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To think we are very adverage

88 replies

Wineandcheases · 28/03/2016 09:14

What ever that may be !
On another thread it was suggested that we work a lot of hours and a comment of - "how do you have time for family life I hope it's worth it "- has stuck
Husband does 50 and I do Aprox 25 ( reduced as have dc )
We aren't greedy we need to live . This does give us extras but we aren't loaded so to speak .
Can I ask how many hours the adults in your family do ? Do you find it hard ?

OP posts:
eightbluebirds · 28/03/2016 10:28

I do 37.5 and oh does 40. We're on low wages so not doing great tbh

FourForYouGlenCoco · 28/03/2016 10:29

DH does 50+ hours not including travel time (more like 60+ when you account for commute), I'm a SAHM. I am very, very aware that I am incredibly lucky. Thankfully, DH generally loves his job and is happy to be the breadwinner.

Haggisfish · 28/03/2016 10:30

We both do about 50 a week. I'm pt teacher, dh a researcher. We live well, but only with help from in laws and we don't have nice cars or holidays.

Lolly86 · 28/03/2016 10:32

I do 25 hours part time generally over 2 day/night shifts DH is doing about 40 over 5 days we generally work around each other for childcare if not my mum helps out but this is a very recent thing

yorkshapudding · 28/03/2016 10:35

DH does about 55 hours a week including travel time. Due to the nature of his job he sometimes has to drop everything at weekends (or more rarely in the middle of the night) if there is a crisis but this can generally be managed from home.

I am only contracted for 22.5 hours a week but I typically end up doing a couple of extra hours in the office most days and a few more at home on weekends/evenings.

I don't think we do anymore than average.

OohMavis · 28/03/2016 10:36

DH does 60, more on busy weeks. He manages a distribution warehouse.

I run a home business and don't usually count my hours. Feel more like a SAHM tbh.

OohMavis · 28/03/2016 10:38

Forgot to say we live well, but within our means 100%. We don't own a car, we rent and we budget and meal plan. We have money for days out but have to plan carefully for them.

AngelsWithFilthySouls · 28/03/2016 10:39

DH does 40 and I do 30 (4 day week now we have DS) but I end up working at night at home too so more like 40 each. We do well though so can't complain and I have no intention of 5 days once DS at school. That day makes a big difference as I feel we barely see DS during the week. We leave at 730 to drop at nursery then get home after 6 and he goes to bed at 7 so most of our time together is in the car.

ElizabethLemon · 28/03/2016 10:44

Dh works 40 hours a week from home and I work 15 hours a week. Great for spending time with DC, school pick ups etc. but rubbish financially and we are hand to mouth every month.

TheABC · 28/03/2016 10:49

I do 40 hours plus commute (making it closer to 50) whilst DH does 35 plus overtime. Fortunately, we moved last year so he could walk to work and when my contract finishes next month, I will be on maternity leave. The really depressing (or relaxing) thing is that we will not significantly notice the drop in income as most of my wages were going on childcare and clearing debt.

BishopBrennansArse · 28/03/2016 10:50

Both me and DH 100+ each. Full time carers to 3 disabled dc. For £62 a week.

williaminajetfighter · 28/03/2016 10:51

OP it's pretty normal nowadays for two parents to work full time just to cover costs. I work circa 45 hours/week as a single parent.

It's possible that Mumsnet may be slightly skewed by those who work less hours or aren't in work and therefore may have more time to be online.

Don't let any negative comments about working bug you.

Snoopadoop · 28/03/2016 10:51

I do 30 at work, 40 if you count my commute. DH does 40, 50 if you count his commute. We have a 5 year old and yes it's very tricky. Thankfly we don't won't weekends (for now) so have family time at weekends. :)

Smileandwaveboys · 28/03/2016 10:53

DP does about 50, I do 38. I travel with work occasionally so extra on those weeks.

Our DC are at high school so no childcare costs.

Snoopadoop · 28/03/2016 10:53

Bloody typos! I really should read my own posts.

TJEckleburg · 28/03/2016 10:56

Dh is out of the house (works on train journey as well) 6am-7pm 5 days a week. At least one evening event as well. Does at leats another 2 hours each night when he gets home, and often catches up at weekends. So 80+ hours in a quiet week. Because of this I don't Woh, though I fit in lots of charity and political stuff around kids.

Muddlewitch · 28/03/2016 10:57

I'm a single parent, I do around 45 hours per week, kids are in after school childcare every day, including at least one evening a week.

We are all so tired and still skint but there is no alternative, can only just pay the bills as it is so working less would leave us in trouble.
Therefore I just accept it, plod on, and hope things get easier one day. Luckily I really like my job.

BennyTheBall · 28/03/2016 10:57

We both work ft but I don't think we are average.

Dh is based from home and goes into London maybe twice a week.

I work from home a couple of days per week. I think our work/life balance is pretty good.

seaweed123 · 28/03/2016 10:59

We do 35 (+6 hours commuting) and 30 (+9 hours commuting), both over 4 days. Feels comfortable.

MummaV · 28/03/2016 11:00

DH does around 48, I do 22.5 over 3 days. Neither of us have well paid jobs so we do have to live within our means, often payday to payday with very little savings but we can't afford more childcare so this is the way it is until children are in school.

Muskateersmummy · 28/03/2016 11:01

We both used to work over 60 hours a week with many hours of doing emails and planning at home in the evening and during our holidays. But I have now decided to put time ahead of the extra salary, and have taken a regular 9-5 type job, so I can finish work and actually switch off and focus on family properly once I'm home.

We rely heavily on DM to help us out with childcare. But both DM and dd enjoy the time they have together so it works well for us.

mrsmugoo · 28/03/2016 11:01

DH works 60-70 mixture of from home and in office - he runs his own business so it's a case of doing what needs to be done as opposed to enforced hours.

I work 20 hours outside of the home but essentially we're both doing either paid work or family/domestic stuff for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. We try to make sure we both have equal amounts of "time off".


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KeyserSophie · 28/03/2016 11:01

DH 60-70, me 25 on average but varies from 40 to 10, as it's very cyclical (although entirely predictable, which helps).

honeylulu · 28/03/2016 11:06

We are both full time plus my commute is 1.5 hours each way and husbands is 0.5 hours. I leave the house at 6.15am min to Thursday. Husband gets kids up and dressed and drops off. I pick up from nursery/after school club at 6 Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday they are collected by our nanny at 4, fed and bathed at her house and dropped home at 7 (H and I usually arrive home just before). Friday I work at home so spend more time with them beginning and end of day.
I get lots if "I don't know how you do it/cope/bear it" comments but most if the time it's fine for the following reasons:

  1. Can justify and afford outsourcing stuff - cleaning, ironing, gardening, shopping deliveries (all stuff I hate doing anyway).
  2. No one in the house during day to mess it up, no constant meal-making and tidying (I found being on maternity leave was a bit of a constant hamster wheel of those tasks).
  3. As we both work full time it goes without saying that domestic tasks in the home are split equally. On weekdays one of us cooks and the other deals with bathtime/bedtime.
  4. We still have some time for some separate downtime/social time (although most if the weekend is spent doing stuff with the children).
  5. Our children are very busy and energetic. They'd be bored rigid spending more time in the home. Even at weekends we have to take them out twice a day or they are climbing the walls.

6.We love our jobs and the mental stimulation they bring. Happy parents make better parents.(different things make different people happy of course).
7.Can afford the sort if lifestyle we enjoy.
Youcantscaremeihavechildren · 28/03/2016 11:11

We have 2 dc, 6 and 1. I'm a teacher, do 8 -9 hr days but that's constant, no lunch break, no free time as i do as much as I can at work to save bringing it home. I'm out of the house 50 hrs a week, give or take two afternoons a fortnight when I can leave at 1:30, do shopping, collect kids. Term time only. Maybe another hr a night marking/planning, times like this holiday and the next I'll probably do around 2-3 days marking/going into school for revision days. Around 3-4 hrs at the weekend marking etc.
DH does 60 hrs out of the house, 9hr days.

We are lucky as my mum has the kids, plus nursery and after school clubs. They have breakfast there and occasionally dinner if I have to do late nights, about 2-3 a term.

I'm shattered, DH is shattered. Term times feel like a slog with no end in sight, but we live for the holidays. Not the weekends as I'm just trying to catch up on everything still, but I'm hoping as I adjust (only been back since xmas) that'll get easier.
I have done 4 days a week before but I just ended up with less free time during the week and working on my day off. It's still appealing but with the way things are it would be unlikely I'd get part time anyway.
It bloody hard. I sometimes think (usually when I'm going into work after another night of no sleep up with Ds) that it just isn't worth it, if I died tomorrow would I feel that I'd only been counting the hours till the weekend, the holidays...
I get really fed up tbh. But then it does all seem ok again in the holidays after a bit of sleep!

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