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To have found Tamsin Grieg slightly mean on Graham Norton

135 replies

Noellefielding · 15/12/2014 12:24

Firstly she looked amazing, if a bit uncomfortable showing that level if Uber oiled flesh... Lordy Tamsin! I mean I have to tip my hat to how fit she is and how buff she looks although it did make me wonder about the maxim after 30 (or is it after 40) Either show arms OR legs not both.

BUT that story she told about her dad saying on his deathbed 'don't let yourself go like your mother did.' I guess is fine if you are an only child but Greig isn't. It seems massively tactless and Lots of people can't keep as buff as Greig at her age for all sorts of different reasons. I was surprised at how unkind she sounded.

OP posts:
CommanderShepard · 15/12/2014 13:16

I don't understand how it would have been fine if she was an only child. Actually I don't understand this post full stop.

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 15/12/2014 13:16

She looks amazing. She clearly works out a lot.

wildfig · 15/12/2014 13:17

So... she was 'slightly mean' for telling an anecdote about her family, but it's fine for you to make snippy comments about the amount of flesh she was showing 'at her age'?

Do you write regularly for the Daily Mail?

OstentatiousBreastfeeder · 15/12/2014 13:19

The punchline was that her mum was there and he was taking the piss, even on his deathbed... She wasn't trying to put anyone down.

And she looked amazing. She shouldn't show both arms and legs after 40? What?

This is a weird thread.

Babbit · 15/12/2014 13:20

Blimey, she is a comedy actress. I expect the story was embellished for comedic effect and for, you know, entertainment.

Sprink · 15/12/2014 13:20

So if you're not as attractive as Nicole Sherzinger, you ought to wear what- a shroud?

GrinXmas GrinGrin

I adore Tamsin Grieg. Big fan of her work. One of the things I admire is her willingness to be involved in projects that dare to be unusual and not pander too much to other people's sensitivities. (Episodes, anyone?)

SaucyJack · 15/12/2014 13:23

I didn't think it was mathematically possible to make Nicole Scherzinger look classy.

TondelayoSchwarzkopf · 15/12/2014 13:23

I'm not sure what the message of the OP is?

Don't use body lotion before appearing on national TV if you're over 30 (or possibly 40)?

It's GOOD to look good for your age as long as you wear sleeves OR a maxi skirt but not either or both.

But it's BAD to be aware that you look good for your age while showing your knees. And calves. While having siblings.

It's BAD to judge a woman if you're dying and related to that woman but it's GOOD to judge a woman if you don't know her from Adam and you're on a public forum?

MonstrousPippin · 15/12/2014 13:24

I guess is fine if you are an only child but Greig isn't

I don't understand this bit. Her father was talking to her about her mother. How does that affect anyone else?

comeagainforbigfudge · 15/12/2014 13:27

I thought the dad story was more a reflection on her dad.

But I'll be honest I was far more annoyed with jude law. He kept on turning his back to her so he could suck up to Jim Carrey.
Or he was slouched and appeared disinterested. Nearly turned it off I was that annoyed.

BaffledSomeMore · 15/12/2014 13:34

Op was pretty unkind.
People who live in glass houses...

Sazzle41 · 15/12/2014 13:54

I've always thought she was slim but rather plain tbh. Really short hair is hard to carry off over 25 I think: it can make you look either a bit mumsy or hard. (a la Denise Welch). Dress was ok i suppose but not particularly flattering. Mean in what way ? What am i missing?

OddFodd · 15/12/2014 14:01

Fucking hell, MN is like a particularly bad day around the DM sidebar of shame sometimes.

fascicle · 15/12/2014 14:27

Blimey, she is a comedy actress. I expect the story was embellished for comedic effect and for, you know, entertainment.

I agree.

Chippednailvarnish · 15/12/2014 14:31

She looked great and came across as clever, witty and confident.

UsedtobeFeckless · 15/12/2014 15:06

For Black Books alone I could forgive her anything! Possibly it was, you know ... Humour? What with her being a comedy actress and that? Also who the hell cares if you could see her knees and her elbows ... What are you - the Taliban? Confused

UsedtobeFeckless · 15/12/2014 15:08

Disclaimer - I didn't actually see it so she might have been awful ... Blush

Nancy66 · 15/12/2014 15:23

she was wearing a very chic cocktail dress.

CheeseBuster · 15/12/2014 15:28

OP you sound mean. Tamsin is funny.

TheChandler · 15/12/2014 17:15

Its amazing what people will notice and criticise on.

OP - you sound very jealous.

She was wearing a cocktail dress. On an evening chat show. Not conducting a business meeting. Entirely appropriately dressed.

She was doing what comedians do, turning real life situations, even sad ones, into humour, with a bit of reality thrown in.

HatieKokpins · 15/12/2014 17:20

I genuinely do not understand what the actual fuck the OP is on about.

AlphaBravoHenryFoxtons · 15/12/2014 17:24

She looked very uncomfortable. The dress was a bit 'Look at my sticky outy clavicles' for me. She didn't come across at all well to my mind. I thought the comment about her mother was horrible.


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AlphaBravoHenryFoxtons · 15/12/2014 17:27

I thought she looked self-conscious.

PinkSquash · 15/12/2014 17:27

I just Googled, her outfit wasn't awful at all, it looked nice and suited her. I wish I was as buff as she is.

Scottishcrumpets · 15/12/2014 17:30

I wasn't struck on her outfit, despite her figure it seemed too much flesh on show. think I'm getting old

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