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Clowns - to wish the media would stop reporting them

209 replies

MsJamieFraser · 07/10/2016 20:22

If anyone hasn't heard, the new popular thing to do, is dress up as a clown with a weapon and go about terrifying people by intimidation and brandishing a weapon.

AIBU to think the media should stop reporting on this and these idiots will just go onto the next trend.

Currently my quiet home town is full of police and sirens blaring as a few idiots are out terrorising the public.

OP posts:
acasualobserver · 07/10/2016 22:39

You'd think the police would be able to catch them quite easily. How fast can you run in those very long shoes?

Stillwaitingforthesummer2come · 07/10/2016 22:40

dusty how did the school go into lockdown? I told DD that wasn't true - she'd found out via Instagram that some schools were closed?

Lilmisskittykat · 07/10/2016 22:42

Can only imagine how scared kids are when as an grown adult in feeling quiet spooked and disturbed by this.

Bloody idiots and you are right op media hype is making it worse

Zeeandra · 07/10/2016 22:43

It has happened in isolation a few times over the years where people have dressed up as clowns then filmed people freaking out. A few others have followed. People get arrested. People get bored.

For some reason this time masses of people have got in on it.I think it's a few dumb pranksters who went viral and copycats have spiralled for some reason.
IT remake is out soon and it's also October.

dibdobs · 07/10/2016 22:43

I just saw a video on Facebook yesterday with loads of 'killer' clowns on it, today there were mums ( Somerset) saying how they had to collect their kids from school as they were too scared to walk home and were really upset, other kids have been singling pupils out and saying they r on the clowns hitlist even started an Instagram account telling kids they r next !

MoonfaceAndSilky · 07/10/2016 22:45

You'd think the police would be able to catch them quite easily. How fast can you run in those very long shoes?


DustyCropHopper · 07/10/2016 22:45

Well 'lockdown' for here just meant no children were allowed to leave the premises (normally at lunchtime certain years at this school are allowed off site) but to be fair I think the reason was not so much it was a clown but more as it was being considered as a possible child protection issue. Have since read it was made up by the child concerned but that is heresy and as far as reports go I believe it is still being investigated by the police. Parents were sent texts to reassure them that children were safe and if they wished to pick their child up after school to liaise with the child directly. All children were let out at the normal time.

DustyCropHopper · 07/10/2016 22:46

But the lockdown on the Internet being spoken about is America, where things seem more serious, but again that is only heresay for me.

Zeeandra · 07/10/2016 22:53

Eldest DD is panicking like crazy (ASD so it's not pretty) I've told her how it's a stupid craze. Also had to explain that killer clowns are not actually killing people but are dressed as a fictional killer clown. I've not seen any here thank god and we've been out and about tonight at kids groups/youth clubs.

My primary school kids were reassured by the PCSO earlier as many were panicking as rumours have been flying round social media all week that today clowns were coming to schools. Older siblings are spreading these, laughing at scared younger kids etc. No sign of clowns near school. Think PCSO did the school rounds all day.

FuckyNell · 07/10/2016 22:57


cdtaylornats · 07/10/2016 23:02


Clowns - to wish the media would stop reporting them
4forksake · 07/10/2016 23:04

Another northerner here who's local school was targeted today. Poor bloody Y7 kids who have just started walking themselves to school. Bloody Neanderthals. Following & terrifying kids while carrying a knife, with a bit of luck they'll bump into someone down a dark alley.

MumOnTheRunCatchingUp · 07/10/2016 23:47

Just in time for Halloween.

Then it will be craze over and onto the next one.... santas? Clown santas maybe?

eightbluebirds · 07/10/2016 23:53

CLS anyone? I know the parents of one of the children effected today. The kid put on a brave face but had a breakdown at home and is worryIng about being followed home. It's vile.

Vvlgari · 07/10/2016 23:54

I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing threads titled 'clowns - TRIGGERING'.

FranHastings · 07/10/2016 23:56

Jesus Christ, wtf is wrong with people? If this happened to my DD, she would never go out again.

Nermerner · 08/10/2016 00:02

In our local paper today. I'd live to see one. I'd chase him and pull his wig off.

steff13 · 08/10/2016 00:13

They've been all over Ohio and a local school was even closed one day because of it. A kid was chased by one with a knife from a bus stop in Columbus, about two hours from me. You can open carry in Ohio, and carry concealed with a permit; some clown is going to terrorize the wrong person, and the situation is going to get really serious really quickly.

Lorelei76 · 08/10/2016 00:17

Steff, that's what I thought. A clown in an open carry state is risking being shot, though of course in the UK no one will really worry about that.

Dreamfoil · 08/10/2016 00:22

There are sightings all over my local Facebook group. People are very unimpressed and have been threatening all sorts. I expect A&E will be full of clowns come Saturday night. Well, more so than usual.

WhatamessIgotinto · 08/10/2016 00:25

I have never seen a scary clown.

ALL clowns are scary.

steff13 · 08/10/2016 00:25

I own a gun but don't carry. I do carry pepper spray, though, and I can't say a clown wouldn't get a snoot full of that if he got too close to me or my kids. A lady in the next town was chased to her apartment door by one, and one was arrested at the park where my daughter plays soccer.


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Lorelei76 · 08/10/2016 01:25

Steff, chased her to her door? Did it have to enter her building?

Thing is, if someone approached me with a weapon I'd be worried regardless of whether or not they were dressed as a clown!

SlinkyVagabond · 08/10/2016 02:21

They are such dicks, someone will end up dead.
My future dil lives in Sth central LA, she posted something in response to killer clown sightings like "those scary assed clowns best not show up in the hood cos -pew, pew,pew". Enough people get shot there everyday anyway.

steff13 · 08/10/2016 02:34

Lorelei, no, her apartment door opens our to the parking lot, it's not inside a larger building, if you see what I mean.

I'd be afraid of anyone chasing me with a weapon, too, but it's not really something that happens here before this clown thing started. People are attacked at random, of course, but it's not a regular occurrence. This is a whole new thing.

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