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Clowns - to wish the media would stop reporting them

209 replies

MsJamieFraser · 07/10/2016 20:22

If anyone hasn't heard, the new popular thing to do, is dress up as a clown with a weapon and go about terrifying people by intimidation and brandishing a weapon.

AIBU to think the media should stop reporting on this and these idiots will just go onto the next trend.

Currently my quiet home town is full of police and sirens blaring as a few idiots are out terrorising the public.

OP posts:
HalfShellHero · 07/10/2016 22:03

This happens every year about this time round my end, 2014 was crazy though remember walking past a clown just stood in the middle off the road holding some balloons soon creepy..of they want to throw themselves into the Halloween spirit why not raise money for charity or something?

EmGee · 07/10/2016 22:05

What is 'clown dressed as IT'??

HalfShellHero · 07/10/2016 22:05

soo and if ...

EmGee · 07/10/2016 22:06

Just googled it - the clown from Stephen King book I think

foursillybeans · 07/10/2016 22:08

YANBU. I often wonder why the media give so much attention to things like this and many other things similar. It just makes it more appealing to certain types of people.

cdtaylornats · 07/10/2016 22:08

The police need to Taser a few, that'll cut its popularity.

Lorelei76 · 07/10/2016 22:09

four, is it the news media reporting it or is it mostly on social media?

Maudlinmaud · 07/10/2016 22:10

I went to a halloween fright night experience last year. There where clowns. Lots and lots of clowns AND they had chainsaws. I'm still not over it..
These poor children. Angry

Topknob · 07/10/2016 22:11

We had the police copter out twice last night, along side a dog team and a fire arms team for a hoax call about a clown with a machete.

Such a waste of resources Angry

Glitterkitten24 · 07/10/2016 22:12

What the fuck is wrong with these people? its only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Hopefully it'll be a clown jumping out at the wrong person and getting leathered! Idiots!

Italiangreyhound · 07/10/2016 22:12

I think they should all be put in a police holding pen together, see if that cures their interest in clowns!

HalfShellHero · 07/10/2016 22:12

There's a sad few who go too far , the staring through windows is mainly the issue ..mainly it's just stupid pranks, chased onemail off my trampoline once ...

DixieNormas · 07/10/2016 22:14

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BerylStreep · 07/10/2016 22:17

Funnily enough my DS mentioned this to me today. We are in NI. He said that he had been told at school that people are dressing up as clowns and breaking into people's houses at night and attacking them.

I hadn't heard of any of this, and told him it was completely untrue. How scary for kids to be thinking about this.

amysmummy12345 · 07/10/2016 22:19

It's all fun and games until one approaches, you panic, next thing you know they're under the car wheels 😌 🚗 🎈

Lilmisskittykat · 07/10/2016 22:20

No need for the photo!!! Shock

minionsrule · 07/10/2016 22:20

DS in Year 7 went to bed tonight, was down in 10 mins saying he was scared of killer clowns...... Bastards. We live in naice NW coastal town, told him clowns had probably never heard of our town. I thought it was just in America but DH checked news and is in the UK Angry

Reetpetite17 · 07/10/2016 22:25

Lilmiss Right? I have hated IT, clowns or anyone dressed up since I was 4! (Yes bad sister!)

Icapturethecast1e · 07/10/2016 22:25

Oh no. Just told my son they don't do stupid things like that in the UK. Heard about in USA. He sounded pretty scared when he was talking about these clowns especially as its getting dark earlier.

FionaJT · 07/10/2016 22:27

My usually very sensible and grounded dd (Y7) said she was scared to sit in her bedroom alone this evening and ended up in tears telling me about rumours of killer clowns going around school. We are in the SW and I had no idea this was a thing until I googled it after she had gone to bed. Bloody idiots.

ManicPixieDream · 07/10/2016 22:28

My 12 year old DS told me about this happening local to us today (Yorkshire). I said it sounded like social media rubbish. He was insistent that there were videos. Am sure this nonsense happened a few years ago too. Amazing how these stories spread.

Stillwaitingforthesummer2come · 07/10/2016 22:28

I'm in nw England too. I'd not heard anything but cd was v worried about going to school today - apparently today was THE day they were attacking schools. Poor child was terrified. tunafish are you in cheshire?


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DixieNormas · 07/10/2016 22:32

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CantThinkOfAQuirkyName · 07/10/2016 22:36

Ds1 came home from school today-something was mentioned in assembly about clowns (he's year5).

He's gone to youth club this evening and any child with a voice is screaming "clown"!

He's come home scared shit of clowns. Hate these urban myth type things

IWasGintyMarlowe · 07/10/2016 22:37

never trust a clown

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