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To hate the term "boobing" for breastfeeding?

105 replies

legfaced · 26/09/2016 11:04

Just that. What's wrong with calling it breastfeeding/feeding?

OP posts:
MetallicBeige · 26/09/2016 18:37

A colleague used to twatter on about the "booby group" that she attended.

I must not look like her idea of the breast feeding 'type' as she was so patronising and made her assumptions about me clear.
Then she licked my arse when she found out I'd bf.
Just. Why?
Why do people even give a shit?!

Mermaid36 · 26/09/2016 18:38

I say boob/boobing around the house/to the babies/to DP....wouldn't ever say booby-juice though!

leedy · 26/09/2016 18:41

" He has been EBF until starting solids"

Though I presume in the case where someone is discussing potential allergies, the fact that they haven't consumed anything other than breastmilk up until then is actually relevant, rather than strange boasting? Ditto anything to do with digestive issues.

If they were talking about how their baby was EBF in, I dunno, the context of clothes - "I need to wear this dress so I can exclusively breastfeed in it!" - that would be weird....

froubylou · 26/09/2016 18:42

I boobed ds until he was 18 months.

They are my breasts and my ds and I can refer to them and breastfeeding however I like.

Of course you have the right to be offended by it. But I have no fucks to give!

I also refer to my vulva as my flue as does dd. Ds has a widgey as does dp. Again no fucks if you are offended.

There are words and language I am offended by. Boobs isn't on that list. Not is tits or fanny or cunt.

I find it odd that women get offended or feel twitchy about words for our bodies when there are so many different words for penis that we don't get twitchy about.

Mypurplecaravan · 26/09/2016 19:00

Golly. Why does it grate so much?

I really can't get wound up over what women choose to call their own breasts. They do not belong to me.

Now women wound up by what other people call the woman's breasts as per the poster thrown by her parents referring to titties I can understand.

Fwiw I mostly call my breasts breasts. But when I'm feeling informal I will call them boobs as in dh pass me dd, she wants some boob. I say this separate to 'she wants feeding' because she is weaned. And 'she wants some breast milk' sounds weirdly formal, especially as most of the time she doesn't want milk. She wants soothing and pacifying and comforting with suckling rather than nutrition at this point in her life.

cardibach · 26/09/2016 19:09

I don't mind what anyone calls their breasts, but 'boob' is a noun and I don't like the current trend for turning nouns into verbs which 'boobing the baby' illustrates.
I am upset on grammatical grounds.

Laquila · 26/09/2016 19:10

Marmighty ShockShockShock

I'm a bit lost for words at that!!

I too object to "boob" being used as a verb, but that's because it's not a verb. "Booby juice" is pretty terrible but hey ho. I'm a bit baffled at the perceived "virtue-signalling" of saying "breastfeeding", though, rather than just "feeding". I mean, if no-one fed their babies anything other than breastmilk then I'd see your point, but...they do Confused

amysmummy12345 · 26/09/2016 19:15

Boobs/tits/breasts/knockers.... Does it really matter? It gets on my tits nerves when such trivialities rile folk, typing this as my daughter has boobie Grin

DrHardie · 26/09/2016 19:40

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

caffeine99 · 26/09/2016 20:56


I can't stand the term either.

Probably because, as some other poster mentioned, I hate 'boob' instead of 'breast'.

YY to whoever said they hate he word 'norks' too. I only started seeing that word recently and can't stand it either

TwoKidsAndCounting · 26/09/2016 21:08

To hate any term for breastfeeding other than breastfeeding!

Stevefromstevenage · 26/09/2016 21:12

We called it a guzzle when ds was old enough to ask 'May I have a breastfeed' seemed a little formal for a one year old.

Lutrine · 26/09/2016 21:22

I never called it anything other than just milk to DD1 as I knew she'd end up shouting for it in public at some point. Didn't save me from it though, she would say "want milk" then specify loudly "milk from YOU".

Whosthemummy16 · 26/09/2016 22:03

I heard someone refer to BF as a mummy latte a couple of weeks ago.
Thought that was a bit strange?!
Woman was doing the overly loud performance parenting thing so maybe I had my judgey pants on which is why I even noticed.
And then again I say to my DD do you want bot bot milk which probably sounds ridiculous to others !!

RelationshipAdvicePlease · 27/09/2016 00:00

My MIL would ask "are you feeding the baby yourself?" and I did flippantly reply "no I'm just leaving him next to the fridge and hoping for the best" but I hate euphemisms (she says "grandads gone to wash his hands" for going to the toilet, which we all find utterly bizarre and coy)

ollieplimsoles · 27/09/2016 00:37

The term 'cloth bumming' really grates on me

LucyBabs · 27/09/2016 00:45

Hate when I hear.. "He/she lifts up my top and asks for the boob"
Or "I take him/her off the boob" "He/she loves the boob"
What turned me off bf when I had my first baby was my Mams story of how she had my brother "hanging off her boob" while she was pregnant with me. She was apparently always topless when we were babies Blush

Sophia1984 · 27/09/2016 04:21

I never used to like the word 'boob' until I sat for 3 days in hospital being milked like a cow with a syringe then a pump, then 6 weeks on the sofa with them out, desperately trying to get a non-painful latch/fighting mastitis then thrush. I want a non-medical/clinical way, affectionate, informal and even jokey way to refer to them and 'boobs' and 'boobing' do that. Also, massive difference in logistics of 'I'm sitting here BFing' and sitting bottle feeding surely?

Sophia1984 · 27/09/2016 04:22

Oh and what's wrong with 'baby wearing' as shorthand? 'Carrying in a sling or carrier' is a bit cumbersome..

OneForTheRoadThen · 27/09/2016 04:38


See it all the time on the infant feeding board used as a verb 'I boobed her to sleep'. Gross

RelationshipAdvicePlease · 27/09/2016 08:03

I would picture someone repeatedly whacking a baby round the face with a boob until they slept.

This possibly says more about me though.

FlemCandango · 27/09/2016 08:09

Yanbu, but I do admit finding the term "free boobing" for going without a bra as highly amusing, but there is no accounting for folk.

But my tablet wanted to put hamburger instead of yanbu, and firebombing for free boobing which would have been disturbingConfused


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UmbongoUnchainedInAPearTreeeee · 27/09/2016 08:11

What's wrong with baby wearing? I do wear my baby. Like a little rucksack. She also drinks "milky". Oops.

whifflesqueak · 27/09/2016 08:14

uurrrrgghhhh to people getting all riled up by totally innocuous phrases.

like, "ooh look at me and how straightforward and superior I am."

you know what they mean. they said it in fewer syllables than you would have. maybe they used a twee turn of phrase that brought a glimmer of faint amusement to an otherwise fairly monotonous day. geddoverit.

GipsyHill · 27/09/2016 08:18

Someone asked me when I had DS out in the pram as a newborn if he was "on the tit", meaning was he breastfed.

I can be quite crude at times but I was a bit Hmm at that one!

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