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Gogglebox Scarlett's swearing

150 replies

DextersMistress · 08/04/2016 21:50

Now I'm a sweary fucker, but I find watching her swearing sooo much to her parents quite uncomfortable to watch.

The odd word is one thing but her stream of fuckings seems disrespectful to me. Might just be because I don't swear in front of my mum, despite her language being akin to Gordon Ramsey stubbing his toe Grin


OP posts:
blankmind · 08/04/2016 22:55

YANBU She's just portraying a stereotypical role isn't she? Very overweight, not well educated, oompaloompa fake tan, and foul mouth.

alltouchedout · 08/04/2016 22:57

I like Scarlett. I don't get the two young women who are a bit boring and meh. German dad makes me laugh. He swears like my dh, who also speaks English as a additional language- I honestly think that swearing in any other language other than your first just never has the same impact for you. It's not real swearing from dh until it's in Polish!

BustingOut · 08/04/2016 22:58

Bit harsh blankmind

CalebHadToSplit · 08/04/2016 23:04

I really like Scarlett. I would never dream of swearing in front of my parents, but it doesn't bother me that she does in front of hers. She is one of my favourites on Gogglebox.

Milzilla · 08/04/2016 23:07

I saw her the other day... She walked past me talking on her phone and I recognised her voice and laugh before I recognised her!

MrsJayy · 08/04/2016 23:08

I dont swear infront of my mum im 44 Grin Dds wouldnt swear infront of us yet scarlett effs and jeffs and her parents dont bat an eye she is 20odd though so not a little girl but still Shock

MrsJayy · 08/04/2016 23:10

How do you know she is uneducated ? Thats a daft thing to say because she likes a bit of fake tan

AnyFucker · 08/04/2016 23:18

I think Scarlet is pretty bright. What the fuck does her weight have to do with anything ?

Shitty post.

NewYearsAoibhe · 08/04/2016 23:19

I like her and don't think there's anything weird about how the family comes across - they just seem to actually enjoy each other's company. God forbid.

She isn't "very overweight" at all, blankmind Hmm . And I think she's genuinely witty (not extremely witty, but kind of witty), not unintentionally funny.

MrsJayy · 08/04/2016 23:22

Apparently she is a college disabilty advisor so you know quite educated

WonderingAspie · 08/04/2016 23:28

I love Scarlett and I think she is very witty. I have no issues swearing in front of my dad but I tend not to. I'm not sure how I'll feel about the DCs swearing in front of me when they are older. I suspect I won't care about a bit of it.

StayAChild · 08/04/2016 23:34

I like Scarlett. Bet she'd be great fun at a pub quiz. Her facial expressions crack me up. I was shocked at her swearing at first, but got used to it now. I've heard her Mum effing too. They've all got a good SOH. Dad mainly rolls his eyes at her.

Mastermind Grin Grin

Janeymoo50 · 08/04/2016 23:38

She's certainly not "very overweight" imho. But, I would never have been allowed to swear like that!

WizardOfToss · 08/04/2016 23:39

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Kummerspeck · 08/04/2016 23:40

blankmind Your mind is far more foul than her language if you think that is an acceptable criticism of a young woman. DFOD

Soapmaker34 · 08/04/2016 23:41

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MrsPinotGrigio · 08/04/2016 23:42

I like Scarlett - she comes out with some really random shit which makes me laugh. Totally off topic - German Dad works in the same building as I do - I recognised his voice in the lift! 😂😂

pigsDOfly · 08/04/2016 23:44

My grown up DC swear in front of me. Can't say it bothers me, they're all good people and that's what's important to me not whether they used the odd expletive.

I haven't watch Googlebox for some time but I always rather liked Scarlett. I thought she came across as funny and bright.

MrsJayy · 08/04/2016 23:50

German dads swearing is hilarious he fooks and fooking all over the place

defineme · 08/04/2016 23:50

The two sons who sit with their Dad were swearing a lot too...why did you not post about them?

DextersMistress · 08/04/2016 23:56

Do you mean the Sidiqis define I don't think they swear much at all, certainly not in every other sentence like Scarlet.

Like I said, it just sits oddly with me but maybe my family would to others!

OP posts:
Lucked · 08/04/2016 23:56

Scarlett makes me laugh, she has good timing and a witty turn of phrase. Yes she swears a lot and I can't imagine behaving like that but I don't really relate to any of the families, well maybe the Siddiquis even though our cultural backgrounds are very different.


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MrsJayy · 08/04/2016 23:58

No the family with Dave the Doberman the 2 sons are sweary

PortiaCastis · 09/04/2016 00:01

I like Scarlett and she isn't as dim as she seems as she is an adviser to disabled students having gained a degree herself. Not sure I would have sworn in front of my Dad like she does though.

WorraLiberty · 09/04/2016 00:02

German dads swearing is hilarious he fooks and fooking all over the place

Yes! My DH does a great impression of him Grin

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