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Eating a sausage at toddler class?!

112 replies

Girl33 · 24/06/2015 14:43

I took my son today to a mum and toddler yoga class. All the kids were playing and snacking so my son got peckish. He chose a sausage from his lunchbox and the teacher informed me that meat wasn't allowed in the studio. I was so upset and I couldn't just take it off my son so we left.
Now im home I just feel really shocked and angry. I'm vegetarian but my son isn't, he's only little. Don't really want to go back there now.
Who had ever heard of this before???

OP posts:
NobodyLivesHere · 24/06/2015 17:24

The instructor might have been a little unreasonable if it wasn't clear sausage wasn't allowed. But you are insanely over reacting!

TheJiminyConjecture · 24/06/2015 17:25

who loses their shit over a cocktail sausage? Grin

I'm kind of hoping that it was a massive Cumberland ring or something now...

WhitePhantom · 24/06/2015 17:26

I must be very thick. I had no idea that yoga had anything to do with vegetarianism!

I think the instructor should have make it clear on signing up that meat isn't allowed, and to allow the little boy to finish what he was eating and explain the rule about meat to the OP. Sound to me like the instructor handled it quite badly.

I'd be upset and embarrassed if I was rebuked like that after making a completely innocent 'faux pas'.

SillyStuffBiting · 24/06/2015 17:27

Yoga doesn't have anything to do with vegetarianism.

Floggingmolly · 24/06/2015 17:29

It's a yoga class, White. The instructor had probably never encountered anyone prepared to fight for their rights to eat a fucking sausage in the middle of a class before. Some things you just assume go without saying...

MitzyLeFrouf · 24/06/2015 17:30

A Cumberland ring.........or maybe a Toulouse sausage.

Eating a sausage at toddler class?!
MayPolist · 24/06/2015 17:34

Why on earth are you upset, shocked and angry? She wasn't criticising you, she was just informing you of the rules.

MitzyLeFrouf · 24/06/2015 17:36

Do reactions always need to be so emotional? Surely unless she was rude it would just be a matter of 'ah okay, I wasn't aware the studio was meat free' and then on with the stretches.

CrystalCove · 24/06/2015 17:38

Actually how did the instructor even know it was meat in the first place, it could have been a Quorn sausage.

Springtimemama · 24/06/2015 17:44

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ShatnersBassoon · 24/06/2015 17:52

I get it. A sausage is more a human right than a snack.

Next week, pretend you're breastfeeding and stow a clandestine charcuterie selection in your bra. Or feed your child before the class.

MitzyLeFrouf · 24/06/2015 17:54

Snacking does seem to be a big thing with toddlers these days.

Springtimemama · 24/06/2015 17:56

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Readingwritingandarithmetic · 24/06/2015 18:10

All sounds a bit over the top to me, it's a sausage! So what, if policy is not to eat or no meat whatever, obv op didn't know, personally I wouldn't have left and got worked up about it! All the toddler groups I've attended always have a little break in the middle for the children to have toast/biscuit and drink, if this was the case for op there should be no need to get the sausages out!

queentroutoftrouts · 24/06/2015 18:18

I would have had no idea either that a yoga building would be vegetarian. I've never actually seen a purpose built yoga building, surely they just hire out a room, if this is the case then how can she enforce vegetarianism in a public building?Confused

HuftysTrain · 24/06/2015 18:21

...who loses their shit over a cocktail sausage?

Grin love this. Sounds like something SJP would be typing at the beginning of an episode of SATC.

00100001 · 24/06/2015 18:30

what makes a sausage so dangerous as PPs have suggested? Confused

formidable · 24/06/2015 18:33

The last thing I want to see at my yoga class is a cocktail sausage.

Or any kind of sausage to be honest. Sausages and yoga don't mix Wink

DonkeyOaty · 24/06/2015 18:33

Sausage esp slices, discs if you like, are the perfect size and shape to lodge in a child's throat. Similar hazard to uncut grapes.

00100001 · 24/06/2015 18:36

OK, but... thousands of sausages are consumed every day, how many toddlers actually choke on them? Do they choke on them more than nay other food? Confused

ShatnersBassoon · 24/06/2015 18:40

They're a bigger choking risk if you eat them while you're running away from a yogi.

AttitcusFinchIsMyFather · 24/06/2015 18:40

This thread is bonkers. And I don't mean the op!


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DocHollywood · 24/06/2015 18:49

There's me thinking that MN had got a bit boring lately and then wham! back in with the AIBU preciousness that on it's own is incredulous, but then, other people come on and...... AGREE WITH THEM!!

chaiselounger · 24/06/2015 18:49

Sausage gate. Only on Mn!!

Ha ha. This thread is fabulous.

IHaveBrilloHair · 24/06/2015 19:06

I've just eaten my tea, but now I want a sausage, a battered one with curry sauce.

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