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Think if I hear another water bottle land on the floor I will explode

107 replies

Cryifiwantto · 26/11/2016 19:20

Whoever invented that water bottle throwing thing needs to be shut in a room with 100 children doing it over. And. Over. Again

Losing it

OP posts:
RainyDayBear · 26/11/2016 20:33

Teacher here, it's doing my fucking head in. Cannot wait for it to be forgotten!!

CurlyhairedAssassin · 26/11/2016 20:34

It won't be forgotten though because it's such an easy little challenge.

hotdiggedy · 26/11/2016 20:39

Glad its not just me.

I'm raging on behalf of the poster with the broken TV. Grrr.

malika54 · 26/11/2016 20:55

Teacher here too. It's the longest lasting and most annoying fad I've seen in my career. Part of me dies everytime I hear a bottle. And the dabbing that follows Angry

CurlyhairedAssassin · 26/11/2016 21:04

Do you mean the dab or The Dab?! grin

Welshrainbow · 26/11/2016 21:05

Teacher here too but never heard of it, off to google it.

CurlyhairedAssassin · 26/11/2016 21:07

I'm in secondary. Kids are in primary. They all fecking do it here.

Josephinebloggs · 26/11/2016 21:08

What is it?

TupsNSups · 26/11/2016 21:08

has anyone seen the little girl with no arms doing this, then follows with a dab with her legs?

The ds's was extremely impressed so now they are practicing with their feet!

ladygracie · 26/11/2016 21:09

Yes! This is the first weekend for ages that I haven't had to listen to it. My son smashed a super tacky Christmas bauble that was a present for my friend. But he thought I'd mind less because he landed the bottle! I did not mind less.

Gillybean76 · 26/11/2016 21:14

Omg this is totally doing my head in!

I keep finding old pop bottles half full of water all over the house. Earlier this afternoon DH was trying to grab some sleep before going to work tonight and all of a sudden I hear this repeated thud, thud, thud from DS1s room.

'Stop. Now'.

Cary2012 · 26/11/2016 21:14

Another teacher here. Have warned students that I will now set a detention if they flip their bottles any more. Have tolerated this since start of term.

So, that's three year seven's (two cried), four year eights (two swore) and 1 year nine (stormed out in a right strop) staying after school for an hour on Monday. No 10's or 11's who already think it's soooooo last year.

Wolfiefan · 26/11/2016 21:18

So this is a thing? Neither of mine do it but took one to a fitness session and there were kids doing it. For some insane reason it actually makes me want to shake them by their necks! Shock good job I'm no longer a teacher Grin

dementedma · 26/11/2016 21:22

Take the fucking bottles off them.sorted.

madamginger · 26/11/2016 21:27

My DC had a trampoline competition last weekend and all the kids were doing it whilst waiting their turn to jump. 100 kids trying to outdo each other, their coach threatened to disqualify them if they didn't stop as they were annoying the judges. Angry

TypicallyEnglishMustard · 26/11/2016 21:28

I've utterly lost my patience with it now. I take the water bottles off them and pour them out of the window. Their own fault if they're thirsty, they should have learned to behave themselves first.

I also give them a minute's detention for every dab.

I accepted both fads with good humour for a full half term, but now I'm completely fed up.

BizzyFizzy · 26/11/2016 21:31

So it's not just at my school. They call it bottle flipping. I have told my students that any kind of flipping (bottles, glue sticks, pens, pencil cases, anything that irritates me in the broadest sense) will result in a minus without warning.

That seems to have stopped it.

lljkk · 26/11/2016 21:31

I also promised pocket money to pay for any replacements. Nearby school got into national news for banning bottle flipping after several kids went to hospital.

Vanillamanilla1 · 26/11/2016 21:31

Fucking hell she broke your telly !!Shock

Scorbus · 26/11/2016 21:37

All water bottles are left in a deep tray but I have had to confiscate all glue sticks normally on tables due to this fucking craze. Every Dab = 5 minutes lost of break/lunch. (Primary teacher)

PacificDogwod · 26/11/2016 21:38


Here it's only DS2(12) and DS3(8) who are in to it and I am about ready to subject the to serious thirst by not giving them water bottles anymore....

Who knows what I might do if I were a teacher and subjected to hordes of pupils all playing this 'game'?! Shock

NB Our brand-new TV was broken by a PS4 controller chucked on the ground in a huff. It bounced back up and broke the screen. The TV had been in the house for 10 days at the time. Yes, dear reader, words were had.

SawdustInMyHair · 26/11/2016 21:38

I've had to ban waterbottles in my classroom (primary) and took a couple away and gave them to parents at hometime, which has at least squashed it in lessons. At playtime I don't have a problem with it. They all sit around a picnic table doing it, like prisoners playing poker in the yard.


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Scorbus · 26/11/2016 21:40

I just don't get it. Unless there was a conference in the summer holidays where all children under the age of 14 attended and decided what will drive us all to breaking point before the Christmas holidays. Bet the little blighters had a vote.

Lurleene · 26/11/2016 21:42

I am totally with you in this one, initially I thought it was just a 'thing' at my DS's school as he only started in September. It is not.

I was walking through a very naice market town earlier today and there was a group of boys and grown men practicing their bottle flipping techniques off a pillar.

I've spent nearly £150 quid on his Christmas present yet I know he will spend more playing with a blimmin bottle.

chocolateworshipper · 26/11/2016 21:43

and I am SO sick of the dabbing too

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