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Eating a sausage at toddler class?!

112 replies

Girl33 · 24/06/2015 14:43

I took my son today to a mum and toddler yoga class. All the kids were playing and snacking so my son got peckish. He chose a sausage from his lunchbox and the teacher informed me that meat wasn't allowed in the studio. I was so upset and I couldn't just take it off my son so we left.
Now im home I just feel really shocked and angry. I'm vegetarian but my son isn't, he's only little. Don't really want to go back there now.
Who had ever heard of this before???

OP posts:
Springtimemama · 24/06/2015 23:08

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WhitePhantom · 24/06/2015 23:19

What's the big connection between yoga and vegetarianism that people keep referring to?? The comparisons to pork in a Hindu building are completely baffling me!

And in fairness, if all the other kids were having a snack, why are people hopping of the OP for giving her kid a snack too?

gallicgirl · 24/06/2015 23:29

How the hell is a sausage a choke risk?

I'm assuming that if you're taking the child to a yoga class, they're old enough to sort of follow instructions. Therefore they're also old enough to grip a greasy sausage in their sweaty fist, bite it and chew. Do you seriously cut up sausages for snacks????

Springtimemama · 25/06/2015 06:38

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RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 25/06/2015 06:59

"What's the big connection between yoga and vegetarianism that people keep referring to?"

Yoga is a practice of the Hindu religion.

So is vegetarianism.

I thought people knew this.

Springtimemama · 25/06/2015 07:23

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Springtimemama · 25/06/2015 07:26

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Hoppinggreen · 25/06/2015 08:28

Yanbu to try to feed a sausage to your child as a snack but the ensuing drama is a bit OTT.
You were asked not to do it as the class was vegetarian so " ok, sorry no problem" and then forgetting the whole thing would have been a more reasoned response to being shocked, upset no angry.
Drama over nothing

Floggingmolly · 25/06/2015 08:58

Does it matter that "the majority of Hindus" aren't vegetarian? The one the op encountered obviously was, she told op at the time (doesn't matter that she failed put a sign up to announce the fact in advance) and op over reacted massively to a stupid little non event.
If a class happens to take place over a toddlers lunch time; eat before or after.
This carting lunch boxes everywhere you go no matter what the time of day or how appropriate the venue may be is unecessary nonsense.

Springtimemama · 25/06/2015 10:10

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Springtimemama · 25/06/2015 10:18

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OTheHugeManatee · 25/06/2015 10:22


Just Grin

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