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Gogglebox Scarlett's swearing

150 replies

DextersMistress · 08/04/2016 21:50

Now I'm a sweary fucker, but I find watching her swearing sooo much to her parents quite uncomfortable to watch.

The odd word is one thing but her stream of fuckings seems disrespectful to me. Might just be because I don't swear in front of my mum, despite her language being akin to Gordon Ramsey stubbing his toe Grin


OP posts:
Notso · 09/04/2016 15:33

I love Scarlett, the swearing doesn't bother me even though I hardly ever swear infront of my parents.
It never feels right, I think it's because I left home quite young so didn't really have the transition from teen to adult at my parents. My sister who lived with them until she was 22 is more sweary with them.
Also have worked with young children or had them myself for so long I'm used to not swearing.

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 09/04/2016 15:40

I taught Scarlett for a short while and can confirm that she is very, very bright. And also rather lovely. At first I think she put it on a bit for the telly but less so now.

Annarose2014 · 09/04/2016 15:42

Siduiqqi On The Left definitely swore last night as I winced a bit. His Dad is such a gent and definitely does not swear! I was a bit noooooo not in front of your Dad!

Honestly if the parents are swearing then I think it's fine - or at least they don't have a leg to stand on. But if your parents don't swear then don't swear in front of them!

But "sweary houses' do seem the norm on GB.

I flipping luffs Scarlett. She's got a lot of common sense, is hilarious, and is a hell of a lot more feminist than her Mum! I'd love to have a boozy meal out with her and set the world to rights.

Annarose2014 · 09/04/2016 15:44

Btw I can think of no greater he'll than being asked to watch Sex Box with my parents. Christ.

RudeElf · 09/04/2016 15:57

His Dad is such a gent and definitely does not swear!

He definitely does. I remember at least two episodes where he swore.

Annarose2014 · 09/04/2016 16:00

Really? ? Nooooo! That's all wrong!

RudeElf · 09/04/2016 16:13

Yep because i remember thinking "woah! Where did that come from nice mr S" Grin

RudeElf · 09/04/2016 16:14

I think one of his sons even remarked on it on one of the times

cleaty · 09/04/2016 16:26

I like Scarlett, she comes across as lovely, and very bright. And the family obviously enjoy each others company.
Some clear women hating on this thread.

HereIAm20 · 09/04/2016 16:38

I thought it was funny that Scarlett got embarrassed about watching Sex Box with her parents but is ok with effing and blinding in front of them. She's very funny on twitter

RudeElf · 09/04/2016 16:41

Scarlett's dad was bright red and almost lost behind his hands during that but Grin

VenusInFauxFurs · 09/04/2016 17:48

Oh, I haven't watched the Sex Box episode yet! DD and I are pretty open about that sort of thing. I sent her a link to "Sex in the Classroom" and said "You must watch this!" and we chatted about it afterwards. But I really don't think I'd want to watch Sex Box with her whilst being filmed for a TV show.

I'm imaging dd and me being Goggleboxers now. I bet we'd be awesome! No dogs but two lovely cats who clamber over anyone sat still on the sofa long enough.

imwithspud · 09/04/2016 17:57

Yes, sex box episode was very awkward. Kind of funny watching them all squirm.

Sex Box is a really odd show though, who in their right mind would want to go on it?Confused

SeekEveryEveryKnownHidingPlace · 09/04/2016 18:02

I love Scarlett for her comment: 'how can you eat evaporated milk: it's not there!'

Thurlow · 09/04/2016 18:04

I like Scarlett. Not as much as I like Giles and Mary though. I didn't quite get him at first, then realised he's actually hilarious.

RudeElf · 09/04/2016 18:05

I reddened during the sex box episode (of gogglebox-no way was i watching the sex box show!) and i was sitting on my own! Cringe! As for that weird pair who were friends and went in to have sex for the first time ever in public on TV! Shock why? WHY?

Yeahsure · 09/04/2016 18:08

Scarlett's a great lass - bright, very quick sense of humour. Yes parents seem a bit in awe but maybe they just, you know, love her!

I don't like the Welsh couple AT ALL. What's the point of them?

Sandy and Sandra are just too awesome to describe really.

Yeahsure · 09/04/2016 18:09

And the swearing doesn't bother me. It's just words. If it was at her parents or the words were used offensively then yes would be a problem but that's not the case.

TheRegularShow · 09/04/2016 18:16

I love the friends in the caravan they seem to be genuine and show real emotion.

Giles I think may be trolling slightly but he is funny

catlovingdoctor · 09/04/2016 18:21

If you don't like what you see then change the channel. Simple.

Annarose2014 · 09/04/2016 18:24

Jenny in the caravan is a treasure.

Giles - I think he's very droll in snippets but I couldn't have that 24/7! No wonder Mary is always on the verge of rolling her eyes. I alternate between longing for their beautiful home and imagining how damp and awkward and higgledy piggledy it probably is.

Orda1 · 09/04/2016 18:39

I like them all bar the new family (mum with coloured hair) and June & Leon.

I love Giles & Mary, they're so funny. When she said she couldn't think of anywhere better to have her ashes scattered than Waitrose, I was in in tears!


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LittleLionMansMummy · 09/04/2016 19:07

I really like Scarlets, she's very funny. But I do agree about the swearing. I swear mildly in front of my parents but wouldn't drop the c or f bomb.

LittleLionMansMummy · 09/04/2016 19:07


NorbertDentressangle · 09/04/2016 19:13

DD reckons that we should be on Gogglebox but, at the same time, thinks we'd all come across as bonkers.

eg. when the One Show music comes on we all start singing "ONE duh duh duh duh duh ONE..." à la Royale Family.

To whoever said they're not getting the Welsh couple too.

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