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To think we are very adverage

88 replies

Wineandcheases · 28/03/2016 09:14

What ever that may be !
On another thread it was suggested that we work a lot of hours and a comment of - "how do you have time for family life I hope it's worth it "- has stuck
Husband does 50 and I do Aprox 25 ( reduced as have dc )
We aren't greedy we need to live . This does give us extras but we aren't loaded so to speak .
Can I ask how many hours the adults in your family do ? Do you find it hard ?

OP posts:
Kennington · 28/03/2016 12:44

This is really interesting
My attitude is none of this is forever as they are only young for a short time.
Evenings and weekends are great and we alway ensure one of us is about then.
My grand mothers generation was worse as they had to do longer hours for pittance.

NothingButAHoundDog · 28/03/2016 13:29

DH does as many hours as needed, his job is mental at the mo and he never really switches off. Hard to count up how many hours as no two days are the same, but it would be a LOT. He does a lot of travel too and is away some weekends. Its crap but he earns well, and we're sticking with it for now, hopefully not forever.
I do 24.5 hrs a week but that's school hours and term time only, so I am lucky enough to never have to pay for childcare.

WutheringTights · 28/03/2016 13:36

DH does around 40 hours, one day in the office (3 hour round trip) and four at home. I do around 30-35 hours part time over four days (usually 3 in the office, 45 minute commute each way, and one at home. We have a good balance, mainly because of the working at home. DH might have to be more office based in a year or two which will have a massive impact on our standard of life.

soundsystem · 28/03/2016 13:43

DH works 42.5 hours, works shifts and only has a 15 minute commute. He has one full day in the week with DD while I'm at work, and we all have every other weekend together.

I do 40 hours officially but part of what I do is quite seasonal so in busy periods I can work 50-60 hours a week. I'm lucky I that I have a lot of flexibility so if it's a nice day I can leave the office at, say, 3.30, pick DD up early and head to the park/out for tea or whatever then work after she's in bed (if DH is on a late shift that works well all round).

In our case the long hours aren't entirely motivated by money; we could get by on less but we both like what we do! DH could do his job part-time (and might well do in future when DD is school-aged, particularly if we have more DC). My job isn't really doable part time at my level in the industry I'm in.

ivykaty44 · 28/03/2016 13:50

I work 20 hours per week in a salaried job, then I work at home on and off probably about 4-5 hours per week and earn nearly as much. Dp work for himself and does a lot of wfh, he's worked the last three days 7am-10pm but we were out for lunch yesterday.

It's swings and roundabouts though as we can pop shopping or have time out during the week for a coffee in town etc if he's working from home.

My dc are older though and family days out are pretty much in the past, a meal out is more typical now

Gisla · 28/03/2016 13:51

Dh works 40 hours a week. I am a sahm now and study 6 - 20 hours per week depending on what I need to do.

Xmasbaby11 · 28/03/2016 13:58

Dh does 50 ft (lots of paperwork in the evenings) and I do 24 pt. It's a stretch financially as dc are 2 and 4 so nursery fees are high.

I feel we have plenty of time with the kids. They are in nursery 3.5 days. We all have breakfast together and an evening meal, Dh and I are both around to put them to bed so the dc have one parent each at bedtime. Weekends are nearly all family time.

alltouchedout · 28/03/2016 13:58

Atm I do 21, rising to 30 in May ( Sad ) and dh does about 45. DH's travel is an hour plus each way and he starts work at 7:30. My travel is rubbish, if I wasn't dropping dc off at/ picking them up from multiple locations it would be fairly straightforward but that coupled with peak time publc transport means from 8am- 9:30 am and 5 pm - 6:30 pm each day I really do feel like I could explode at any moment.
We are not well paid. If we worked less we would struggle.

alltouchedout · 28/03/2016 14:00

I guess if we include the travel in the working hours, he does 55 and I do about 30. No wonder we feel like we do nothing but go to work!

YaySirNaySir · 28/03/2016 14:02

DH- 40
Me- 10
We don't need my wage and live very comfortably on DH's, however I am contemplating doing a few more hours soon just to ensure the early retirement that we've been planning forever still materialises.
I used to work 50 hours+ before DC. I can't imagine doing that now.

DaphneWhitethigh · 28/03/2016 14:04

Oliver James used to keep quoting stats saying that very very few mothers of under 5s worked full time and those that did were inevitably dooming their child to a lifetime of mental illness. But he's a well known twat and I can't find any actual data on the Internet after a cursory Google to state what the average working hours are for parents of that age group. I can believe that the cost of childcare means that two lots of full time employment is pretty rare though with young children.

DH and I do about 50 hours and 30 hours including commutes.

FifteenFortyNine · 28/03/2016 14:06

I do 60, DH does 70, we have no real family time as DH works evenings and weekends. I do feel lucky that we have found a great childminder who provides a family environment for our DS during the day. And I have evenings and weekends with him and DH has one day during the week. When he goes to school I want to reduce hours so I can be there to either pickup or drop off. With my current job, reduced hours/ flexitime/parttime is not possible so I will need to quickly start looking at other options.

ExasperatedAlmostAlways · 28/03/2016 14:10

My dh is varied he's currently working away and is doing 12 hours a day, seven days a week. So, 84 hours.

I'm a sahm and will be until he isn't working away anymore.

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