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That having a bikini wax shouldn't be a necessary part of any job?

794 replies

ThatsWotSheSaid · 16/08/2016 09:49

I've been watching the amazing gymnastics at the olympics and every time I can't help but wonder if they are all happy to have such revealing gym costumes. I would hate to have a camera doing a slow mo when I'm legs akimbo in the air wearing so little even if the camera angles seem to be discrete.

I have tried to look up if there is a rule about the cut and if they wanted could they wear little shorts but I can't find anything. I did read if they remove a wedgie they get marked down?!

AIBU to think that in this day and age it seems a bit odd that these elite athletes need to be so scantily clad and that they probably have more to worry about than waxing, ingrowing hairs and itchiness in the run up to the games?

OP posts:
JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 12:25

Though I'll add don't go all Tonya Harding and attack another athlete with a figure skate to win Confused

JudyCoolibar · 16/08/2016 12:38

The reason the cut is so high is to see the full silhouette of the leg and to elongate it when pointed. Long straight and pointed toes. If you cut the leg off at the thigh (wearing shorts) it distorts the silhouette.

Men deal with that by wearing long trousers. It would be good if the same could apply to women.

JenLindley · 16/08/2016 12:39

and those who have tried to change it have suffered.

An no feminists have ever suffered for their cause in the past or even today? Are you saying we shouldn't challenge things we disagree with because there will be consequences if we do? Wow.

JudyCoolibar · 16/08/2016 12:39

On another tack, is there some technique they use when putting crystals on costumes to ensure they can't drop off? It would be excruciatingly painful to land a jump with bare feet on top of a sharp crystal.

JudyCoolibar · 16/08/2016 12:41

I can't really see how refusing to wear a high-cut revealing leotard and wax is in any way comparable to turning up to work smelling.

Waitingfordolly · 16/08/2016 12:41

At my DD's gymnastics club all the teenagers always wear shorts or leggings over their leotards for training and I hear them say they feel self conscious in just leotards for competitions and take shorts off at last possible moment.

JenLindley · 16/08/2016 12:41

like turning up to work hygenicaly clean and well presented, I'm sure if you turned up to the office smelly and with a messy attire it would be frowned upon?

How on earth is being clean for work comparable to having to display your groin to do a sport? Confused

veryproudvolleyballmum · 16/08/2016 12:42

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JudyCoolibar · 16/08/2016 12:44

The problem is, however, that nothing will change unless there is a degree of unity amongst those most directly affected.

JenLindley · 16/08/2016 12:44

I don't think anyone said all females should challenge it.

Xenophile · 16/08/2016 12:45

It's not how they look that's important it's how they perform, but with female sports everyone seems to focus on their attire and not the skill.

It's actually possible to focus on both, if you just try.

And thanks, I enjoyed top level sports. Did all the mad training schedules and eating and travelling. Had mad skills. Still wasn't made to dress according to some arbitrary set of rules, just for mine and other's safety and comfort.

Cinderbloom · 16/08/2016 12:50

I think the "chest out" stance is part of the aesthetic of the sport and always has been. I seem to remember being told that you couldn't do both ballet and gym as they demanded completely different postures. Classical ballet has "turn-out" and there are certain positions you can't be in, or moves you can make according to the rules. Pelvis always tilted forward, never back, that sort of thing. It was a long time ago Grin

pookamoo · 16/08/2016 12:51

This video came up in my newsfeed today and instantly reminded me of this thread. I thought it might bring a bit of humour.

I agree with the OP, for the record.

JenLindley · 16/08/2016 12:54

I knew it would be that video pookamoo Grin

CrystalQueen · 16/08/2016 12:55

Read this article in the Guardian - cyclists are discouraged from waxing...

TrickyD · 16/08/2016 13:01

I'm back......and 'ewwww'!

Sorry Jess I thought everyone knew that googling dragon butter was to be avoided at all costs.

pookamoo · 16/08/2016 13:02

Brilliant, isn't it, JenLindley ?!

Although on a more serious note, there are so many comments on it saying words to the effect of how he must have "guts to go out there like that" when the outfit he's wearing is what the female gymnasts are expected to wear every time...

StrawberryQuik · 16/08/2016 13:02

Cinderbloom - I did both, I think it depends what kind of gymnast you are...some are powerful tumblers, others are more graceful and maybe can't do as powerful tumbles but do beautiful leaps and spins. I was the 'graceful' type. I always had lovely posture on the beam due to all the ballet. I had rubbish weedy arms though and was never going to be powerful.

I miss gym loads, I wonder if there are any adult classes anywhere?

JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 13:02

I think we will agree to disagree, I've said my side Smile

Cinderbloom · 16/08/2016 13:07

Thanks Strawberry, that makes sense, I could never understand why a talented athlete wouldn't just switch stance anyway. Hope you find a class Smile

SoupDragon · 16/08/2016 13:09

Can you seriously imagine the male athletes managing to perform in pants without flashing their tackle to the world? Surely part of the differences in costume choices are down to anatomy.

JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 13:12

Soup can you imagine sequined bikini cut Speedo with a testicle hanging out the side just as he dismounts of the rings Grin


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SoupDragon · 16/08/2016 13:13

there are so many comments on it saying words to the effect of how he must have "guts to go out there like that" when the outfit he's wearing is what the female gymnasts are expected to wear every time...

Why is that at all surprising? The same would be said of a man going out in women's attire anywhere.

SoupDragon · 16/08/2016 13:14

jiggly I'm trying not to imagine those hand stands with legs in the splits position they do on, say, the pommel horse.

BlueLeopard · 16/08/2016 13:16

and those who have tried to change it have suffered.

Katie Taylor among other boxers stood their ground in the 2012 Olympics when they wanted all female boxers to wear a skirt. And the AIBA backed down.

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