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That having a bikini wax shouldn't be a necessary part of any job?

794 replies

ThatsWotSheSaid · 16/08/2016 09:49

I've been watching the amazing gymnastics at the olympics and every time I can't help but wonder if they are all happy to have such revealing gym costumes. I would hate to have a camera doing a slow mo when I'm legs akimbo in the air wearing so little even if the camera angles seem to be discrete.

I have tried to look up if there is a rule about the cut and if they wanted could they wear little shorts but I can't find anything. I did read if they remove a wedgie they get marked down?!

AIBU to think that in this day and age it seems a bit odd that these elite athletes need to be so scantily clad and that they probably have more to worry about than waxing, ingrowing hairs and itchiness in the run up to the games?

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veryproudvolleyballmum · 16/08/2016 11:11

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VestalVirgin · 16/08/2016 11:13

I happen to know two gymnasts. They have to wear this shit, and they get less points if their legs are not up to patriarchal aesthetic standards (mine are not, apparently I am too skinny), and no, they do not like to wear skimpy leotards, they would like to cover their butt same as the average woman.

Didn't ask about bikini line, but I suppose it logically follows from the dress requirements.

And those women I know didn't get into it for the skimpy outfits. When you start as a little girl, presumably the sexism isn't so strong, and you can do it for years believing that it's just a sport same as any other.

It's just so blatant, the sexism, I cannot understand how anyone could deny it.

Just look at the rules for beach volleyball - apparently the rules were changed, not because some guys there finally learnt to respect women but because some very patriarchal countries wanted to have their female athletes participate.

Just because a woman could do another sport, where men have not yet decided that it's there for their enjoyment of gawking at women, doesn't mean her choices should be limited in such a way.

NotYoda · 16/08/2016 11:13

Serious question:

Have all of these girls reached puberty, or has it been delayed?

JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 11:14

Your not the first and won't be the last LRD Grin

If you have some top level wins and some coaching certificates, or have a child in a top level sport you have insight, and once your in that bubble you see it all differently. Honestly, yes there are some coaches and athletes who want to be different but the problem this causes is it hits you where it hurts, on the score boards, or unity with fellow team mates.

And generally the end game, the whole point of sport is to win, and what it all boils down to is the want to win, to strive for gold and everthyong else just ends up on the side lines, all the arguments about crystals, bows, length of skirt it all washes away once your on a podium.

I've yet to meet a gymnast/ballet dancer/ figure skater in my 22 years in the sport who has agreed with everything! That would be odd, but really at top levels you just tow the line of what's expected and wanted by others. Everything is so micro managed at top level sports you rarely get to think for yourself on most aspects of your own life.

So yes you may get "in" crowds that disagree it's natural but in my experience they are very few and far between.

veryproudvolleyballmum · 16/08/2016 11:15

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JenLindley · 16/08/2016 11:27

Okay jiggly so basically you are saying its a choice between wearing revealing outfit and forfeiting any chance of winning? Hardly the ethos we should be aiming for in competitive sport.

JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 11:36

Jen basically yes, it a not fair is it? There's no personal expression or personal choice, but there is one choice win or be different. Sad but true.

In figure skating there is a perfect but heartbreaking story of this, her name is Surya Bonaly. She was a fantastic athlete but you can help but feel she was constantly marked down for being different, and even disgustingly this could also infer because she was the wrong race. it's heartbreaking and saddening.

JenLindley · 16/08/2016 11:41

No, not fair so what is the issue with challenging it? Marked down for a sporting performance because of fabric? Does that sound as ridiculous to you as it does to me?

PerspicaciaTick · 16/08/2016 11:41

but really at top levels you just tow the line of what's expected and wanted by others. Everything is so micro managed at top level sports you rarely get to think for yourself on most aspects of your own life.

It sounds like you are saying that, when we praise female athletes for being strong, positive role models, in reality they don't have a thought in their heads and are just herded along by people who know better than them? How utterly depressing.

StrawberryQuik · 16/08/2016 11:43

I reckon they've all hit puberty. Based on my entirely unscientific knowledge of knowing a load of gymnasts and dancers as a teen and we all started our periods just fine.

My ballet teacher didn't let people go on pointe until after they'd started their periods, as it was a good marker for bone density.

NotYoda · 16/08/2016 11:44


Thanks for your answer

veryproudvolleyballmum · 16/08/2016 11:44

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veryproudvolleyballmum · 16/08/2016 11:44

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Swannykazoo · 16/08/2016 11:45

Lowering the tone again but thank you eggy- every day is a school day.

GinAndOnIt · 16/08/2016 11:45

I remember an Olympic swimmer being interviewed who said they are sponsored by laser hair removal companies so get free laser hair removal. I would imagine there's similar for gymnasts.

Although I probably shouldn't be commenting as I'm a ballet dancer who would wear a leotard all day every day if I could.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/08/2016 11:45

My nephew competitively swims and removes all body hair to improve his times.

Clean bikini line urghhh!

Jessbow · 16/08/2016 11:47

Athletes and cyclists don't shave their legs to be aerodynamic, its in case of injury! If you fall off your bike and slide, dirt gets trapped in the hairs on your legs, increasing the risk of infection, especially blokes (obviously)

Quick slosh down on shaved legs and the debris is washed away

Xenophile · 16/08/2016 11:47

So in your head you do the math, shall I just wear this God ugly outfit and lift a trophy or sit on my step and sulk

So, conform to patriarchal norms, or you're a sulky child then? Nice.

Thankfully, in the sport I played for my country, we had none of this.

JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 11:48

Welcome to top level sports, ridiculous and a pantomime but hard work, blood sweat and trees. It's a parallel universe of its own. You can only eat what they say, dress as they say (in certain sports) sleep when they say, but you are the master of your own ship and you can jump off anytime.

The determination and hard work is what's admired, not everyone is willing to get out of bed at 4am and train constantly and consistently. It's not how they look that's important it's how they perform, but with female sports everyone seems to focus on their attire and not the skill.

JenLindley · 16/08/2016 12:05

Welcome to top level sports, ridiculous and a pantomime

So what's the issue with changing it. You keep saying that's how it is, yes, that's what people are pointing out as the issue.

JenLindley · 16/08/2016 12:07

It's not how they look that's important it's how they perform

Complete contradiction to what you said previously. You said they get marked down for not looking how they are told to. So the looks must be important, more so than the performance if marks are deducted from the performance for something entirely unrelated to the performance.

PterodactylToenails · 16/08/2016 12:09

Wow at butt glue.


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nolongersurprised · 16/08/2016 12:17

I noticed that some of the male gymnasts had removed under their arms. Not all but a number had no visible hair at all.

JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 12:17

I said that because some people have mentioned sports where there is no technical marks for attire such as volleyball.

It is what it is, and for all any of us know the athletes could be happy with their pubic hair waxed and the leotard high cut. Unless you go out and ask them all, we will never know the general consensus on this matter.

But people saying change it, don't really understand it fully, and those who have tried to change it have suffered. So it's now become and expected norm, like turning up to work hygenicaly clean and well presented, I'm sure if you turned up to the office smelly and with a messy attire it would be frowned upon?

The leotards, dresses, butt glue and tape are now all accepted norms of the sport by the athletes, you don't go in to figure skating at 5 thinking I'm going to change this perceived patrichal sport, you think "pretty dress" and by 14 its "that dress is fine, or no change the colour and cut" response generally we can't completion is too close no time for allterations, or just no, and you shrug and put it on.

JigglypuffsCaptor · 16/08/2016 12:19

We've all hit brick walls with coaches about decisions it happens, but at the end of the day you want to win, and will do it by any means.

The want to win is stronger than anything else.

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