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To hate the term "boobing" for breastfeeding?

105 replies

legfaced · 26/09/2016 11:04

Just that. What's wrong with calling it breastfeeding/feeding?

OP posts:
Only1scoop · 26/09/2016 13:14

Ugh grim also can't stand babies referred to as 'boob monster' vile

MissHooliesCardigan · 26/09/2016 13:20

Notso Please tell me you're making that up. If any of mine were still babies, that would have tempted me to get one saying,

Huggies on my bum
SMA for hungrier babies in my tum
Not worn by my mum

just to be childish.

KayTee87 · 26/09/2016 13:25

Hate the word tits. My husband heard some 10 year old girls using the word 'titties' the other day and was a bit disturbed.

StrawberryQuik · 26/09/2016 13:26

See to me just saying 'feeding' conjours up an image of an older baby eating food.

I call it boobies or milkies usually, though depending on who im talking to I will just say I'm feeding the baby/breastfeeding. I also say 'I'm going to boob the baby' or when declining a night out 'can't you get a babysitter?' 'Yeah, but boobs' Grin

NovelDensity · 26/09/2016 13:26

YABU, it's a brilliantly silly term and it makes me smile every time I use it.

However, for some reason 'booby juice' and 'boob monster' completely gross me out.

leedy · 26/09/2016 13:27

" I also don't get the insistence on [saying] breast feeding. It's like virtue signalling."

Christ, I don't think I ever thought I was "virtue signalling" by even mentioning that I was breastfeeding. I've pretty much used BF and feeding interchangeably on the rare occasions that I've mentioned it. BF has the advantage of having fewer letters to type. (also there are times when it's useful to distinguish, eg if you are looking for a dress that you can breastfeed in versus formula feed in, etc.)

mouldycheesefan · 26/09/2016 13:28

Yanbu. Also hate it when people say their baby is a boobmonster. No, it's just a hungry baby that needs milk.

franincisco · 26/09/2016 13:28

YANBU. These things are often statements made by insecure loud parents needing to make a statement about their wonderful parenting.

My DM cannot say breastfeeding. It is "feeding yourself". It is not appropriate to use the word breast in public but it was fine to go on holiday topless Hmm

Only1scoop · 26/09/2016 13:31

Agree Fran

sianihedgehog · 26/09/2016 13:34

Meh, I really cannot summon up a fuck to give about it. People call their jubblies whatever they want, and describe feeding their babies however they want.

I would like to raise an eyebrow at the people who think saying breastfeeding rather than feeding is virtue signalling, though.

Marmighty · 26/09/2016 13:35

When I had DD and started breastfeeding both my (very mild and sensible) parents shocked me by suddenly referring to my 'titties' and 'titty-milk' Hmm I had to explain that it might just be a generational thing but I found it grim and offensive. My dad still forgets sometimes...

MilkTwoSugarsThanks · 26/09/2016 13:37

Of course there are times when it's useful to distinguish how you feed your child, but come on... "Please excuse typos, I'm BFing while MNing" serves no purpose whatsoever!

frikadela01 · 26/09/2016 13:42

My dp and mil used to call it "bitty" and used to say it in the David Williams little Britain voice. Used to drive me crackers.

MumOfTwoMasterOfNone · 26/09/2016 13:44

My DP says 'she needs a boob' when our DD needs a feed. It doesn't remotely offend or annoy me...He thinks I'm not laid back. I think I might show him this thread.....

Only1scoop · 26/09/2016 13:46

I'd hate that it would make me feel like just a pair of Boobs with legs.

BuggerMyOldBoots · 26/09/2016 14:45

I hate it too, just say breastfeeding ffs.

Hate, hate, hate boob monster. Really grinds my gears. I had a friend whose toddler son was unbelievably rough when he wanted bf. Pulling down her top, kicking, screeching, slapping her in the face, and she'd just twitter "Oh he's just such a boob monster!"

I bf until DD was nearly three, so I'm no stranger to whipping them out as and when, but ffs, that doesn't mean it's open season to whack the shit out of me!

MumOfTwoMasterOfNone · 26/09/2016 14:46

I basically am Grin
Oh and a washer woman, cleaner and tidy upperer.
I don't think it's anything derogatory, it's normally when she's getting cranky and he's tried everything and is getting exhausted of ideas.

purplefizz26 · 26/09/2016 18:06

'Exclusively breast fed" annoys me too when there is no need to mention it.

Fair enough if you are talking about feeding struggles/needing breastfeeding support etc, but some women seem to throw that out there at any given opportunity!

For example, a woman on a weaning Facebook group I am in said:

"I am starting weaning my 6 month old son onto solid food. He tasted strawberries today but came out in a rash around his mouth. Any ideas why this happened? Could he be allergic? He has been EBF until starting solids"


Yorkieheaven · 26/09/2016 18:14

My batty neighbour held her hands over her 10 year old dds eyes as I was chestfeeding and told her not to look. Grin

Babyiwantabump · 26/09/2016 18:16

I hate it!

Almost as much as I hate it when anyone refers to their breasts as NORKS !!!

Grr I hate that word!

KnitsBakesAndReads · 26/09/2016 18:23

I wouldn't use the phrase other than with family but I quite like it. To me it just refers to the fact that sometimes babies want to BF for reasons other than just hunger / thirst.

Each to their own. Smile

icclemunchy · 26/09/2016 18:27

Meh typing this whilst boobing the baby.

Often tell OH I just need to boob the baby then we can go.

I really don't get why it's an issue!!


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Crunchymum · 26/09/2016 18:29

My 20 month old asks for booby, I refer to it as booby with her.

Think booby juice is a million times nicer than 'do you want some tit' Shock
How bloody uncouth.

mouldycheesefan · 26/09/2016 18:32

EBF I always thought was expressed breast fed I.e express breast milk then gave it to baby in a bottle.
So it's news to me it means exclusively breast fed!

DotForShort · 26/09/2016 18:34

Oh, God. Do people really say this? I thought nothing could be worse than "baby-wearing" but "boobing" might just win in a sweepstakes of most cringe-making words in the (sort of) English language.

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