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Clowns - to wish the media would stop reporting them

209 replies

MsJamieFraser · 07/10/2016 20:22

If anyone hasn't heard, the new popular thing to do, is dress up as a clown with a weapon and go about terrifying people by intimidation and brandishing a weapon.

AIBU to think the media should stop reporting on this and these idiots will just go onto the next trend.

Currently my quiet home town is full of police and sirens blaring as a few idiots are out terrorising the public.

OP posts:
BlancheBlue · 08/10/2016 10:30

As if carrying guns is a solution for anything ffs

FairNotFair · 08/10/2016 11:00

I love the word "pounced". It's not used enough, especially by the police.

Borntoflyinfirst · 08/10/2016 11:23

My year 7 child came home yesterday having talked about this with peers at school. She was worried at bedtime. I saw a Facebook post this morning showing a photo of one such idiot outside our local shop. Whilst I am able to understand this is a prank done by idiots, it makes me mad that my dd is worried. She won't be out alone after dark obviously but still nervous because some fools think this is 'fun'.

Ineverpromisedyouarosegarden · 08/10/2016 11:27

Favourite tweet of the day ...
About to text my ex and tell him to be safe
After all, people are out there shooting clowns. #clownpocalypse

DramaInPyjamas · 08/10/2016 11:41

Have clowns always had such a bad reputation?
You don't see many actual real clowns at kids parties these days, probably because of the bad press they get.
I remember sitting on a clowns knee and getting balloons pulled from my ears!

I can't think of any bad ones apart from Pennywise and John Wayne Gacy.

Fizbo from Modern Family is quite creepy too though Grin

Clowns need to reclaim their good clown name and be seen as funny not scary

BagelGoesWalking · 08/10/2016 11:52

Was talking about this to my DD 16 yesterday, although more about it happening in the US. I didn't realise it was becoming a "thing" here too.

She showed me this clown character from American Horror Story - pretty horrific!

Clowns - to wish the media would stop reporting them
hunibuni · 08/10/2016 11:56

One of our local schools had to implement a lunch time lock down after threatening Instagram messages were sent. My friend and I spent yesterday evening calming down 3 teen girls and then walking them home. (Love my friend but she has a serious clown phobia and would have been paralysed if she saw one, so as much use as a chocolate teapot) The police are getting mightily peeved and the schools and police have issued statements saying that anyone caught either sending messages or dressing up will be dealt with severely.

GettingMuckyFingersCrossed · 08/10/2016 12:02

cat think scarymonster is the other side of Kent from you

ShelaghTurner · 08/10/2016 12:02

Can people please stop posting pictures of fucking clowns!! Please.

Careforadrink · 08/10/2016 12:07

The police went into our local schools yesterday and were patrolling all day on the school routes. I'm in an affluent small market town in the north.

Dd is terrified.

GiddyOnZackHunt · 08/10/2016 12:24

Like zee I have a dd with ASD. She's frightened of ordinary happy clowns.

Media reporting it is probably far less effective at spreading a craze than individuals using social media. Perhaps the police should arrest a couple, detain them and charge them with breaching the peace. And plaster that on social media.

OurBlanche · 08/10/2016 13:20

Can people please stop posting pictures of fucking clowns!! Please Why? The thread title is pretty clear, it's about clowns! Just don't look! Smile

JaniceBattersby · 08/10/2016 13:27

hmm where have I suggested it's the medias fault?

Well, in your thread title. Why didn't you say "I wish people would stop dressing up as killer clowns and scaring people"? Instead, you blamed media reporting.

Should the media also stop reporting murders in case other people get the idea in their head and, um, murder someone? Or should they stop reporting rapes in case people start raping people left, right and centre?

And if 'the media' (as though we are one, homogenous mass of uncaring, scurrilous hacks) stop reporting this kind of thing, then maybe people should also stop talking about it on Facebook. And on forums, like, um, Mumsnet?

These things have to be reported. You can't have a media blackout on anything negative FFS or you end up like fucking North Korea.

RufusTheSpartacusReindeer · 08/10/2016 14:19

Ds wants to dress up as a clown for halloween

Not sure thats a good idea now

I dont want him shot! He is irritating but not that irritating

amicissimma · 08/10/2016 14:22

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MakeItStopNeville · 08/10/2016 14:28

It's huge in the US. Although tbh, it's only a matter of time before one of them scares the wrong person and gets themselves shot.

ShelaghTurner · 08/10/2016 14:29

Yes but I want to read the debate without having to look at the rotten things! 😱 Given I would shit myself with fear if one jumped out at me I want to have my wits about me and stay indoors! Grin

MakeItStopNeville · 08/10/2016 14:29

And to be fair to the OP, I think the media's sentsationalisation of the whole thing HAS excacerbated the situation.

MakeItStopNeville · 08/10/2016 14:30

SENTSATIONALISATION?!! What am I writing?!! Blush

limitedperiodonly · 08/10/2016 14:39

It would be a bit strange if packs of clowns were roaming the nation scaring people and the media said: 'Move along please. Nothing to see here.'

limitedperiodonly · 08/10/2016 14:48

The OP's thread was the first I'd heard of this worrying trend. But I'm glad she reported it. I've put one of those fake flowers in my buttonhole and anyone with big feet and a red nose is going to get it right between the eyes. I'll squirt first and ask questions later. They'll have brought it on themselves

RebootYourEngine · 08/10/2016 14:52

Ds (12) came home from school at the start of the week talking about this. I told him not to worry coz it was just something that had happened in the US but not here.

Then i wake this morning to a note on fb from police scotland about it. So glad it is the holidays because ds very rarely leaves his room during the holidays.


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IreallyKNOWiamright · 08/10/2016 19:44

I think the world has completely lost it.

limitedperiodonly · 08/10/2016 19:53

The reasonable response to people behaving like twats is clearly to shoot them.

AuntGertrude · 08/10/2016 21:37

There was a robbery in a Co-op in the North-East a couple of weeks ago by someone wearing a "floral dress" and a clown mask. Not just pranksters so the media do have to report it.

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