone else flips their bottle, which splits and leaks all over their wok and another child's.

Whichever clever sod decided that children needed to have water bottles in their place at all times to suck on like a dummy need to give their head a wobble. Surely in a tray in the room or in their bags just in the cloakroom was good enough. They get a break almost every hour as it is!

70ontheinside · 26/11/2016 22:28

I made one of my younger secondary classes sit with their hands folded behind their chairs. You can flip bloody anything and I will very soon start flipping them. And then dab. Xmas Angry

AuntieStella · 26/11/2016 22:29

DC's school has just banned it.

I've been treated to one demo at home (mercifully in the hall, where no damage likely) and have banned it here too.

MillionToOneChances · 26/11/2016 22:31

I've banned it!


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DanyellasDonkey · 26/11/2016 22:33

Thankfully it has not reached the area where I live. Water bottles in general get on my nerves. I always say to my class that I don't know how my generation managed to survive without bottled water.

multivac · 26/11/2016 22:37

It is really cool when they nail it, though.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 26/11/2016 22:45

now I know what various kids were doing in their prom photos. I was mystified.

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