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about being fed food from Iceland?

125 replies

ethelb · 21/09/2016 15:31

First a bit of background, my brother and his wife are very wealthy and pretty bling. Think £100K car, a boat and four (!) summer holidays abroad this year. This money is from them inheriting her family business.

I am very close to them and adore their children. We live 40 minutes apart, see each other fairly frequently and we often look after their dog and children when they go away for the weekend. This happens a couple of times a year. We also host them and the rest of the family for family gatherings on a fairly regular basis.

We went to go and visit them for dinner a few weeks ago, and I was quite surprised by their behavior. My sister-in-law went out to Iceland when we arrived to get some food. She came back with some horrible frozen little fish pies, which my husband couldn't eat anyway as he is allergic. They pulled a chicken breast from the freezer and gave him that instead. We were served it with a bag of salad and some wine.

AIBU to feel this was a bit odd, and slightly dismissive behavior? I get the impression they would not have done this to their rich friends.

This isn't the first time they have hosted us, but increasingly they just want to go out to very expensive restaurants. I had wanted to avoid an expensive meal this time. AIBU to want nicer food?

OP posts:
Bakergirl90 · 21/09/2016 16:15


Oysterbabe · 21/09/2016 16:15

Maybe they like shit food?

Badders123 · 21/09/2016 16:18

Chicken fillet!
It was children!
I'm almost positive!

Nataleejah · 21/09/2016 16:19

YABU. Iceland stuff is ok.

InTheseFlipFlops · 21/09/2016 16:19

I watched the program about Iceland and honestly it completely changed my view. Some stuffs crap, some stuffs nice - like any supermarket.
I would buy a lot of stuff there if i had freezer room and I'm genuinely miss picky from pickerson.

The combination sounds odd, but i think had you not seen the packaging you would have thought it was odd but not much more than that. I buy a lot of throw in the oven stuff if i have people over which is practically never, or make something the day before. So theres not a lot of mess and so i can actually talk to them.

Owllady · 21/09/2016 16:23

I'm more concerned about how much people moan in this section about stuff that doesn't even matter. What are you going to do when some real shit happens to you?

WinterBloom · 21/09/2016 16:24

Most hosts would not serve frozen Iceland food to guests invited to dinner if those hosts were partial to expensive dining/foodies. YANBU.

GoEasyPudding · 21/09/2016 16:25

Well of course you need to do the same when they next visit you. See how they like it. Any allergies you can forget about?

Was the chicken breast presented bare and sad on the plate?
It does sound rather grim.

We visited some pals once who fed us very poorly and it did seem to mean something in a funny way as they had clearly made an effort for different guests at a different time.

I think it could mean something, but maybe not.

WinterBloom · 21/09/2016 16:25

Owl Bring us all down why don'tcha. Sometimes it's good to AIBU about frozen food or party bags or whatever.

WorraLiberty · 21/09/2016 16:28

My sister-in-law went out to Iceland when we arrived to get some food.

Well they obviously forgot you were coming then and must've had a last minute panic.

I couldn't get fussed about it. It's only a bit of food.

Presumably the main purpose of the visit was to see them.

maddiemookins16mum · 21/09/2016 16:29

Iceland is my number one choice for all things frozen (especially pizza). YABU.

DoinItFine · 21/09/2016 16:29

I'm more concerned about how much people moan in this section about stuff that doesn't even matter. What are you going to do when some real shit happens to you?


What are you going to do when you have something to really be concerned about?


Being insulted that your rich, chef brother gives you shit, cheap food you are allergic to for dinner is a good deal more important than worrying about what people post on AIBU.

GoEasyPudding · 21/09/2016 16:30

If this section was just about "the real shit that happens" this would be quite the traumatic discussion forum.

Shoddy hosting is a hot topic that I enjoy reading about in Chat and AIBU .
I also like parking problems, friends problems and boundary disputes.

Cherylene · 21/09/2016 16:33

Why go to a frozen food shop for last minute food?

Had they totally forgotten until you arrived, and this is the only shop available at short notice?

Also, I am a little confused - you host them, then they take you to restaurants that are too expensive for you - so are they paying or are you?

Owllady · 21/09/2016 16:34

Most people (you would hope) would be grateful to be fed, even if it was a Chicago town pizza washed down with blossom hill. I can't imagine a time where I would moan about someone else feeding me etc. It's really bad manners and actually it's not very nice.
Just say thanks and stop being so insecure, I'm sure they didn't have any kind of ulterior motive or message behind it.

Dontyouopenthattrapdoor · 21/09/2016 16:34

Iceland chicken is rank.
I bought it twice (to give them the benefit of the doubt) and never again. Hideous stuff.

ManaFleet · 21/09/2016 16:35

Sounds to me as though you might be being a little precious to be honest. Perhaps they feel comfortable enough with you not to have to show off for you. Perhaps it's OK to have a makeshift thrown together supper because you're family? Maybe you could have gone to Iceland together and cooked together? Maybe she's not a confident cook and would rather hang out with you informally than spend the evening in the kitchen?

NavyandWhite · 21/09/2016 16:36

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ManaFleet · 21/09/2016 16:40

Thora I've never been in one. If you haven't got one on your doorstep, why would you? I don't think it's a big deal not to have experience of a particular shop, is it? I had assumed it was all frozen stuff too.

DoinItFine · 21/09/2016 16:40

Rushing out to buy cheap frozen food when guests who regularly host you arrive is so rude.

There are so many options that wouod make your guests feel welcome if you have forgotten they were coming.

Hospitality is a two way street.

Unless they come to you and get fed nasty warmed up cheap rubbish you rush out to by after they arrive, then they were very inhospitable.

Maybe they want youbto stop inviting them over.

Yes, it would be more polite for them to turn down your invitations.

But it is clear they are not appreciated. So just stop hosting them.

ShouldHaveBeenJess · 21/09/2016 16:42

Why do people keep saying SHE must be a rubbish cook?!

jojo2916 · 21/09/2016 16:43

Owllady that's so true! be gracious and if it bothers you that much don't go, you do not have to be flash to be classy but being ungracious is crass. I think they should have remembered about the fish allergy but we all forget things at times


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Owllady · 21/09/2016 16:44

Actually, I have taken this really personally as this is the kind of thing that people talk about me for :o
My family invite themselves round and then expect me to wait on them hand and foot and Fucking moan about everything. They criticise me for my weight, not having a job (even though I care for a severely disabled child), how untidy my house is, what I've served for dinner, not having the type of wine they want in, my dog not liking them, my kids acting like normal teenagers, etc etc So I hide in the kitchen drinking wine and swearing under my breath in an uncle Jack fashion and they then criticise me for having drank too much.

Not one of them has ever raised a single finger to help me with anything.

So don't take my comments personally. It touched a nerve and maybe one day I'll shove their smoked salmon bagels and fancy waitrose buffet I slaved over up their lazy moaning arses.

DoinItFine · 21/09/2016 16:47

you do not have to be flash to be classy

No, but you do have to be hospitable and polite and they were neither.

EdmundCleverClogs · 21/09/2016 16:50

YABU. If it was a fancy dinner after not seeing them for months on end, fair enough. You were just having a visit though, you should appreciate someone making food for you! (Iceland Duck Spring Rolls are amazing, as are their Millionaire's Cheesecake).

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