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Wibu to tell you this little tip

97 replies

NeedACleverNN · 21/04/2016 12:32

Have a bad back or aching muscles?

Sod buying an expensive massager.

A child's toy car (the metal hot wheels type) is a perfect tool.

Discovered it today and my God does it feel nice

OP posts:
DontAskIDontKnow · 22/04/2016 16:29

Ok back now with a proper click link (I hope)
It really is a great book that tells you how to get to all the muscles. Search Jill Miller on you tube for some videos.

insan1tyscartching · 22/04/2016 16:32

Similar t shirt here

IceBeing · 22/04/2016 16:49

loving the greaseproof paper tips!!! amazing!

crianriea · 22/04/2016 17:09

I have this, the one I use is called Swype n' dragon. Very nifty!

NumptyMum · 22/04/2016 19:58

One tip from a long time ago in the days I worked in kitchens and was on my feet a lot - if you have a screw top bottle (glass is best, but that's rare these days), fill it will cold water, sit down and with your bare feet roll it underneath them. Very soothing for aching tired tootsies. I'm guessing the chef that told me this had a nice big bottle of irn bru in mind, for both feet to go on...

NumptyMum · 22/04/2016 21:04

Another tip, this time a tech-y one. If you have an image of something you like, save it to your computer, then look it up on Tin Eye image search engine. That's how you find something like that T-shirt :-)
cars T-shirt
Tin Eye

NumptyMum · 22/04/2016 21:07

But as the T-shirt is from the United States, you'd probably do a lot better to peg a plain white T-shirt firmly round a bit of study cardboard and draw a road on it yourself with Sharpies - iron it to set the ink.

OutToGetYou · 23/04/2016 00:30

You can do reverse Google image search which does more or less the same thing.

That thing about the fuel arrow is a myth.

BlueFolly · 23/04/2016 00:42

How is it a myth? It's always true.

sashh · 23/04/2016 06:21

Waiting for the poster who once suggested taking the bristles off an electric toothbrush to make an homemade vibrator shock to come and share her ideas.

You can get an er... attachment to convert your toothbrush - no I haven't, it seems icky but someone must be buying them.

Eminybob · 23/04/2016 07:13

It's not a myth. My car has it but I don't think all cars do.

PeppaIsMyHero · 23/04/2016 07:27

My car has the fuel arrow. Have recently got back from holiday where I hired cars and it was correct for every one of them.

FaithAscending · 23/04/2016 07:48

I went with the fuel arrow thing when I filled up my new car. It was pointing to the opposite side of the car to the fuel cap! So I call myth.

EduCated · 23/04/2016 10:29

I think the myth part was when people were saying that the fuel cap would be on whichever side the fuel nozzle was on on the little picture. An actual arrow is likely to be right. Ours doesn't have one.

OutToGetYou · 23/04/2016 13:00

Yes, some have an actual arrow (responding to the myth I think!) but those with just a little pic of a pump, that's nowt to do with which side the cap is and if yours is the same side it's just coincidence.

It's debunked on Snopes.

OutToGetYou · 23/04/2016 13:02

It is not "always true" at all! I've read hundreds of threads on all sorts of forums where this comes up and every time about 50% of people say "mine is the same so it is true" and the other half say "no, mine's different so it's not", I call that 'councidence'.
Read Snopes.

itsalldyingout · 23/04/2016 13:48

If you're taking iron supplements or just eating iron-rich foods to help anaemia, avoid tea, coffee and milk for a few hours pre and post eating/taking supplement.

Also, take something with vitamin C to help iron absorption.

Breadandwine · 23/04/2016 20:09

That's good advice, Itsall, but if you'd rather not take iron supplements (and that includes me), check out this nifty alternative.

itsalldyingout · 23/04/2016 22:41

Thanks Bread.

I can see how it works, but I also use a cast iron skillet and pot for some cooking. I assume it would do the same thing.

Supplements don't upset my stomach, but I know they upset others. the gentlest form I've heard of is Spatone.

It was just a thought for those with a deficiency because they don't cook/eat well themselves. I rarely cook for myself if I'm alone and miss out on a lot of nutrients, not just iron. Iron's a common one for most women of child-bearing age, though, so I'd assume that an awful lot of us here would be at risk.

If I have a really bad day, I'll just snack on a few prunes. Every little helps, as they say.

NeedACleverNN · 23/04/2016 22:46

How odd re fish

I take an iron supplement called ferroglobin which I got from h and b

So far it's the only one I don't react to

Ferrous sulphate makes me sick
Spatone didn't agree with me either

OP posts:
PointlessFriend · 23/04/2016 22:54

An Adult plus a childs teeshirts only ÂŁ16.99 plus free delivery on AMAZON

Cheaper than ETSY (no surprise there )

Wibu to tell you this little tip
Breadandwine · 23/04/2016 23:21

I've had a cast iron frying pan for the past 5 years, but, unless they're washed properly every now and then (which spoils the non-stickedness), they build up a patina, which I guess prevents the iron coming through.

I've also got 2 cast iron saucepans - but they're both enamelled. Apparently to be effective, they should be 'bare cast iron pots'! Confused

So for me, The Lucky Iron Fish seems to be the way to go. I can't use it yet, though, I'm one month in a 3 month course of iron tablets.


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